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Erasing the Term ‘Slave’ from Our Vocabulary

Reclaiming Dignity: From ‘Slave’ to ‘Warrior’

I hereby declare that the term ‘slave’ shall be replaced with ‘warrior.’ The captured people of Africa were subjected to historical human trafficking perpetrated by ignorant and barbaric oppressors. Consequently, the terms ‘slave’ and ‘slavery’ are hereby expunged from the cultural lexicon of all 54 African nations. Upon assuming authority, I will enact this legislation as a symbol of the continent’s resurgence, honoring Africa as the cradle of humanity.


The lexicon of history is not merely a collection of words, but a reflection of the experiences, struggles, and resilience of people. The term ‘slave,’ with its dehumanizing connotations, has long been a stark reminder of a dark chapter in human history, particularly for the people of Africa. This dissertation proposes a linguistic and cultural shift, replacing ‘slave’ with ‘warrior,’ to honor the strength and resilience of the African ancestors who were subjected to the atrocities of human trafficking.

Historical Context:

The transatlantic slave trade was a tragic episode that saw millions of Africans forcibly removed from their homelands and subjected to unimaginable suffering. These individuals were not mere passive victims; they were warriors who resisted, survived, and preserved their dignity against all odds. By acknowledging them as warriors, we recognize their strength and courage in the face of barbaric oppression.

Linguistic Reclamation:

Language is a powerful tool for shaping perceptions and attitudes. The term ‘slave’ carries with it a legacy of subjugation and dehumanization. By replacing it with ‘warrior,’ we shift the narrative from victimhood to valor, from subjugation to strength. This linguistic reclamation is a step towards healing the wounds of the past and empowering future generations.

Cultural and Legislative Implications:

The proposed change is not merely symbolic; it has profound cultural and legislative implications. By expunging ‘slave’ and ‘slavery’ from the cultural lexicon of all 54 African nations, we foster a sense of pride and dignity among the descendants of those who suffered. Enacting this legislation will be a testament to the continent’s commitment to acknowledging the truth of its history and honoring the resilience of its people.


The transition from ‘slave’ to ‘warrior’ is more than a mere change of terminology; it is a profound act of reclamation and respect. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the African ancestors who, despite the horrors of human trafficking, emerged as warriors. By making this linguistic shift, we pave the way for a future where the legacy of Africa’s past is honored, and its people are recognized for their strength and resilience.

In a resolute stand against the shadows of our past, I affirm that the word ‘slave’ shall henceforth be replaced with ‘warrior’ to honor the resilience and spirit of the captured people of Africa. These individuals were not mere chattel but victims of a historical atrocity—human trafficking—perpetrated by those who, in their ignorance and savagery, sought to diminish the dignity of an entire race.

The terms ‘slave’ and ‘slavery’ have long cast a dark pall over our collective memory, reducing the multifaceted experiences of our ancestors to a single, dehumanizing narrative. Such language no longer has a place in the cultural dictionary of Africa’s 54 sovereign nations. It is time to reclaim our history and reframe our story with words that speak to the strength and endurance of our people.

Upon ascending to a position of leadership, I pledge to enshrine this change in our legal framework. This legislative act will serve as a beacon of hope and a symbol of the revival of our continent. It will stand as a testament to Africa’s resilience and its rightful place as the motherland of the world, the birthplace of civilization. Let this be a cornerstone in our journey towards healing and empowerment, as we stride forward into a future where our language reflects our true legacy: that of warriors, survivors, and architects of our destiny.

Tomeo Motto-RDG / Executive Chairman of the Marine Foundation Global

Providence in the Making:

The Warrior’s Liberation in Liberia

The 10 Key Points of Providence for Starting Anew in Liberia

1 – History of Independence:

Liberia is unique among African countries as it is the only country on the continent that was founded and colonized by freed African-American Warriors. This rich historical background sets Liberia apart from other nations in Africa. The history of Liberia stands as a beacon of independence and resilience on the African continent. Uniquely, it is the only nation founded and colonized by freed African-American Warriors, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who sought a new beginning. This remarkable genesis imbues Liberia with a distinct identity, distinguishing it from its African counterparts.

