+81 (0) 3 3216 7176
WYFA is a PR project custom-made for Africa and promises to make lots of young footballers happy.
Marine Foundation is inspired to bring love where it is the most needed and that is via the hopes and dreams of thousands of youths in Africa who aim to make better of themselves and the communities in which they live. Sports is truly a motivating platform that rules the energy of the young. We decided to simply provide the equipment the children need to perform at their very best. There are very strategic ways of supporting our youth today and guiding them into the realm of growth or at least providing the basic necessity to their aspiration is every adult’s responsibility. Sport is a good way to start and our goal would be to register 5000 communities of Africa (sports clubs or associations) into a database through which we would provide every child the equipment they so deserve. We will invite hundreds of football stars to participate in the manufacturing of football products (and other disciplines too). These sponsoring stars’ names will appear on jerseys and types of equipment and they will know that no matter how great their talents are, they have an obligation to share the dreams with their next generations. What more graceful achievement in the pedestal of an artist career?
“We will honor 30 supporting athletes each year with a “Legendary Legacy Award” where their name and sports achievements will be known to every children sports communities on earth”
A Dream of Absolute Respect for All Children

I have a dream, when in the set of our educational institutions that until a student reaches the age of 16, the appellation for each child before their name would carry the honorific title of “Prince” or “Princess”. (some private schools do utilize the appellation, Miss or Mister). Can Queen Elisabeth of England be guaranteed to her title in heaven? of course not – “Common conventional royalty” does not actually exist in the life we are destined to, but only based on temporarily real estate ownership. In reality, any boy or girl born of this world is deserving his/her own hereditary title of the earth. That would imaginatively make for what heaven would really look like on earth if we administratively started treating every child like royalty.