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You Have Been Warned If You Did Not Believe It

The Combination of a Central Bank, a Federation of All Nations, and a Global Foundation

The Marine Foundation is a beacon of hope and progress for little people, embodying a grand vision that transcends traditional boundaries. It is the vital component of an expansive platform that includes a Federation of Nations, a World Bank, and its own foundation structured to nurture and implement impactful societal projects for the well-being of communities across the globe.


The idea of a global governance structure combining a central bank, a federation of all nations, and an international foundation may once have seemed like a utopian dream. However, the emergence of the Marine Foundation has brought this vision closer to reality. This article explores the transformative potential of this unique combination, shedding light on how it aims to redefine global governance, economic stability, and societal well-being.

Harmonious Convergence of Banking and National Cooperation

The Marine Foundation’s initiative symbolizes the harmonious convergence of banking prowess and national cooperation, orchestrated through a visionary geopolitical strategy that can only be described as heavenly. This grand vision is dedicated to promoting and uplifting the leadership of Indigenous peoples and First Nations worldwide, embracing the rich cultural tapestry of all African kingdoms and tribes. (An overall Grand Leader has been chosen)

One of the most remarkable aspects of the bank is its ability to bring together the worlds of banking and national cooperation harmoniously and synergistically. This convergence is not merely a strategic maneuver, but a visionary geopolitical strategy that seeks to leverage the strengths of both sectors for the greater good.

The Role of a Central Bank

Central to the Marine Foundation’s vision is the establishment of a world bank. This World Bank serves as the financial backbone for the implementation of projects that have a profound impact on society. By providing financial resources and support, the central bank empowers nations to undertake initiatives that prioritize the well-being of their communities.

The Leader of this bank with developers and financial architects behind this initiative have successfully crafted a banking system that is unparalleled in its scope and impact. This system is designed to empower every nation, providing them with the tools and resources needed to achieve unprecedented levels of economic stability and growth. The foundation’s approach to economic development is grounded in the belief that prosperity is a key driver of peace. By fostering economic stability and growth, the Marine Foundation aims to be the co-creator of a world where conflicts are minimized, and communities can thrive in an environment of harmony and cooperation.

The Federation of Nations

The Marine Foundation’s vision is expansive, encompassing a federation of nations that work together towards common goals. This collaborative approach is bolstered by the establishment of a world bank, which serves as a financial backbone for the implementation of projects that have a profound impact on society. By nurturing and supporting initiatives that prioritize the well-being of communities, the Marine Foundation aims to create a ripple effect of positive change that transcends borders and reaches every corner of the globe.

The foundation’s commitment to promoting and uplifting the leadership of indigenous peoples and First Nations is a testament to its dedication to inclusivity and cultural diversity. By recognizing and embracing the rich cultural heritage of African kingdoms and tribes, the Marine Foundation ensures that its initiatives are deeply rooted in the values and traditions of the communities it serves.

The Global Foundation

At its core, the Marine Foundation is more than just an organization; it is a movement that seeks to address the pressing challenges of our time through innovative and inclusive solutions. It recognizes that the path to sustainable development and global harmony lies in empowering communities and promoting inclusive growth.

The driving force behind the Marine Foundation is its visionary leadership and dedicated team. Their unwavering commitment to the foundation’s mission has created a unifying governance model prioritizing absolute morality and common-sense development. This model is designed to be people-centric, focusing on the needs and aspirations of individuals rather than existing governmental structures.

The foundation’s innovative approach to governance reflects its belief that true prosperity and peace can only be achieved through empowering individuals and communities. By placing people at the center of its development strategies, the Marine Foundation is redefining what it means to achieve prosperity in the 21st century with the true association of a World Development Bank and its Federation.

A Paradigm Shift in Global Governance

The combination of a central bank, a federation of nations, and a global foundation represents a paradigm shift in global governance. This integrated approach challenges the traditional notions of how economies and societies are managed, offering a new model prioritizing collaboration, inclusivity, and sustainability.

The Marine Foundation’s efforts are poised to usher in a new economic stability and prosperity era. By fostering financial stability and growth, the Marine Foundation aims to support the creation of  a world where conflicts are minimized, and communities can thrive in harmony and cooperation.

The Road Ahead

As the Marine Foundation continues to grow and expand its reach, it remains steadfast in its commitment to its core values and mission. The foundation’s work is far from complete, and many challenges lie ahead. However, with its visionary leadership, innovative governance model, and unwavering dedication to the well-being of communities, the Marine Foundation is well-equipped to navigate these challenges and continue its journey toward creating a better world for all.

The Marine Foundation represents a bold and ambitious vision for the future. It is a movement that seeks to redefine what is possible and create a world where prosperity and peace are not just aspirations but realities for all. Through its innovative approach and unwavering commitment, the Marine Foundation is paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone.


Combining a central bank, a federation of all nations, and a global foundation represents a revolutionary approach to global governance and economic development. The Marine Foundation stands as a testament to what can be achieved when vision, commitment, and unity converge for the greater good of humanity. Its initiatives reflect the belief that progress can only be achieved through collective effort and a shared commitment to the well-being of all.

In a world where economy and prosperity foster peace, the Marine Foundation offers a glimpse into a future where collaboration, inclusivity, and sustainability are the cornerstones of global governance. You have been warned if you did not believe it—this visionary approach has the potential to transform our world for the better, creating a legacy of prosperity and peace for generations to come. Praise be the Development World Bank and the amazing new Federation.

Divine Appointment

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The leadership appointments within the Marine Foundation and its associated structures are distinguished from conventional leadership selections by several unique aspects:

Divine Appointment:

Heaven’s Will: Unlike traditional leadership roles, which are often determined by human decision-making processes such as elections, qualifications, or experience, the Marine Foundation believes their leaders are appointed by divine will. This spiritual aspect infuses a sense of destiny and higher purpose into their leadership.

Moral and Ethical Framework:

Righteous Heart: Leaders are chosen based on their moral integrity and righteousness. The Foundation prioritizes leaders who exhibit common sense and a righteous heart, rather than those driven by ego or personal ambition.

Providential Fate:

Predestination: The concept of providential fate implies that leaders are predestined to guide the Foundation. This belief suggests that their roles are part of a larger, divine plan, rather than merely the result of human selection processes.

Inclusive and Global Vision:

For the People: The Foundation’s leadership is focused on creating a global platform that benefits all people, distinguishing itself from conventional leadership that may prioritize specific national or corporate interests.

Responsibility and Expertise:

Field of Expertise: Leaders are expected to take responsibility within their own fields of expertise, contributing to the Foundation’s mission in ways that align with their skills and knowledge. This approach ensures that leadership is both purposeful and effective.

Evolution and Support:

Support from Diverse Sectors: The Foundation’s leadership is supported by a broad coalition, including financial leaders and Free Native Nations. This diverse support base highlights the collaborative and inclusive nature of their leadership model.

Common Sense Approach:

Practical Wisdom: The emphasis on common sense indicates a practical, down-to-earth approach to leadership, focusing on pragmatic solutions and ethical decision-making.

Platform for Individual Shine:

Empowerment: The Foundation aims to provide a platform where everyone can shine in their own right. This contrasts with conventional leadership, which may not always prioritize the empowerment of the wider community.

In summary, the Marine Foundation’s leadership appointments are characterized by their spiritual foundation, ethical considerations, inclusivity, and a strong sense of collective responsibility. This approach aims to create a transformative and equitable impact on a global scale.