In the early 19th century, Liberia emerged as a symbol of hope and liberty, a land where former Warriors could forge their destiny and embrace self-determination. The establishment of this new republic was a monumental achievement, showcasing the triumph of human will over the shackles of oppression and human trafficking from the invading barbaric regimes.

Liberia’s founding is not merely a historical footnote; it is a legacy that continues to shape its culture, values, and aspirations. The nation’s rich heritage is a source of pride and inspiration, reminding Liberians and the world of the power of unity and the pursuit of freedom.

As Liberia continues to evolve, its history of independence serves as a foundation for its ongoing journey towards progress and prosperity. The spirit of its founders resonates in the hearts of its people, driving them forward with a sense of purpose and a vision for a brighter future.

2 – Political Stability:

Despite facing challenges in the past, Liberia has made significant strides in achieving political stability. The country successfully transitioned from a long period of civil war to democratic governance, making it a unique example of resilience and progress in Africa.

Political stability is a cornerstone of Liberia’s journey towards peace and prosperity. Despite the hurdles of its turbulent past, the nation has demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination in its pursuit of stable governance. The successful transition from a prolonged civil war to a democratic system stands as a testament to Liberia’s commitment to progress and its unique role as a beacon of hope in Africa.

This transformation was not merely a change in governance but a profound shift in the national psyche. Liberians, united by a shared vision for a better future, embraced the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. The peaceful conduct of elections and the smooth transfer of power are clear indicators of the country’s growing political maturity.

The strides made in political stability have also laid the groundwork for social and economic development. Investors and international partners are increasingly recognizing Liberia as a promising destination for collaboration, drawn by its improving governance and potential for growth.

As Liberia continues to build on its achievements, the story of its political stability serves as a source of inspiration. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, a nation can emerge stronger and more unified, ready to chart a course towards a brighter and more stable future.

3 – Flag and Motto:

Liberia’s flag features 11 alternating red and white stripes, symbolizing the signatories of the Declaration of Independence. It also prominently displays a blue square with a white star in the canton, representing Liberia as the first African republic to gain independence. The national motto, “The love of liberty brought us here,” reflects the unique journey of freed slaves who sought freedom and liberty in Africa.

Liberia’s flag and motto are deeply emblematic of the nation’s rich history and enduring values. The flag pays homage to the courageous signatories of the Liberian Declaration of Independence, a group of individuals who laid the foundation for the nation’s sovereignty. The blue square with a white star in the canton shines as a beacon of hope, symbolizing Liberia’s status as the first African republic to gain independence, a landmark achievement in the continent’s history.

The national motto, “The love of liberty brought us here,” is a poignant reminder of the country’s origins. It encapsulates the aspirations of the freed African-American Warriors who journeyed across the ocean in search of a land where they could live freely and self-govern. This motto is not just a historical reference; it is a living testament to the resilience and determination of the Liberian people. It embodies their enduring commitment to freedom, equality, and the pursuit of a better life.

Together, the flag and motto serve as sources of pride and inspiration for all Liberians. They are symbols of the nation’s unique heritage, its struggles for independence, and its ongoing quest for peace and prosperity. As Liberia continues to evolve, these emblems remain a constant reminder of the values that have shaped its past and will continue to guide its future.

4 – Official Language:

Liberia is the only country in Africa where English is the official language, which sets it apart from most other nations on the continent. This linguistic advantage has helped Liberia build stronger ties with English-speaking countries and facilitate international communication.

Liberia’s distinction as the only African country with English as its official language is a unique characteristic that offers several advantages. This linguistic attribute not only sets Liberia apart from other nations on the continent but also provides a significant bridge to the global community.

