+81 (0) 3 5926 9228

Thursday, November 15, 2018


To January 1st, 2019








. Highlights:

Working on the Liberia Official Page.

General Reports:

Liberia Page: 

I have been working constantly on trying to present the Liberia providence properly and it looks like its working. I am always very much preoccupied with the things of the moment and therefore I have to get lots of things done since I am presently fully operating the management of all communications. We are truly happy to comply with doing what’s best for the world but really its all comes down to fully doing what is most important every day. I am grateful for the day and I hope I can fully make it a productive one. 


News & Press release ahead:

 In the pipeline of making good plans ahead, we are preparing the team and network to establish the MOU  Contract for the great Liberia  Projects. The page on the “Stadium” is soon to come out. Thank you everyone for your moral support and great communications ahead.

Message from Yoshie:

11月1日から5日まで表参道ヒルズ Gallery KOWAで開催されている合同展に、Marine Foundation(マリン財団)の代表Tomeo M-Gressardさんにご来場いただきました。


このような機会を頂きましたことに、心より感謝申し上げると共に、今後、打ち合わせを重ねて、日本の素晴らしい素材とデザインで、作品ができるように努めて参ります。Yoshie’s full blog here

Upcoming Follow Up & Momentum:

Invest Africa Tour is on again with the upcoming trip to Sierra Leone. I have not yet prepared entirely our Press release page but it’s on the way. Ambassador Banao and Malamine Faty are relentlessly working to preparing the Marinef Corporation settlement in Africa through the registration in Senegal.

The new Corporation website is soon coming and will have its form and basic content tomorrow. (was supposed to be ready today but had no time)

France members, Eric & Philippe have prepared the roadmap for an official reception in Southern France. Will also be advised, Beatrice, Philippe V., Vanina, and Nicole.

Switzerland: I need to provide a capital for the foundation’s operation in Switzerland (Credit Suisse) with 50 000 CHF (about 50 000 Euros or a bit over 5 million Yen). I welcome any support, although I will provide for that somehow. Our team there is working hard to make ways for great upcoming funding. 

Marine Foundation Cote D’Ivoire, Mrs. Koura N. Ouatarra, personally invited to a special summit in Morrocco in November of this month.

Personal Expansion and Discovery (part 2)

I think the ultimate growth in one individual depends much on how much one is willing to care for others. It always about communication and the ability to want to care. We are given the natural situation of being born of families and the concept does go well on that level. Parents live for their children and brothers and sisters learn to care for each other. But life brings us all to a point when the family has to expand beyond just blood relations. Because the mind and the heart want it that way. It can’t be satisfied unless it spreads towards more relations, more observations and more communications. We, consequently, live a life of daily expansion toward the present and the future exist only with the hope for growth and discovery. But what then would be the purpose of that? Why do we need to know more? Is it to satisfy our intellect? I think it is simple as what our heart and conscience are conceived of. It is really all about love and the desire to become ourselves, creator of our life and environment. Our conscience tells us to do good and to be good because the universe in which we live is perfectly good. The beauty of creation reflects easily into the conscience like a mirror to the point that when you become an observer of nature, you are actually simply looking at yourself. The circumstances in which we live can actually affect the verbiage of our conscience, and luckily the very first treasure we all hold from birth on planet earth is our common origin of water, which connects us all together. Personal real expansion starts with the understanding that one should respect another, unconditionally. (to be continued)…

Completed Blog Segments 2018:

Segment: True Love Seminar - Content of Basic Thoughts

Ms. Yoko Akahane and Mr. Takuya Hasegawa both brand ownership members of the Marine Foundation are organizing a fantastic people for a Seminar on the topic of “love” saying “true love”, on the topic of how does Marine Foundation explains its philanthropy that base its philosophy on the attitude of total respect for one another. Lots of people are looking for answers to problems with relations and communications, which often are the reason why life simply seems unfair at times of difficulties. “Love” is often a topic of spirituality and does not often enter the realm of strategic development within a corporate body. But what if we did know that there could be internal laws and technologies, that would actually help change a life from on simple instant of realization. Its because corruption exists that the word “true” needs to be added to “love” or maybe because of the ignorance of the purpose of life that leads us to believe that Love is mainly a sexual act which makes people attracted to each other. But if we would consider nature as an ultimate teacher of what’s true in the original form of what is, then perhaps we would have a chance to discover the most inner secret of what love truly is. 

