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Ousmane GueyE – The Blue Forest
The Blue Forest
La Forêt Bleue
The Marine Foundation is a strategic partner to the Blue Forest Concept and has defined it as a vital environmental project in full benefit of the planet and the Humanities.
One Million Trees planted and a Breathtaking Experience in the First African Park Exploration, an Architectural Display of Nature in the Likes of What it Means to Be the True Keepers of our Planet. Thanks to Transplantation & Biotechnology, We See Hope in the Renaissance of Life on Earth, Where Without the Growth of Trees, Clean Water and Pure Air We would have long be gone. Since the Dark Era of Industrialization We’ve Learned Our Lessons and the Advent of Green and Blue Technologies Replaces the Old. The Blue Forest Project is everyone’s calling and the Time to act is now.
Ousmane Gueye is one of the greatest Artist Sculptor of our time, in the service of humanities with the creation of one mesmerizing concept weaving ecology, art, and economy together: THE BLUE FOREST. The project demonstrates to be cost-effective given the size of its vision in content and planetarium dimension. It will provide a show for generations to come, in the learning to love and respect our nature, right from the heart of our common Motherland of Africa. Artist’s Official Marine Foundation page here
Celebrity Network
We are presently in relationship with the “close entourage” of legends such as Stevie Wonder, actor Danny Glover and Beyonce’s husband Shawn Corey Carter (Jay’Z), and so many more. “We are the World” Blue Forest – might have just found a good home … for revival and sustainable platform.
Blue Forest Associated Celebrities
VISION & Facts
The work of creation as we know it in water, land, or space is undeniably a work of art. From the safe system our body provides to the physics of universal planetary movement, everything is created with a role of maintaining the unwavering balance we live in today, so the passing of seasons and the sun that showers its energy daily for every single being to grow multiply and prosper since the birth of time billions of years ago. Trees are without any doubt the most needed nature of our planet. Trees are our first habitat from food for the body and air for our lungs through which green abundance and variety so dense are what makes the inland oceans and seas of our planet, a bridge between water and space, where we humans are given the joy of maintenance and protection. The Blue Forest Project goes much beyond planting 1 million trees in the 241 regions of the world. It will become a network of conscience, in a world where this immovable creature is by far our most trusted body of nature. Trees stand as big brothers, confident protectors, and comforters, and if you ever needed a friend in the midst of all there is, there would always be a tree, to keep you company. The first step in education, in opening the doors of a true elaborated mind, is recognizing that nature itself, is a work of art. On that knowledgeable fact, understanding the existence of God or Goodness becomes as blatant as observing a mother give milk to her child. As a finale note, Is it not as much as what the project represents to ecology, science, and art, but especially to what it will mean to generations of children gazing through these woods, thus inheriting the legacy of what we, parents and ancestors, have left for them to uphold while their life on earth.
We find that a substantial increase in arts educational experiences has remarkable impacts on students’ academic, social, and emotional outcomes. Relative to studies made on students assigned to control groups, school students experienced a high percentage percentage point reduction in disciplinary infractions, an improvement of a standard deviation in standardized writing scores, and an increase of a standard deviation in their compassion for others. In terms of our measure of compassion for others, students who received more arts education experiences are more interested in how other people feel and more likely to want to help people who are treated badly.
These findings provide strong evidence that arts educational experiences can produce significant positive impacts on academic and social development. Because schools play a pivotal role in cultivating the next generation of citizens and leaders, we must reflect on the fundamental purpose of a well-rounded education. Marine Foundation is likely to further recognize the value of the arts in the fundamental mission of education especially through projects that enhance the admiration of all through discovery of the natural world.
