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Live Association

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another and the earth environment. This International, interracial, intercultural and Inter-religious platform with its unified protocol of “Absolute Respect”, will make ways for conscientious peace and protection in the divided societies in which we live. GCLA will introduce the advent for large international events with educational initiatives made specifically to promote life, all colors, all cultures, and faiths.

You can be registered now with the first 1000 GCLA members. After that, you are given a position as a Premium Member with benefits privileges, including opportunities with work, seminars, reunions, travel, training, volunteerism, etc. Don’t forget to write your country where the database will automatically reserve your name.

The Teachings of Respect for Life & Environment, and the Knowledge of all Cultures, as Core Education to All
The Duality of Life’s Greatest Motivators: Education and Celebration
Without the prospect of being educated or entertained in celebration, social or business life, often results in boredom. The purpose of GCLA is to promote the essence of “happy living” and give each individual a sense of belonging. It will be place where vital contents for permanent growth can be constantly delivered, and all within one global social pragmatically communicating  platform. Platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn, don’t initially exist as tools to fix economic or relation problems, and wherever its members reside, people just basically wave at each other. The need to become active with one’s networks, in ways that can literally enhance knowledge of oneself, and others, is imminent and vital in a shrinking modern world. GCLA’s propose to engage directly in the creation of live interactive communities, where a nation’s local economy would tangibly benefit, and where a universal media would deliver a message to sustain beyond nations’ borders. In great part, and in the many sophisticated ways it is delivered, the message would prompt anyone to learn to adopting uncompromisingly to the protection of human life and environment, through a new absolute protocol of respect for one another. Wouldn’t that be ground enough for “Global Citizenship” status?

GCLA with MICC venues

GCLA is The world free membership platform of the Marine Foundation

Synergies with GCLA Platform & MICC Venues

GCLA:  Global Citizens Live Association / MICC: Marine International Community Centers

The overall idea: GCLA is set to have members match with Marine Community Centers in all 240 countries of the world. This global membership platform will be connected to the Wikinations s’business and educational portal.

When a region, in any country has reached a sufficient quota of members, accordingly to its demographic calculation within a city or community, it will systematically be sponsored a MCC facility (Marine Community Center).

The financial management of MCC facilities will be covered by sponsorship offered by surrounding large or small businesses, added corporate members of Wikinations in exchange for a direct exposure to the market surrounding a particular center.

GCLA members will also naturally identify these corporations from within its platform tied up directly with Wikinations, which presents an attractive educational and business communication platform.

Wikinations together with MIC centers, will be central to serving members around the world, in the discovery of business opportunities, and for corporations in their live direct communication with new markets and new consumers.

MICC / Cultural Communication Centers

Marine International Communication Communities (Cultural Centers with Educational & Entertainment Purposes)

The social media of GCLA will help promote peace and cooperation anywhere in the world. We call it a 3D social media platform where people actually meet in real time through an online membership (GCLA) and physical venues (MCC). Business members of large or small companies registered with the Wikinations portal (International Chamber of Commerce and Cultural Relations), will have the privilege of direct exposure to both the online and live community platforms of the Marine Foundation.


The World Business & Tourism Network of the Marine Foundation

To provide our Global Citizens and the Membership of the Marine Foundation, the best information reference on countries and cultures, we have created a new educational platform call Wikinations. It is indeed the business, tourism, and information network of the Marine Foundation and catered to serve members across all platforms, anywhere in the world. The integrated program “Color My World”, specifically designed for children, is an incentive to help societies adhere to the learning of cultures and nations beyond their own borders.