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International Women Club’s First Meeting for 2020

Location: It was the first of many great meeting announced for 2020. Mainly the leadership team of the International Women Club meeting at a Swiss Cafe in in Tokyo. The interesting location on the top of a hills in Nishi Nipori station gives it a charming taste as if you were back in Switzerland for a while.

I really appreciated and I was quite surprised by this very talented group of women determined to make Japan and the world a better place than it already is or at lest trying in the best way everyone can.

President Yoko’s facebook Report:

私は人前で話すことは決して得意ではない でも、話しているうちに、涙目の方が次々と現れてみんなの温かさが伝わってきて、私も泣けてきた😅 伝わったのは言葉を超えた私の思い🌈エネルギー
魂に話しかけているからね。Tomeo M-Gressardさんの話は今回も、笑いも交えて 身振り手振り、トメオ劇場みたい😊
みんな分かりやすかったんじゃないかな 会場のChaletswiss Miniでは、美味しいスイスのお料理と スイスビールやスイスワインや ハーブティなど みんなでいただきました。愛に溢れたミーティング
素晴らしい出逢いに感謝します。IWCのフェイスブックブックページにも書きました I am happy 😊 I am beautiful 💖
🌈目覚めよ女神たち https://www.facebook.com/yoko.akahane

The Age of Women and the Sea: It is not your typical type of club. Even I was nervous when preparing for the meeting. Since I am not a woman I also had to follow their strict protocol. IWC is dedicated to “women only” but it can accept men as part of the “Gentleman Club” that runs underneath IWC. Meaning that if you want to enter the Gentleman Club and participate in IWC’s women activities, you have to receive references of at least five IWC club members first. The way to do that is to be first invited to a meeting or party. The men, when invited, must sponsor at least 10 women at the party. For example, if the meeting contains 12 women and there are 2 men, these 2 gentlemen must split the bill in 2. Or in my case, I was the only man, and so I had to sponsor the entire group since they were 10 women at the dinner. Actually, it was educational in creating a true feeling of giving back to these ladies whose life is offered to their families and children. It feels like saying “thank you” to the birth of life and all the beauty we receive from women from the very day of living. It shows gratefulness on the part of man, for the invaluable and vital value of beauty women only bring to this world. IWC women have a few codes of communication in which they hold secret between themselves. The external code is the club’s brand slogan “I am Happy, I am Beautiful” and their internal code, which no men can know, unit them by a bond of sisterhood and solidarity. I was honored to be there. I hope I will be invited again, being around women who know their value and who are fully confident of what they represent to the world and their environment. It is a revealing discovery for any man who plans for a successful journey in learning to appreciate and respect and support this planet most precious heritage of bounty which only women know how to distribute.