President Koura N. Ouattara does it again. The Second Edition of Africa’s Christmas with hundreds of children receiving the gift of meeting Santa on Christmas season. A heart’s gesture from the Marine Foundation Africa while installing its development structure for the entire continent.
Children of Africa, our Marine Foundation’s children, are most beautiful and seek parents’ tenderness when governments are busy playing geopolitics and so not always weary of these little ones who are the nations’ future. .
International Women Club of Japan’s Participation:
The Marine Foundation’s IWC (International Women Club of Japan) raised 500 000 Yen for the event. IWC Gala happened on December 13, 2020. These initiatives show that Marine Foundation is united across borders through its numerous agencies, allowing good-willing people to work together in one unanimous goal. Marine Foundation can help Solving differences by exposing the beautiful heart of children who ask nothing but Love, Kindness, and Understanding so that they, in turn, will have a chance to make a difference in today’s world.
Koura N. Ouattara and the Marine Foundation Africa
Marine Foundation’s Queen of Africa, Mrs. Koura N. Ouattara, has repeatedly demonstrated how the power of loving and giving to be the first stone in wanting to develop a region’s economy. She expresses that children are the real investment for the future. After years of patience in setting up the Marine Foundation’s administration and financial structure, it is incredible to witness that the time has finally reached its destined providence to start significant African developments. With the late inception of the DWB structure and the appearance of the “TRINITY” Group, unifying sponsors from around the world will finally be able to set foot on the African continent with the perfect PR platform to count and ride upon its system. This advent is the miracle of the age, and it is coming to a village near you very soon.