The future of Art Education Based on Dematerialization
We are already bearing witness to a rising trend that emphasizes experience, and an epitomized lifestyle above ‘products’. Multi-sensory art installations provide a variety of sensory stimuli to audiences. Bearing in mind this particular trend, the visual arts of the future might well abandon it’s a fascination with the immaterial, or the digital art object, in favor of collecting and presenting experiences and impulses, making full use of present and future, augmented and virtual, reality technologies. The process of dematerialization will coalesce into an emphasis on sensory responses, aimed at creating a 360°, vivid everlasting experience, or a tactile, oral and olfactory sensation. A return to nature all together away from a gallery or a museum, one will want to touch, smell, taste, and hear whatever creator marvels the creation to conjured up for them. The age of awareness is on the way and the exploitation of nature in the way presented by Ousmane Gueye is just the tip of the iceberg.
Simple But True
Healthy trees mean... healthy people.
One hundred trees remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide and 430 pounds of other air pollutants per year.
Healthy trees mean ... healthy communities.
Tree-filled neighborhoods lower levels of domestic violence and are safer and more sociable.
Healthy trees mean ... healthy environment.
One hundred mature trees catch about 139,000 gallons of rainwater per year.
Healthy trees mean ... homeowner savings.
Strategically placed trees save up to 56% on annual air-conditioning costs.
Evergreens that block winter winds can save 3% on heating.
Healthy trees mean ... better business.
In tree-lined commercial districts, shoppers report more frequent shopping, longer shopping trips, willingness to pay more for parking and willingness to spend 12% more for goods.
Healthy trees mean ... higher property values.
Each large front yard tree adds 1% to the house sales price, and large specimen trees can add 10% to property value.
There are hundreds of sites of information about the value of trees and their effects to society. This is one of them and you can download a very simple easy PDF understanding here. Or click on the images to access their websites.
The Blue Forest & Economic Developments
Natural Air Purification
Not only are trees cost-effective but they are also reliable air purifiers. One of the many benefits of planting trees is that they take in CO2 from the air and turn out oxygen. At the same time, they act as filters for particulates. As the particulate laden air moves through the trees, dust particles are caught on leaves and then are subsequently washed away with the rain. It was estimated that trees cleared 17.4 million tonnes of air pollution annually in the U.S. alone. The benefits on human health were valued at $6.8 billion.
Providing a cleaner atmosphere lowers the risk of airborne illnesses and at a much lower cost. Trees can provide relief for acute respiratory symptoms and asthma for almost one million people. Cities could save millions in healthcare costs and create a visually appealing cityscape by planting trees. Beautiful landscapes also boost mental health and civic morale.
Planting Trees Creates Jobs
Trees bring industry. Trees require a different amount of care in cities than they do in a national forest. Cities require people in order to water and prune the trees. Furthermore, specialists are needed to plan and optimize tree placement. Different cities and various parts of a city will require different numbers and types of trees. This creates jobs for urban planners, ecologists and arborists. These jobs are sustainable and essential to the success of an urban forest’s impact on pollution reduction and health promotion.
Through conscious management, a balance can be struck between conservation of forests and the industry they can provide (i.e., lumber). The lumber industry provides work for 13.2 million people worldwide. However, many of those jobs are primarily in deforestation. By bringing trees into the urbanscape, cities create more job opportunities and economic growth.
Lumber is an industry that will continue to grow as we see countries develop and urbanize. However, at the moment, the industry is causing harm by stripping the world of forests. We are sadly seeing our rainforests dwindle. Through enhancing forest management practices, investing in fire and pest management and developing intense monitoring systems, the economic benefits of planting trees can be brought to its full potential. An industry can be built, giving as much as it takes and ending the destruction of habitats, species and the climate.
A study in Sacramento, California, indicates that there is a relationship between the satisfaction levels of neighborhood park users and the landscape character of such parks. Trees are perceived as an important natural feature in the urban landscape and have an influence on property values. These relationships present significant opportunities for the application of forestry expertise in urban environments.
You already know this:
- Trees produce oxygen, which we need to breathe
- They absorb carbon dioxide, helping us fight climate change
- They produce timber, firewood and paper
- They provide a habitat for wildlife
But did you know this?
