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World Broadcasting Message:

Week 8 of 2021 – Marine Foundation

February 14, to February 20, 2021

New-Year 2021 Short Message
Detailed daily reports
New IBC Members & Directors

This week in review:
The Start of WFYA – World Football Youth Association.
The Continuation of Blue Forest with Irka Bochenko.
Ambassador Weya Visits Koura N. Ouattara.
Marine Foundation Japan on the Move with Law Office Association.
The formation of the GCC Team through Naima.
Security Technology Associate with DWB Japan.
Development of Japan Youth Center with the “Avenge” Corporation.
Distribution of Electronic through Mrs. Sidibe in Senegal.
The Birth of Global Samurai – Agency of the Marine Foundation. (Next Week)

The Start of WFYA – World Football Youth Association.

The first pilot project action with the agency WFYA is starting with the upcoming registration of the first team.  Emmanuel presently in Nigeria but usually a resident of Ghana is working on the structure.  As soon as the database of the first children’s sports team is ready, I will take this to the next level by contacting Adja the president of WFYA. World Football Youth Association. The goals are to distribute sports equipment with sponsorship names attached from famous Athletes, to thousands of children throughout the world, starting from Africa.

The Continuation of Blue Forest with Irka Bochenko.

Blue Forest – International Event & Initiative. Irka is a member of IBC and she is a celebrity composer & retired actress. Noticeably she was cast as Jame’s bond girl back in the time of Roger Moore. Her talent as a composer took her to work with major European artists. We had a fruitful conversation on the follow-up with the Blue Forest project which initially is the concept from the celebrity sculptor Ousmane Gueye also an IBC member. Therefore we will be working on the first pilot initiative of the concept soon. Irka composed a pre-production song for the purpose of the event and project which hope to be sung by children around the world. You can listen to it from her page here: Irka Bochenko. You may also see the Blue Forest project by clicking on this link.

Mr. & Mrs. Ambassador Weya Visits Koura N. Ouattara.

Mrs. and Mr. Ambassador Jerome Weya (Ambassor of the Cote d’Ivoire in Japan) had the kindness spend time with our Marine Foundation’s president Mrs. Ouattara and team. Activities are seriously in the process in the country withe the planning of Mrs. Ouattara ‘s structures to bringing jobs to the region.

Marine Foundation Japan on the Move with Law Office Association.

Marine Foundation Japan – Japan’s operation is expanding. I had the chance to visit our office in Shinjuku, managed by Mr. Goto and Sumi Kondo, and to my great surprise, new staff has arrived Hitomi and Ayano, whose support and work have become invaluable. The concept of the Shinjuku office in Tokyo will also open a Legal Firm to support all of our branding needs. Japan local office website

The formation of the GCC Team through Naima

Dr. Mohammed Alfehaidi takes on the Marine Foundation’s settlement in the GCC Regions, starting with Dubai and Sharjah. This is one great achievement this week through the counseling of Naima Ben Mlouka, IBC member and Member of the First Ladies Club, Academic Department. Naima is positioned in North Africa, and she has been an inspiration all the way with always challenging herself to bring the network of the foundation on the highest grounds. Through Dr. Mohammed in Dubai, the foundation will be established throughout the Gulf countries, the Middle East, and North Africa. On the footsteps of that motion and representing the First Ladies Club, a great Princess of Sharjah also joined us. HRH. Mariam Saif Al Shamsi

Security Technology Associate with DWB Japan.

Chikara Matsunaga brings technology using our DWB Corporation Japan to deploy his patented technology throughout the world. This is good that we are in Japan and surrounded by technology geniuses in all kind of fields. Chikara is the inventor of a special encryption system that makes it impossible for hackers to break into your electronic environment, including credit cards and all kinds of other applications. LEIS is going toward the future of complete database protection. That kind of technology will also become instrumental in supporting children ‘s protection as well. (below photo: Mr. Matsunago’s office):

Development of Japan Youth Center with the “Avenge” Corporation.

