+81 (0) 3 3216 7176

Welcome to the Americas – UAN – Board of The Club of All Nations – Americas

UAN consists of American countries, including the Carraibe, united in pursuing economic and educational advancement, guided by the Marine Foundation’s principles. The Foundation’s strategy for sustainable growth combines public relations with communication networks to foster regional development. Recognizing the importance of interconnectedness and non-political collaboration, this approach could transform educational systems, including methods for enhancing tourism and attracting investment. The Marine Foundation, a complex creation of five ministries focused on diligent concept development, provides all the necessary resources to rapidly boost a nation’s economy by gaining international recognition in trade and finance.

“Global Public Relations and Multimedia Strategies for Economic Growth in The America and Beyond”

Marine Foundation International – USA

“AUN is an Organization Member of the United Five Oceans – U5O – Confederation”

Founder & Executive Chairman -The Marine Foundation
Chief Concept Architect
World Headquarters: Tokyo Japan

I’ve never encountered anyone as devoted as my mother. Speaking for children everywhere, our mothers mean the world to us. My mother guided me on an exciting journey, prioritizing our safety and joy. Mother Jeanine left a lasting impression by teaching me to treat everyone as my siblings. Her words still echo, “One day, you will nurture our homeland.” Then, a wise mentor arrived, proclaiming that unity among tribes could bring the world together. Our diverse cultures and locations enrich our earthly existence, like the ever-changing hues from dawn to dusk. The miracle of birth underscores the splendor of life here. If we could truly understand the biological connections we share from birth, originating in the mother’s womb, we would realize that science aims to impart vast knowledge, affirming that life’s essence is rooted in love.