8 amazing benefits of trees
Research provided by Resilience
By Tegan Tallulah, originally published by The Climate Lemon
1. Trees prevent floods
Flooding happens after heavy rain when rivers burst their banks or drainage systems overflow. Trees can help prevent this by absorbing much of the excess water before it flows into drains or rivers. The surface roots quickly absorb water as it seeps into the ground and the deep tap roots use up some of the groundwater, allowing the soil to absorb more.
As well as simply drinking a lot of water, trees also change the physical structure of the soil. The dropped leaves and twigs add organic matter, which allows the soil to hold more water – and the little microbes that eat them create tiny tunnels in the soil, helping water seep in more effectively.
This recent study says strategic tree-planting can reduce the ‘peak height’ of floods in downstream towns by up to 20%.
2. Trees ALSO prevent droughts - trees reduce droughts
Maybe it’s not that surprising that trees are a natural flood defense, because they drink a lot of water. But get this: they also help to prevent droughts.
Trees and forests play a vital role in the water cycle. As well as drinking water through their roots, they release water through their leaves into the air – a process called transpiration. And they catch rain on their leaves, which evaporates back into the air to form rainclouds – although often the wind carries them and the rain falls somewhere else. Almost half of all rainfall is driven by this combined process of evapotranspiration by forests. Tree cover is around twice as efficient at this than agricultural land.
With more research, it may even be possible to increase rainfall to arid regions by strategic tree-planting in other places, using wind currents to transport the water vapor to where it’s needed most. This could be a gamechanger as climate change gets more serious.
3. Trees prevent soil erosion and landslides - trees prevent soil erosion
Soil erosion is probably the most unsexy environmental problem, but it’s a huge problem nonetheless. Half the world’s topsoil has been lost in the last 150 years.
Strong wind and rain can wash away the nutrient-rich topsoil, reducing soil fertility. This is a nightmare for agriculture, and it gets even worse: the topsoil is often washed into streams and rivers, where the vital resource becomes a pollutant, as it clogs up waterways and the high levels of nitrogen poisons aquatic life. Trees prevent this sorry state of affairs by physically holding the soil in place with their roots. Trees also protect the ground from the elements, shielding it from the wind and rain.
This is particularly crucial on hillsides, where erosion is more serious (thanks to gravity) and can even cause dangerous landslides.
Extensive soil erosion eventually leads to land degradation and the spread of barren deserts, but trees can stop that process in its tracks. The Great Green Wall is a bold project to plant a forest across the width of Africa to halt the spread of the Sahara Desert.
4. Trees boost soil fertility - trees improve soil fertility
The way trees regulate water and hold the soil together makes the soil better for growing crops, but it doesn’t stop there. They also boost soil fertility. You might think they would use up the nutrients, leaving less available for other plants – but trees are just too awesome not to be a net benefit. As they drop leaves and twigs, they decompose, feeding beneficial microbes and insects. All this organic matter is basically natural fertilizer. In turn, it attracts more plants and wildlife and they make the soil even richer, powering a virtuous circle.
5. Trees help to buffer noise - trees reduce noise pollution trees are a sound buffer
Trees are even a natural form of soundproofing. They absorb and scatter sound waves, like anything that blocks their path. But they’re much more attractive than a screen, wall or mound of earth, and the gentle sounds of rustling leaves and swaying branches also help to mask the unwanted noise. A dense belt of trees between something noisy and people who don’t want to hear it can reduce noise pollution by several decibels. The effect is even stronger if combined with hedges and mounds of earth.
This could be an effective urban planning tool to limit the issue of noise around things like schools, micro-factories, and nightclubs.
6. Trees cool down hot cities - trees reduce the urban heat island effect
Cities tend to be a few degrees warmer than the surrounding rural areas, due to something called the urban heat island effect. That probably doesn’t sound too bad, especially if you live in a rather soggy UK like me, but it causes health problems and even deaths in the summer and increases energy demand for air conditioning – which bumps up costs and causes more carbon emissions. In the US, excess heat causes more deaths than hurricanes, floods, and lightning combined.
Grey buildings and roads absorb more light than green vegetation does, emitting more heat and warming up the city. Urban trees (along with gardens, parks, green walls, and green roofs) counter this through the power of evapotranspiration. Their leaves release water vapor, cooling the surrounding air. Of course, trees also provide shade.