3 hours from Tokyo, in Osaka, the formation of the most interesting Youth Development Center. Marine Foundation wants to associate with Takeharu Nagata, the founder of Avenge Corporation, which by its name should tell you of the Avengers Marvel superhero movies but by its actual vision is actually going to make real miracles happen. They take “Education” very seriously to where it can be applied in people’s daily life. This is a good place to invest in forming a design center for the gathering of the youth of Japan to take on new beautiful initiatives that can serve the entire world.

Distribution of Electronic through Mrs. Sidibe in Senegal.

Approach to Japanese electronic companies. Mrs. Amsatou Sidibe is the authority when it comes to education and also for the cause of women, not just in Africa but around the world. The PDF below is a “call for Donation of Computer and Electronics. This will be presented this week to Japanese companies. Please have a look at it. Mrs. Sidibe’s page. –/– Education Department’s page.

Call for Donantion of Computers and Electronics PDF - click here:



As part of the PAELF (Platform for Economic Empowerment and Women’s Leadership), the “AMSA JAPALE” Association is launching a campaign to mobilize computer, electronic and technical equipment from its technical and financial partners to support recipients in the implementation of the program.

PAELF(Platform for Economic Empowerment and Women’s Leadership) (経済的支援と女性のリーダーシップ育成のためのプラットフォーム)の一環として、「AMSA JAPALE」協会はプログラムの実施に伴って、受領者を支援するためにNPOパートナーからコンピューター、電子機器及び技術機器を寄付をお願いするキャンペーンを実施しています。

The PAELF was initiated to meet women and young people’s needs by offering them products and services that meet their expectations. The PAELF supports women and young people in all the major stages of developing their non-profit and profit-making activities.
For Senegal, the PAELF aims to support more than 200,000 women and young people.

PAELFは、女性や若者の期待に応える製品やサービスを提供することで、女性や若者のニーズを満たすために設立されました。 PAELFは非営利組織、営利組織に関わらず、主要な段階で女性と若者をサポートしています。セネガルでは、PAELFの活動で20万人以上の女性と若者を支援することを目指しています。

To achieve its objectives, our computer, electronic and technical equipment needs are as follows: その目的を達成するために、私達が必要とするコンピューター、電子機器、技術機器は次のとおりです。

Amount. Designation.

品名  台数

150  Laptops

50  Cameras

30 Copiers

30 Printers

150  Cell phones

“AMSA JAPALE,” through its platform, reiterates its commitment to economic development and the leadership of women and young people.
With our sincere thanks


Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé

Amsatou Sow Sidibé 教授

Follow up: Mrs. Sidibe’s Bio and Resume – Japanese and English.

Bio Presentation of Professor Sidibe



Berthe Maubertの小学校卒業後、ジョン・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディ高校に進み、 シェイク・アンタ・ジョップ大学の政治経済学部に入学し法律学の学士号取得され、学士号取得後、パリ第二大学のパンテオンソルボンヌに進学、優秀な成績で博士号を取得しました。その論文は大学で表彰を受け、LGDJパリ誌に掲載されています。 
1993年に、African and Malagasy Common Organization (AMCO)の集計検査で成功をお納め、2003年に正教授なりました。 






さらに、教育の基本的な権利についての【SOS教育 教育権】にあるように、連携する大学のサポートを得て、セネガルの学校制度を何度も救ってきました。 

何十年もの間、市民社会で非常に活発に活動しており、政治への参入は彼女の闘いの論理的な継続にすぎません。教授は「共和党の価値観を守るための俳優の集まり」(CAR Leneen)という政治的運動を2010年に発足させました。これは、国全体の社会階層の最大の関心事を念頭に置いた、オープンな分かち合いの場です。同運動は、セネガルの意識を目覚めさせる目的で、ウォッチドッグ(監視役)機構として社会を反映、警告を出したり、意見交換を行い、活動を行っています。 


