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Marine Foundation’s Global Council of Investors, Builders & Corporate Associates

IBCA is a membership organization for investors, corporate leaders or financially independent people who can benefit from JAPIA’s international development platform. JAPIA’s active membership, is filtered, categorized and managed through an universal corporate membership platform called: IBCAInvestors, Builders & Corporate Associates – IBCA is  headquartered in Tokyo Japan and serves as the managing regrouping platform to lead the network of Japan and other regions of the world into the JAPIA developing platform. IBCA is exclusively mandated by JAPIA and is represented worldwide through five continental branches. IBCA’s responsibility is to  lead world industries to serve the African continent in uniformity and under Japanese technological advisory for the integral development of the 54 countries of Africa. JAPIA is the agency to promote African and Japanese interests and IBCA is the midway organization that manage the flow of industries toward regions in needs of development anywhere in the world.

Global Japan Platform – Investors Club of Japan – ICBA,

The only things that are missing to Japan’s national character are Public Relations skills. That is why Japan’s presence outside its territory is only a show-off of its major industries. JAPIA was created to add charisma to the Japanese entrepreneurial spirit boosting its confidence to become a teacher and a friend while the benefice of expanding its Know-How throughout the entire world. ICBA is vital locomotive to that kind of expansion. While JAPIA entirely benefits the African continent the cultural friendship Japan offers to Africa is one of friendship and absolute respect. Respect for life and environment is something deeply anchored in the heart of Japanese and South Korean philosophies.

More Information Coming soon…