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Monday, December 31, 2018


To January 1st, 2019









I am grateful for the many who have come along and I am grateful for every little things that has happened to make this journey a greater journey each day of year 2018. Eastern Skies report: a message for the next 2019.  

Eastern Skies:

This year I have been blessed with a special star. Creation is a teacher and part of our body structure, therefore, we connect to the universe easily just by thinking about it. When people come together under the term the creation has set to propose for the happiness of all, then, of course, we become guided by our surrounding, even unnoticeable. If we could remember each day based on an observation of the beauty that surrounds us, we would, of course, understand that nothing in this world is possible to conceive without the help of nature. I found out this year that the “Love” we search for, the true love that exists since the beginning of time has been impregnated in everything that we see, touch, smell or eat. That energy we call by the law of physics the equation of relations between plus and minus poles, masculinity and femininity, is governed by a force that is indescribable by the eyes or the mathematics as we know them. Everything that runs into thoughts and spirit and soul does not need the earth’s physics to exist but it needs to grow, out of the human mind through the physical reality of time. We are therefore blessed to be in the resemblance of something or someone that has thought of all before us, as to the experience of feeling joy and completion through our daily communications. What a world!

The Eastern skies have come to me to resemble time at its most majestic journey of discovery. I have on earth a life of goodness and lucky that I have been blessed with enough wisdom to trace a path for myself. But that is the case of all of us I suppose. However, I must say that billions were not born in the same good conditions and children are suffering everywhere. The demented practice of corrupted thoughts has conditioned our societies with much suffering and pain. That is where problems have risen from the start of history. Religions will do their best to explain the version of the story of human societies, but understanding the root of what we call “evil” cannot just merely solve the problems of the world. For that reason, I have been guided to think that it is in the discovery of the beautiful natural world we live in, that we might find the answers to life’s most important questions and one of them the “purpose of it all”. For example the star that I followed for so many years in questions and guidance, has finally substantial in the heart of my quest for happiness through the eyes of humanity itself. Aren’t we satisfy of “Today” is that day brings comfort, beauty and peace? Of course, we do live a life of duty to the fact that we must survive through the gain of money. But wouldn’t that be a great motivator, to live a life of service to others, knowing that in return a profitable gain is made available through money. Yes we all get a job and most of us go to school with the idea that getting a job will be the ever stability of our life an earth and it’s true we can’t really live properly without thinking about that.

The Eastern skies came suddenly saying that there is work for all and no one should be poor, regardless of geographical background. It is like there is a force of the night and a force of the day that when brought together, and you are there to witness the phenomenon, all the answers come pilling up logically, right in front of eyes, and the goodness that you thought existed only in the fairy tales, actually do exist in the midst of our reality. “… and They lived happily ever after…” Just before living happily there has to be a learning curve to make the life as we know a happy departure to the next. Just like there has to be a stream of purposes and communications before people gather to celebrate. “Celebration” has always been a favorite word of mine. I came to understand that there are no celebrations without results. And so yes since result is prompt to exist by the same principle that made up the existence of our world: “Cause and Effect” – When there is a cause, there is an effect. The act of living each day with the thought of producing something that calls for a celebration, is the act of creation itself. Celebrating is a moment that could last for days and you would never be tired of it. It might mean that life into the next, might just be a constant state of celebrating what has resulted in goodness throughout our very life here on earth.

How important is 365 days of the year? One will never know unless one has a plan for fulfillment. Each day being said as precious as all the gold of the world, and we would never trade living one more day of discovery for the all the wealth of the world. For example, one billionaires approaches you and would give you 1 billion dollars if you just would stay in a closed room for the last year of your life. Would you choose the money? Of course not. But in reverse a parent would sacrifice everything for a child, for the sake of love, even if it meant one’s life. That is because indeed, living for the sake of others is the ultimate adrenaline when it comes to “final result” anyone is especially looking in the satisfaction of giving. How can one day make a difference then? It is just a question of habit and discipline and that’s why education becomes important. “Education” is my second favorite words after “celebration”. Education is the act of sustaining a life of results so that there can be celebration at the end, or the happy ending. Education is just an act of letting the conscience express itself and guide us in the direction we wish to go, to reach at the end the same common happy goal.

I looked in the eyes of the Eastern Skies in 2018 and I discover that nothing is too good to be true. Anything that is good is usually true. Therefore if you dream of doing something that means goodness to others, for 2019, then you will have achieved all the result you expected and beyond. The fulfillment of you is written in the eyes of the person you would have decided to love, in the things you have decided to build, and in the celebration that each day will carry, for the rest of your life, if you just commit your body to follow the rules of what your conscience so clearly instruct. Our real happiness depends only on our decisions to open up, and when we do so, I suppose, we become like the Creator, and what’s to say what is in the next life? Therefore, I’ll treat 2019 as the next life, nothing less and nothing more than each 365 days that there is to live before 2020. Happy New Year, Happy New Life, Happy New Results and may we all celebrate together each time we have discovered that love is present in every action we make and every word that we speak.