専門家として、1995年に北京で行われた世界女性フォーラムで、教授は、アフリカ女性ワーキングネットワーク (RAFM)の議長になりました。個人の人権と家族法の専門家として、一度廃棄されそうになったファミリーコードを勇気をもって守りぬき、さらなる女性と子供の権利の促進のため、現在、家族法の改正を提唱し続けています。 

・人権と平和委員会 (I) 理事長 (2003-2013) 







初のアグレがシオン女性会長(AMCO) 20056 





セネガル功労勲章3等勲章 (1998) 




  • アフリカにおける法的多元主義(セネガル相続法の例)LGDJ-Paris, 1991
  • セネガル民法、法学・人・家族法学の紹介(2014
  • フランソワ・ミッテラン、アフリカにおける民主主義と人権(ダカール・ミッテランとアフリカシンポジウムで)、ダカール、1999年、107ページと続く。
  • 「なぜセネガルの政党に関する法律なのか」日刊「太陽」2007323
  • 「セネガルの家族における権威の進化」ジャーナルアフリカ法務・政治、第2巻、第1号、20031~6月、125~170ページ
  • 「ジェンダー、不平等、宗教」テーマ別プログラム法と民主主義の側面の最初のネットワーク間シンポジウムの議事録。アムサトウ・ソウ・シディベの科学的責任の下で、パリ、現代アーカイブの版– AUF2007459ページ
  • 「暴力からの女性の刑事保護:どのような犯罪政策か」「新しいフェミニストの質問」第28(2) に掲載
  • 「痛みと法律:セネガルの女性の性器切除の場合」(P.U.F.1997年、pp. 353および続く
  • 「セネガルとアフリカフランス語圏における養子縁組」比較法の国際ジャーナル, 1993, No. 1, pp. 129 
  • 「民法、セネガル法、法学の基礎、個人の地位、家族について」271ページ;クレディラ– 201412月号。



First Senegalese woman Associate Professor in legal and political sciences, she is a peace and dialogue woman. Her well-known leadership made her the first woman in her country to run the presidential elections. The first female member of the Elections National Observatory, Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé, is A Minister, Advisor of the President in charge of Human Rights and Peace. She is the author of many publications.


After attending primary school at Berthe Maubert, Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé went to John Fitzgerald Kennedy High School before joining the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences of the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in legal sciences, she attended the French University of Paris II Panthéon Sorbonne. She obtained her Ph.D. brilliantly in Law, which the Paris II University awarded and published in the LGDJ Paris.

Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé succeeded at the aggregation examination of the African and Malagasy Common Organization (AMCO) in 1993 and became a full professor of Universities in 2003.

She has been in the academic environment for 33 years, in the course of which she trained many students and high-profile officers from Senegal, Africa, and elsewhere.


Professor Amsatou Sidibé, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the project « 1000 women » in 2005, is a weariless activist for Peace. Mediator, she is a member of the African Intellectuals Group for Peace in Africa and contributed to the peace processes and in Ivory Coast.

Being conscious that the peace process in Casamance will be enhanced with a large involvement, especially women, she created the “Espace Dialogue Vérité et Réconciliation” (EDVR) for permanent peace in Casamance.

Furthermore, political dialogue is entirely part of her sphere of interest.


Pr Amsatou Sow Sidibé is a fervent defender of human rights as it was said by the Academician Jean Christophe Ruffin, former French Ambassador in Senegal, before awarding her the title of Knight of the French Legion of Honor: “Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé belongs to those jurists who widen horizons for Law, who clear fields, and who forge new tools adapted to the changing reality of evolving societies.

She is a long-time militant for humanitarian action and evolved in the Humanitarian International Law environment. Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé belongs to the pacific army of discoverers. Her battlefield was a neglected topic: women and children’s rights.

