Saturday, February 2, 2019
To January 1st, 2020
The General Benefits of receiving the Green Certificate.
The benefits of receiving the Green Certificate for a corporation of our modern times is invaluable to understand. This is the age of recognition through good standard, good relations and moral ethics. Communications have developed in a way where we can send mass messages to the world in a matter of seconds. Everything can be marketed through simple IT organization these days. The Marine Foundation has engineered a way to get all the corporations of the world to support the development of humanities through serving as models to growing economies. With such a system in place, one company can PR its integrity to the world through a behavior that shows absolute respect to the market it targets. The commitment alone to being a corporation that stands out with principle of absolute commitment to the distribution of good products and services, is enough to promote a word-of-mouth that has the domino effect of attracting crowds of loyal customers.
1 – It is free to receive. Beautiful plaque and a content frame.
2 – Rights to join in Label Sponsorship & Membership.
3 – Adjustable fees according to the size of the organization.
4 – Affordable promotional tools according to the size of the organization.
5 – open to anyone regardless of the size of business or financial status.
6 – Be on the wall of “Corporate Fame” on the “Certificate Listing Page”.
7 – Referred to as a “Good”, “Bright” and “Clean” organization.
8 – Your organization is visited through the “Green” corporate page.
9 – Invitation to participate in all events of the Marine Foundation.
10 – Invitation to figure into multimedia promotional materials.
11 – Be respected for your support for education and children.