The use of English as the official language has facilitated stronger connections with other English-speaking countries, fostering diplomatic relations, trade partnerships, and cultural exchanges. It has also enhanced Liberia’s international presence, allowing it to actively participate in global forums, negotiations, and collaborations with ease.

Moreover, English as a lingua franca enables Liberians to access a vast array of educational resources, research, and technological advancements, contributing to the country’s development and modernization. It opens doors for Liberian students and professionals to study and work abroad, bringing back valuable skills and knowledge to their homeland.

In the realm of tourism, the commonality of the English language makes Liberia an attractive destination for English-speaking tourists, promoting cultural exchange and economic growth through the tourism industry.

Overall, Liberia’s official language is a strategic asset that enhances its global connectivity, promotes educational and economic opportunities, and strengthens its position as a vibrant and progressive nation on the African continent.

5 – Role in Pan-Africanism:

Liberia has played a significant role in the Pan-African movement. It was one of the founding members of the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union) and has actively participated in various pan-African initiatives. Liberia’s involvement in promoting unity and cooperation among African nations is a distinguishing feature.

Liberia’s contributions to Pan-Africanism are a testament to its leadership and commitment to the collective progress of the African continent. As one of the founding members of the Organization of African Unity, now known as the African Union, Liberia has been at the forefront of efforts to foster solidarity and collaboration among African nations.

Throughout its history, Liberia has been an active participant in various Pan-African initiatives, advocating for political liberation, economic empowerment, and cultural integration across the continent. The nation’s dedication to these principles has not only strengthened its own national identity but has also contributed to the broader vision of a united and prosperous Africa.

Liberia’s role in Pan-Africanism is a reflection of its historical significance as a beacon of freedom and independence. The nation’s involvement in the movement highlights its enduring commitment to the ideals of African unity and self-determination. As the continent continues to navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Liberia’s legacy and ongoing contributions to Pan-Africanism remain a source of inspiration and a model for cooperative development.

6 – Unique Governance System:

Liberia has a system of government known as a “republican democracy,” which combines elements of both presidential and parliamentary systems. This unique governance structure sets Liberia apart from other African countries and provides a distinct model for political organization.

Liberia’s governance system, characterized as a “republican democracy,” is a distinctive blend of presidential and parliamentary elements, setting it apart in the African political landscape. This hybrid model offers a unique approach to governance, combining the strong leadership of a presidential system with the representative and legislative features of a parliamentary system.

The presidential aspect allows for a clear separation of powers, with the President serving as both the head of state and the head of government. This centralizes executive authority, enabling decisive action and cohesive policy implementation. On the other hand, the parliamentary elements ensure that the legislature plays a significant role in governance, representing the diverse interests of the Liberian people and providing a platform for robust debate and legislative oversight.

This unique governance system reflects Liberia’s commitment to democratic principles and its innovative approach to political organization. It provides a balanced framework that promotes stability, accountability, and inclusivity. As Liberia continues to develop and refine its democratic institutions, its distinctive system of governance serves as a model that other nations might look to for inspiration in their own pursuit of effective and representative government.

7 – Natural Resources:

Liberia is endowed with abundant natural resources, including iron ore, gold, diamonds, timber, and rubber. These resources have contributed to the country’s economic development and have made it unique among other nations in Africa.

Liberia is blessed with a wealth of natural resources, making it a land of immense potential and prosperity. The country’s rich deposits of iron ore, gold, and diamonds are treasures that not only contribute to its economic growth but also position it as a key player in the global market. The lush forests of Liberia yield valuable timber, supporting both the local economy and sustainable development initiatives. Furthermore, Liberia’s abundant rubber plantations are a cornerstone of its industrial sector, supplying both domestic needs and international demands.

This abundance of natural resources has been a driving force behind Liberia’s economic development, providing employment opportunities, fostering industrial growth, and attracting foreign investment. The responsible management and sustainable exploitation of these resources are crucial for ensuring long-term prosperity and environmental stewardship.

