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GAVCA: No Child Left Behind


With the establishment and proper funding of Marine Foundation Africa, we are poised to advance with remarkable speed. The dynamic leadership of H.E Mrs. Koura Niele Ouattara, our president, has infused the organization with such vigor that we now commemorate our fifth anniversary. Her dedication is a beacon that illuminates the path we tread in 2024. We witness our presence burgeoning in Senegal under Aicha’s direction with the World Football Academy, then leaping to Sierra Leone with Eric Sesay, Cameroon with Carther Perou, and further still to nations like the Gambia, Uganda, Sudan, South Africa, and beyond.

Enter Ambassador Agnes Fortune Cannon, whose vision of leaving no child behind has blossomed into an organization and a movement that upholds the sacred principle of absolute respect for life, beginning with our most precious treasure—our children. This embodies the fundamental essence of what the Marine Foundation aspires to impart to the world: a place where no child is forsaken, where no child wanders the streets in search of sustenance or affection. This is the heart and soul of the “Global African Village Care Alliance” — a message that resonates across continents, echoing the divine mandate to cherish our youngest and most vulnerable.

With the upcoming diplomatic registration of GAVCA in Liberia, it stands to become a pinnacle institution within the Marine Foundation’s network, championing the cause of children’s welfare with unrivaled dedication. Ambassador Cannon seems destined for this role, yet the truth is, we all share this destiny—it’s the calling of our shared humanity. Yet, it is through the emergence of a central figure that we rally, taking on the solemn duty to protect and nurture our children. So, let us welcome this good news with open arms and rejoice, for it is a harbinger of hope and a testament to the brighter world we all strive to create.

Highlights on how GAVCA is supported by the Marine Foundation’s educational systems and principles:

Providing support and resources to school institutions that take in abandoned and impoverished children in Africa:

GAVCA collaborates with the Marine Foundation to provide educational resources, infrastructure, and training to schools that cater to abandoned and impoverished children. This includes access to the Marine Foundation’s innovative educational systems, which focus on personalized learning, environmental stewardship, and cultural exchange. By equipping these schools with the necessary tools and support, GAVCA ensures that vulnerable children receive a quality education that empowers them to break the cycle of poverty.

Ensuring that no child is left behind or alone, by promoting access to quality education, healthcare, and social services:

GAVCA, in partnership with the Marine Foundation, advocates for an integrated approach to child welfare. This involves not only providing access to quality education but also ensuring that children have access to healthcare and social services. The Marine Foundation’s principles emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to child development, which includes physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being. GAVCA works to implement these principles by creating safe and supportive environments where children can thrive.

Developing and implementing systems and programs that support the holistic development of children in need:

The Marine Foundation’s educational systems are designed to foster holistic development, focusing on creativity, leadership, and community engagement. GAVCA adopts these systems to develop and implement programs that cater to the diverse needs of children in Africa. By providing opportunities for artistic expression, leadership training, and community service, GAVCA ensures that children develop a well-rounded set of skills and values that will serve them throughout their lives.

Collaborating with local communities, governments, and international partners to create sustainable solutions for child welfare:

GAVCA follows the Marine Foundation’s principle of collaboration and partnership to create sustainable solutions for child welfare. By working closely with local communities, governments, and international partners, GAVCA ensures that its initiatives are aligned with local needs and priorities. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and ensures the long-term sustainability of the programs.

Conducting research and advocacy to raise awareness and influence policies that benefit children in Africa:

In line with the Marine Foundation’s commitment to advocacy and research, GAVCA conducts studies and campaigns to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children in Africa. By highlighting the importance of education, healthcare, and social services, GAVCA aims to influence policies and mobilize resources to support the well-being of children. This advocacy work is crucial in creating an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the Marine Foundation’s educational systems and principles.

Overall, GAVCA’s partnership with the Marine Foundation enhances its ability to provide comprehensive support to vulnerable children in Africa, ensuring that they have the opportunity to lead fulfilling and productive lives.


First Ladies Club & the International Women Club:

GAVCA stands as the Queen Assembly, the epitome of unity among all women’s clubs, a collective beacon of empowerment where the voices of women resonate in unison for the protection and nurturing of children across Africa and beyond.

“GAVCA: Queen Assembly of All Women’s Clubs — United for the Future of Every Child”

The safeguarding of children and the endorsement of all educational projects by the Marine Foundation necessitate the establishment of the most robust network of women leaders worldwide. To this end, the Marine Foundation has inaugurated the First Ladies Club, a formidable alliance composed of five distinct branches: Presidential, Royal, Academic, Diplomatic, and Corporate. Additionally, it has launched the International Women platform, embracing women from all corners of the globe, and the Marine Children Club, dedicated to the nurturing and holistic well-being of the world’s youth. GAVCA emerges as the overarching body, orchestrating the harmonious alignment of all clubs focused on children’s welfare and overseeing the strategic implementation of educational frameworks throughout the entire organization. This is our pledge: to ensure that no child is overlooked or left behind.