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Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

GCC regions

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa’s Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance.

At the commencement of a systematic start of operations with our organized unparalleled worldwide network organization, The Marine Foundation extends to you, an invitation to become a partner to sustainable project developments throughout the fifty-four nations of the African continent in all the categories of industries.

AIIDA – Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa, is a platform uniquely created to promote the economic interest of Africa with the creation of corporate and institutional structures surrounded by in-house “feasibility and human resources” staging the world’s most respected minds in technology, education, and promotional systems.

AIIDA is conceived to support, lead, and protect its members to financially attend to a 1.3 billion people’s market. While America, Europe, and Asia, strains to maintain financial stability through conventional politics, Africa is unseeingly freely rising to become the indisputable and deserving self producer of its commodities and spearheading the way to exploit both land and sea with its technologies. With the introduction of unifying networking platforms such as the Marine Foundation’s UNA – United Nations of Africa – unified “African Culture” has the potential to control its continental trade economy through “transfers of technology programs” promoting the “Made in Africa” labels. The system would multiply locally and promote the continent to become economically independent from the rest of the world.

AIIDA is particularly inviting the financial initiatives of Arabian Islamic wealthy “leaders and corporations” to take positions in the era of Africa’s modern expansion presented through green/blue technologies, large educational institutions, infrastructural restoration, transportations, and communications. Just like in post WW2, the United States and Europe became benefactors to today’s prominent East Asian economy. In a comparable context, under the umbrella of integral operation strategies of transformation presented by the Marine Foundation, AIIDA’s investment programs will help return Africa’s mesmerizing cultural and environmental wealth, back to the African populations.

PDF - Downloadable Letter - AIIWA Invitation
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More Information Coming soon…