Liberia’s unique endowment sets it apart from other nations in Africa and offers a foundation for building a resilient and thriving economy. As the country continues to harness its natural wealth, it stands on the brink of a brighter future, where economic prosperity and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.

8 – Cultural Diversity:

Liberia is home to more than 16 ethnic groups, each with its own distinct traditions, languages, and customs. This cultural diversity adds to the unique fabric of Liberia and sets it apart from other countries in Africa.

Liberia’s cultural tapestry is richly woven with the threads of its ethnic groups, each contributing its unique traditions, languages, and customs to the nation’s vibrant diversity. This mosaic of cultures is a testament to the country’s pluralistic society, where a multitude of perspectives and ways of life coexist harmoniously.

The cultural diversity of Liberia is a source of strength and pride, fostering a sense of unity in diversity. It provides a dynamic environment for creativity and innovation, as different groups share and blend their cultural heritage. This exchange of cultural wealth not only enriches the social fabric of Liberia but also offers a wealth of opportunities for cultural tourism, showcasing the nation’s rich traditions and history to the world.

From the lively rhythms of traditional music and dance to the intricate patterns of woven textiles, from the flavors of diverse culinary traditions to the stories passed down through generations, Liberia’s cultural diversity is a living, breathing celebration of humanity’s rich tapestry. As Liberia continues to embrace and promote its cultural heritage, it stands as a shining example of how diversity can be a wellspring of unity, progress, and cultural richness.

9 – Symbolic National Bird:

Liberia’s national bird, the African Grey Parrot, is unique to the country. This bird species is known for its intelligence and mimicry abilities, making it a fitting symbol for Liberia’s unique heritage and resilience.

The bird is a remarkable symbol of the country’s distinct heritage and enduring spirit. and embodies the qualities that set Liberia apart on the global stage.

The African Grey Parrot’s ability to imitate sounds and voices with uncanny accuracy mirrors Liberia’s adaptability and resourcefulness. Just as the parrot learns and replicates the diverse sounds of its environment, Liberia has navigated its complex history with resilience and ingenuity, absorbing and reflecting the myriad influences that have shaped its identity.

Moreover, the African Grey Parrot is celebrated for its social nature and strong bonds within its community, echoing the sense of unity and cooperation that is deeply ingrained in Liberian culture. This bird, with its distinctive grey plumage and striking red tail, serves as a proud emblem of the nation’s collective wisdom, adaptability, and cohesive strength.

In choosing the African Grey Parrot as its national bird, Liberia has embraced a symbol that resonates with its people’s values and aspirations. It stands as a testament to the nation’s unique character and the vibrant diversity that defines its essence.

10 – Diaspora Connection:

Liberia has a strong connection to the African diaspora, particularly with African-Americans. The country’s history of being founded by freed Warriors has created a unique bond between Liberia and the African diaspora, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration.

Liberia’s profound connection to the African diaspora, especially with African-Americans, is a vibrant thread woven into the fabric of its national identity. The historical ties that bind Liberia to the African diaspora are rooted in its founding by freed Warriors, a shared legacy that has fostered a sense of kinship and solidarity transcending geographical boundaries.

This unique bond has paved the way for rich cultural exchange, as the experiences, traditions, and innovations of the diaspora community intertwine with those of Liberia, enriching the nation’s cultural tapestry. This exchange has not only deepened the cultural connection but also ignited collaborations in various fields, including education, healthcare, and economic development, further strengthening the ties between Liberia and its diaspora.

The relationship between Liberia and the African diaspora serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and unity of people of African descent. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of a community that, despite the challenges of history, continues to thrive and contribute to the global narrative. As Liberia continues to engage with its diaspora, this connection stands as a beacon of hope and a source of strength, driving the country forward in its journey of growth and progress.