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Little Did I Know

How Great a Nations

The State of Eritrea



Read the PDF Presentation from H.E. Mr. Estifanos Afeworki Ambassador of the State of Eritrea in Tokyo

Invited by H.E. Mr. Estifanos Afeworki Ambassador of the State of Eritrea, for a dinner meeting at Miyako’s fantastic California Cafe, I had a lecture of content straight from the source where to my fortune, this became a revelation.

I do not go much in understanding the character of a culture by books alone, but rather more convincingly, it is in the heart of a people that a culture best-expressed anything that could be said about its content and potential. H.E. Mr. Estifnos, proved just that, when he just went out of his way, to sit down with me and passionately describe the most appealing and revealing aspect of a nation that I barely knew myself.  Eritrea stands in the center of world old powers and therefore in the crossroad of the human cultural birth of our planet. It has the strategic geopolitical location to become a hub for maritime development like no other nations, and to my personal understanding and analyzing, it will become the choice place for international gatherings and certainly prove more culturally attractive than regions like Monaco in the South of France.

If you would want to know why the Marine Foundation would choose Eritrea for a first set up of its maritime educational concept and institution, please take a look at the  PDF file by clicking on the photo on the left or watching the video below.

“The culture of Eritrea is the collective cultural heritage of the various populations native to Eritrea”

Transcendent Beauty of Many Cultures

The culture of Eritrea is the collective cultural heritage of the various populations native to Eritrea. It shares historic commonalities with the traditions of Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, and Sudan. There’s definitely an exotic look about Eritreans and features that could have you mistaking them for several different races.

Go to the Embassy’s Webpage

Understanding Marine Foundation’s Project Development’s Philosophy

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