+81 (0) 3 3216 7176
Event Organization

Marine Foundation is the World’s Largest Event Organization on Earth

Marine Foundation’s management structure is characterized by the sophisticated set up of Event and Network organizations, which make the foundation a brand target for media & sponsors. Based on such concept, the fundraising revenues can result in the proceedings from annual international events and social & corporate membership platforms.

Festivals Listing

The Annual Ban­quet of Ambassadors

African Culture Celebration Festival

Celeb Women & Lead­er­ship

The Inter­na­tional Chil­dren Art Festivals

Super­stars Inter­na­tional Drive

Korean His­tory Day & Cel­e­bra­tion Show

Chi­nese Arts & Cul­ture Celebration

World Orches­tras Challenge

Music Award Festival

Ulti­mate Jazz & Blues Festival

5 Ocean Supreme Doc­u­men­tary Film Award

Inter­na­tional Newscaster Recog­ni­tion Award

Symposiums Listing

Inter­na­tional Child Pro­tec­tion Symposium

World Food Basket Forum (South Africa)

Inter­na­tional High­way Symposium

Fish Farm­ing & Fish Pow­der Symposium

World Faiths Peace Gathering

Solar & Hydrogen Tech­nolo­gies Symposium

Tech­nolo­gies for Dis­tant Edu­ca­tion

Royalty’s Youth World Leadership Meet

The Math­e­mat­ics of Heaven & Earth




Exhibitions Listing

Yacht Dis­cov­ery Annual Expo

Water Energies & Tech­nolo­gies Exhibit

New Cur­ricu­lum & Learn­ing Strate­gies

Exhibit Cos­me­tol­ogy & Aes­thetic Beauty Fair

The Inter­na­tional Fish­er­man Fair

World Naval Demon­stra­tion & Ocean Exhibit

World Bank­ing Exchange & Expo

Hos­pi­tal­ity & Travel World Expo

World Horses Montebise Exhibit

Montebise Horses Exhibit

Challenges Listing

Junior Yacht Peace Cup Racing

The Amaz­ing Jules Verne Marine Race

The Fish­er­man Tournament

The Great Columbus Celes­tial Challenge

The Montebise Castle Derby

The Best Horseman Festival

Montebise Equestrial Show

The Montebise Spring Marathon

The Grand Marine Cup

Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do. – Walt Disney

Chairwoman of Events: Our Purpose

Chairwoman of Events at the Marine Foundation

The purpose of international events organized by the Marine Foundation can vary depending on their specific objectives and focus areas. However, these events generally aim to address and promote various aspects of conservation, sustainability, research, and education on a global scale. Some everyday purposes of these events may include:

Awareness and Advocacy: International events at the Marine Foundation often serve as platforms to raise awareness about critical human-environmental and social issues. They provide opportunities to highlight the importance of morality and sustainability and encourage individuals, organizations, and governments to take action.

Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration: These events unite experts, scientists, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders worldwide. They provide a platform for knowledge exchange, sharing of best practices, and collaboration on research, conservation strategies, and policy development. Through these interactions, participants can learn from each other, discuss challenges, and work towards innovative solutions.

Policy and Decision-Making: International events at the Marine Foundation can influence policy and decision-making processes at various levels. They provide a platform for discussions and debates on crucial issues related to marine conservation, which can inform the development of policies and strategies at local, national, and international levels. The events may also serve as opportunities to engage policymakers and advocate for effective measures to protect and sustainably manage world resources.

Capacity Building and Education: These events often include workshops, training sessions, and educational programs aimed at building the capacity of participants in various aspects of development. They focus on sharing scientific knowledge, technical skills, and practical tools to enable individuals and organizations to contribute effectively to protecting our humanity.

Networking and Partnerships: International events foster networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with like-minded individuals, organizations, and potential partners. These connections can lead to collaborations on projects, funding opportunities, and sharing resources and expertise, ultimately strengthening collective efforts toward our restoration goals.

International events at the Marine Foundation aim to create a global platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and action to protect and preserve the world’s oceans and nature’s ecosystems.

Events and the Cultures of the Five Oceans and Seas.

While the primary focus of the Marine Foundation may revolve around ecological conservation and sustainability, it is possible for the organization also to celebrate cultures as part of its events. Incorporating cultural elements helps foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse communities with a solid connection to the marine environment. Here are some ways in which the Marine Foundation celebrates cultures:

1. Cultural Performances: Events can include cultural performances such as music, dance, and theater that showcase different cultures’ traditions and artistic expressions. These performances can highlight the ocean’s cultural significance and role in shaping communities’ identities worldwide.

2. Art Exhibitions: The Marine Foundation can organize art exhibitions featuring works by local and international artists that explore the relationship between culture and the marine environment. This includes paintings, sculptures, installations, and other forms of artistic expression that reflect cultural values and perspectives.

3. Culinary Experiences: Food is an integral part of any culture, and events can incorporate culinary experiences that celebrate the diverse cuisines and traditional dishes associated with coastal communities. Cooking demonstrations, food tastings, or hosting local food vendors can allow attendees to experience different flavors and culinary traditions.

4. Traditional Crafts and Workshops: Events can offer workshops or demonstrations where attendees can learn traditional crafts or skills related to the marine environment. This includes activities such as boat building, net weaving, traditional fishing techniques, or even traditional textile dyeing using natural marine-based pigments.

5. Cultural Exhibits and Displays: The Marine Foundation will set up exhibits and displays that provide insights into coastal communities’ cultural heritage, traditions, and practices. This could include showcasing traditional fishing tools, artifacts, clothing, or storytelling sessions where elders or community members share their cultural knowledge and stories about the sea.

By incorporating cultural celebrations into their events, the Marine Foundation can promote cultural diversity, encourage cross-cultural understanding, and emphasize the interconnectedness between culture, communities, and the marine environment.

First Ambassadors Banquet

This is a trial version of the Banquet of Ambassadors. 100 Japanese women wearing kimonos and red carpet reception etc. At this particular event the presence of 10 ambassadors and diplomats. It shows the potential of the First Official Banquet of Ambassadors in January 2021.

Tokyo Regional Event Committee
Coming soon

International Annual Events

Purpose for a MarineF Event

Brand Incentive

Promotional Tool

All Inter­na­tional Events posted on this website are designed, created & engineered by Marine Foun­da­tion’s membership. This helps us con­duct­ smooth pub­lic rela­tions in the sup­port­ of projects that need the voice of the people. Events are entertaining because they inform. The Marine Foundation believes that information is education and, therefore, needs to create an environment where people meet constantly.

Unifying Spirit

Cultivating the Mind

The human spirit craves reunion where beauty and respect promote understanding and entice people to want to transcend national or cultural boundaries. Divided into four categories, these events are entertaining while seeking bet­ter­ment in social communication, using educational themes and inspirational discoveries. For peaceful, long-lasting relations, people should meet as often as possible.

Economic Recovery

Economic Booster

When people meet, they are allowed to learn, observe and get new ideas on any development. Whether a neighborhood, village, city, region, or nation, a gathering will fill places in hotels, restaurants, and shops. The Marine Foundation is creating ways for people to celebrate daily through the conception of events that reach the interest of small or large crowds.

International Event Committee
Coming soon