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Friday, January 4, 2019


To January 1st, 2020









50 years of friendship always calls for celebration I suppose. Family time is always precious time, and even if we didn’t choose our family, we can choose our friends, an extended family matter.   

The 4th Day of 2019:

50 years of Friendship that calls to celebrate.  

Ayumi and Kiko, best friends since the day they were born. They played in the streets where they stand for their houses side to side. New Year in Japan, we visit relatives the first 3 or 5 days of the year. As we came to Ayumi’s grandmother’s house, we stumble on her best friend Kiko, living still next door, in her return from shopping. Good timing. I took the opportunity to take a few photos of that moment. So it is an easy blog and not much on my mind except a year of excitement coming up and lots to achieve ahead. The warmth of the grandparents house made even more thoughtful of the future of our generation and that by itself was a beautiful day of realizations. We are all in it together, regardless the part of the world we are from, we are all simply living in search of celebrating life by the virtue of the legacy we leave to the generation behind. I am preparing for tomorrow but I am enjoying every bit of these family moments, just as you are.  

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