I have always dreamed of going to places around Japan and just talk to people. Since my Japanese language skills are limited to trying to express my thoughts, I would surely need a good interpreter. Japanese people are so fine by me. Talking about love would almost be considered “taboo” in a society that lives on the “Philharmonic Concert Hall of Rigid Rules of Attitudes” where everything has to be programmed by the way things are thought by cultural habits and therefore staging almost no space to show your worth would you just try to play your scores differently. Love and relationships are often publicly taken in the context of religious beliefs and Buddhism would not really have you jumping up and down the alley, in the ways a good old revival chorus of the local gospel church would have you twist your body around to celebrate your heart. But even in Christianity, “Love” as beautiful attributed from the “Lord” have you understand that this concept often stays just within the assembly’s walls when as soon as stepping out of the circle of light, you start counting how many people you wish to hate the week ahead and that probably includes your boss or the colleague who does his work exceeding everyone else. Love express privately often relays to temporary romance or a sexual experience, and when you have a family, it expands in becoming responsible for somebody else. Women would have the advantage to remain loyal to their inner motherly duties while a man would keep pondering ways to get more pleasure out of an unsatisfying busy life. 

So I took the books and society away and I gave in to contemplating nature for a change. And so, I started learning about “respect”. Surely, gradually and more profoundly I came to some realizations which no books had ever thought me before. I discovered that nature was in a constant state of celebration, from early morning to late at night, the planet is celebrating “life”. On that subtle discovery, my mind became entertained 24 hours a day, by something, I never felt existed before, but was there all around me in substance, although invisible to the eyes or untouchable to the body. Just like the unnoticeable air that we need it so much, love is for the spirit as substantial as water is for the body. And if we could just pay a little more attention to the evolution pattern that life unveils each day through the motion of nature, entertainment would take a whole new dimension in keeping you at the edge of your seat, if we could just teach science or philosophy from the standpoint that at the source of all natural energies, this “love” exists to makes particles and cells act the way they unconditionally do. The way that “love” manifests itself in science or religion relates to the fact that it is an indispensable tool to connect anything and everything to living a purposeful life on earth. 

it’s amazing to say, but it is through nature that I have discovered the existence of someone higher, a creator may be, but there indeed and probably a GOD resembling more like real of a person just like you and me but in the difference of the magnitude “He/She” would represent in relation to the birth of creation and then the history of humanity. I found out that the whole truth lies within each and everyone’s heart to discover, not just by reading books of knowledge, but also through physical and mathematical observation of the world we live in. Marine Foundation is a social platform that welcomes every culture, every religion, every race, every color, and everybody. I take it that water is enemy to no one as from water, we all came from, and each our mother is the proof of that. I felt that if we kept ignoring or denying the origins of our birth, we would probably keep on missing out on the understanding of the value of our lives, where respect for one another should be thought the first rule incentive in communication before learning anything else.

It is through that biological resemblance that we could hope to think that we were all born under the same sun and moon. And just like every single atom in nature fulfill its role in perfect respect of its purpose, we would also become embodied into the purpose of what real life is meant to be, when love appears as simple and true as a friend who says “hello” or a leaf that fell sitting on the balcony, forever wondering if it would ever be noticed. True Love is as simple and beautiful as a handshake in slow motion. So if nature is sensible to Love, it might mean that nature is the real teacher of coexistence. No human being can argue with the wind of the rain and much less with a wild animal who looks for food. Since human being argues with each other based on thoughts, we should look into places on non-arguments based on nature’s fact to determine the value of our life. True love is probably hidden in places where arguments do not exist, and so the mother’s womb would be the ultimate and perfect place to start. We all came from it, without a doubt.

True Love overcomes time: 

Time resembles eternity, that’s why it goes round and round. When you have not seen someone you love, for a long time, and when you see that person again, it feels as if it was yesterday. Sometimes, when you are having a wonderful moment, it looks as if time had just stopped and 5 hours would feel like 5 minutes. It is because each moment when love takes over, eternity unveils and time disappears.  Therefore love overcomes time, it is that simple. To my understanding then, the only way to make time a worthy friend is to live a passion. Education should focus on passion. And the most interesting thing about time is that you can also help it spray its wings so that one day, feels like a thousand years. It can go both ways, in good and bad times. But really, take the misery out of this planet, and people would transit to the next world as a train would through a bridge. Nothing changes except the geography may be. And at the center of all your expectation, those you have ever loved will reappear as if you have never left them, even a second. So today please do take note of everything and anything that feels good to your heart, because that’s how eternity is created and I don’t think a day at the office, will be enough to satisfy that much… Unless of course, passion instills…

Things to do this week: 

Establishment of the Japan Leadership team Japan

This week to complete: 

Settlement of the Leadership system

(The page looks good on the way and content coming along well) 

Japan activity page to complete:
There is a bit more work to do here but I will complete that next week. 

WPML system (website)
Multisite testing system (website)
Social plugin testing (website)
New analytic plugin (website)  

Other Blogs & Special Encounters

Japanese Information

Message by Mr. Yusuke Watanabe:






Brand Ownership:

The “Brand-Ownership” position is very unique to our system.  Japan will accept only 36 brand co-owners. (Asia a total of 72) – Therefore the 5 continents will have each, 72 co-owners of the Brand of the Marine Foundation, making it a total of 360 members. Japan is the birthplace of the foundation, and so we would have more members here. We have 10 members fully registered while many on “reservation”.