She clearly emphasizes the questions of family law, female genital mutilations, violence against women, women in a conflict context, and the positive impact of women on promoting gender equality.

Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé is a jurist used to fight for the restoration of Human Rights and Social Peace.” Moreover, as well as in « SOS Education Droit à l’éducation” for the fundamental right to education, she saved the Senegalese school system several times with support from colleagues of the association.


Her associative life began in her adolescence; She was then a member of “Ames vacillates et Coeurs Vaillant.” As a student, she was a class representative, turned towards humanist ideas.

Very active within the civil society for many decades, her entry into politics is a logical continuation of her fight. The political movement  “Convergence des  Acteurs pour la  Défense des  Valeurs  Républicaines”  (CAR Leneen), created in May 2010, is an open place of sharing, mindful of the country’s whole social strata preoccupations. Therefore is a watchdog framework to reflect, alert, exchange, and act to resuscitate Senegal awareness. Pr Amsatou Sow Sidibé is one of the Daily Heroines.


Expert, member of the governmental delegation at the World Women Forum in Beijing in 1995, Pr Amsatou Sow Sidibé is the President of the “Réseau Africain des Femmes Travailleuses” (RAFET)

Specialist of individuals and family law, she defended with courage the Family Code that was once threatened to be burned. She is now claiming a Family Law reform for a better promotion and women and children’s rights.

Pr Amsatou Sow Sidibé contributed tirelessly to the parity promotion, women’s reproduction health, the fight against gender-based violence, and, consequently, helped value women’s role in the development process.

According to Pr Amsatou Sow Sidibé, Senegal and Africa should protect citizenship with women as the society’s cornerstone.


  • Director of the Human Rights and Peace Institute (HRPI) (2003-2013)
  • Academic Director of the HRPI (1993-2003)
  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the UCAD
  • Ph.D. in Legal Sciences
  • Graduate from The Hague Academy of International Law (1987)
  • Certificate in African countries Law and Economics at the University of Paris I Sorbonne
  • First Senegalese woman Associate Professor in Law (1993)
  • First Female President of the Aggregation Jury in 2005 (AMCO)
  • Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the project « 1000 women » in 2005
  • First Vice President of the African Jurists Federation (1995)
  • First coordinator of the “ Genre, Droits, Citoyenneté” network of the AUF (2004-2006)
  • A first woman member of the Elections National Observatory of Senegal (1998-2000)
  • Commander of the Order of Merit of Senegal (1998)
  • Knight of the National Order of Chad (2005)
  • University Paris II Prize-winner (Ph.D. Thesis Award-1998)
  • Knight of the French Legion of Honor (2009)


  • Le pluralisme juridique en Afrique (L’exemple du droit successoral sénégalais), LGDJ-Paris, 1991
  • Droit civil sénégalais, introduction à l’étude du droit, droit des personnes et de la famille (2014)
  • François MITTERRAND, Démocratie et Droits de l’Homme en Afrique (in actes du colloque de Dakar -Mitterrand et l’Afrique », Dakar, 1999, 107 et suiv.
  • « Le droit à l’épreuve du VIH » in psychopathologie africaine, XXXI – n° 2 – 2001-2002, page 19U218
  • « Pourquoi une loi sur la parité au Sénégal ? » in Quotidien « le Soleil » 23 mars 2007
  • « L’évolution de l’autorité dans les familles sénégalaises », Revue Afrique Juridique et Politique, volume 2, numéro 1, janvier-juin 2003, pages 125 à 170
  • « Genre, inégalités et religion ». Actes du premier colloque inter-Réseaux du programme thématique Aspects de l’État de Droit et Démocratie. Sous la responsabilité scientifique de Amsatou Sow Sidibé, Paris, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines – AUF, 2007,
  • « La Protection pénale des femmes contre les violences : Quelle politique criminelle ? » dans « Nouvelles questions féministes » 28 (2), 2009
  • La douleur et le droit : cas des mutilations pratiquées sur les femmes au Sénégal. (P.U.F., 1997, 353 et suiv.)
  • L’adoption au Sénégal et en Afrique Francophone (In revue internationale de Droit comparé, 1993, n° 1, 129 et suiv.)
  • Droit Civil, Droit sénégalais, Introduction à l’étude du droit, État des personnes, Famille, 271 pages ; CREDILA – Décembre

Extra Section

DAY BY DAY REPORTS - click here

Sunday 14, 2021
The day starts at 12:00 Am
I have a dream about WIKINATIONS – our nations’ Platform.
Mr. Mason becomes the Chairman of Waterotor.
(Making the blog announcement) <br>Preparation meeting with WFYA starting with Haiti team.
Preparing the template for the next week.

Monday 15, 2021
The day starts at 12:54
Communication with Irka Bochenko: setting up the song for the children. Preparation of the structure entertainment.
Blog Announcement of Mr. Mason and Waterotor. Both Website.
Blog of Madame Solange’s trip to Africa completed.
Preparing the DWB Japan transfers and administration.
Meeting with Mutsumi and Friend for consulting.

Tuesday 16, 2021
The day starts at 3:00 Am
Paul Yapoga Office Administration for Paris.
Zeus’s music equipment for the project.
Meeting Takuya IBC members and family at the club.
Visit the office in Shinjuku and great prospect talking with Hitomi.
Met with Sumi and Ayano and Goto san.
Creation of the Law Office in association with the Marinef Japan office.
Report from Naoko regarding banking.
Tomonari representative director completes banking DWB Japan.
Call from Naima regarding setting up in the GCC regions and North Africa.
Meeting conference with Dr. Alfehaidi Mohammed.
Acquaintance with Mr. Saleh Information.

Wednesday 17, 2021
The day starts at 4:00 Am
Call from Samuel in Aruba with Investor interested in the platform.
Visit Kobe Mr. Chin for Security technology. 5 hours advisory speech.
Visit Osaka the Avenge Team and great seminar guidance. 5 hours advisory speech.
The Avenge team of Osaka is truly a plan for the youth of Japan.

Thursday 18, 2021
The day starts at 3:00 Am.
Completion of the documentation for Dr. Mohammed. <br>Dr. Nakamura meeting and invitation to visit Private Club.<br>The Bay resort Osaka – with Nobuko and Dr. Nakamura. <br>Encounter with Chihoka Hospitality master.
Confirmation of bank status concerning Transfer.
Discussion with Paul Yapoga on confirmation of meeting with President of Guinea.
News casting Zoom meeting with Japan IWC members.

Friday 19, 2021
The day starts at 5:55 Am.
The completion of the page of Princess Mariam.
Princess Mariam solution leadership for the First Ladies Club.<br>The completion of the other pages as well for Dr. Mohammed. Welcoming Members from Turkey.
Confirmation of start of operation strategies through Dubai. <br>Establishment in Turkey and Dubai conformation.
First Chart of operation of Development of the Marine Foundation

Saturday 20, 2021
The day starts at 2:00 Am.
The blog for Amsatou and Distribution of Electronics.
DWB Japan Website with the Mention of Global Samurai.
The blog page for Yoko IWC and continuation of the IWC website.
Freddy IBC ‘s amazing Artwork for the Marine Foundation.
Preparation of the Symposium through Fukumoto’s network.

NEW ICB MEMBERS - click here

Dr. Mohammed Alfehaidi

HRH. Mariam Saif Al Shamsi

Hesham Hemdan

Saleh A. S. Alshobaki

Asoka Weerawardhana

You may also see the listing of all members on the Brand Leadership page.

The group is organized into 5 sections defined as East South Center North and West.

WEBSITE UPDATES - click here

coming soon

To find out quicly about the structure of the entire organization you may to the sitemap page.

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