7. They make people happier, healthier and more productive - trees boost wellbeing, health, and productivity
Trees have been shown to boost people’s health and wellbeing, and the effect is not entirely explained by their air-cleaning oxygen-giving properties.
If like me you find trees soothing, you’re not alone, and science explains it’s more than a warm fuzzy feeling. Studies show looking at trees and green plants calm the central nervous system, reduces cortisol (the stress hormone), slows the heart rate, and lowers blood pressure. Interestingly, even looking at photos of trees has some effect.
Patients that have a view of trees outside their window actually heal faster. The calming effect reduces stress and pain, allowing the patient’s immune system to function more effectively. Similarly, studies have shown workers to be more productive when they have views of nature.
No one knows exactly how trees and nature have this physical and psychological effect on us, but the biophilia hypothesis holds that humans crave nature because that’s how we evolved over millennia, with urban lifestyles being ridiculously recent and unnatural by comparison.
8. Trees provide livelihoods for billions of people - 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods
In a way, you and everyone else are dependent on trees, because of the vital ecosystem services we’ve just been discussing, not to mention products made from wood. But while you and me have so many indirect links to the forest, for many people around the world forests and trees are a direct lifeline. A massive 1.6 billion people are directly reliant on forests for their livelihood, according to the FAO.
Mostly in developing countries, these people depend on forest resources in three main ways: using wild food, wood, and medicinal plants for regular household consumption, selling such products for income, or using wild food as a safety net when crops fail. This last point is crucial for protecting people from hunger in countries that often lack a proper welfare state.
As you can see, trees have so many amazing properties that can help us not only reduce climate change but also adapt to its inevitable impacts – while making life better at the same time. That’s the kind of multifaceted solution I like.
Or this?
Spirit and Mental
Trees Bring Good Luck
Why do we knock on wood for good luck? That tradition comes from long-ago pagans who tapped on tree trunks to summon the good spirits living inside.
Trees Are a (Literal) Breath of Fresh Air
An average-sized tree produces 260 pounds of oxygen per year, enough for two people.
One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out four tons of oxygen. This is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people.
Trees Provide Mental and Physical Health Benefits
Exposure to trees and nature reduces mental fatigue and can reduce blood pressure and muscle tension. And neighborhoods with more trees experience less crime.
Or, do you live next to a busy road? Plant some trees. They muffle noise that's keeping you up at night as efficiently as a stone wall, all while producing oxygen, controlling erosion and spurring along our water cycle.
Trees Make Cities Cooler
Urban heat islands happen when large swaths of asphalt and cement surfaces attract and retain the sun’s heat, artificially boosting temperatures. Trees and green spaces are the only cure.
I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree.
Joyce Kilmer, American Writer
Trees make the most lovely disguises for cement walls, tumbledown fences, and other urban eyesores.
Trees Can Save (and Earn) You Money
Cut utility bills, not trees! Trees on the west side of your house can block enough of the sun’s heat to save $25 on your air conditioning bill each year. Trees are also natural windbreakers, and can, therefore, cut down your heating bills in the winter.
Having trees in yards and throughout neighborhoods can boost property values by up to 15 percent.
Trees Are Not As Helpless As They Seem
Some trees can produce chemicals to fend off leaf-eating insects and some can emit airborne signals to alert other trees to prep for insect attacks or to call in other species for backup. Apple trees, for example, can attract hungry birds to come eat invasive caterpillars.
Tree Populations are Declining Rapidly
There are roughly 3 trillion trees in the world. We cut down 15 billion trees a year. Since the onset of agriculture 12,000 years ago, the planet’s tree numbers declined by 46 percent.
This is one of the best pages we could find to give you a quick view of the Benefits of Trees. There is no need to re-invent the wheel. It's all there. Click on the banner above.
5 Things you should know about Forest by Tim Wallace
1. There are about 3 trillion trees (and falling) in the world
Until 2015 no one really had any idea how many trees there are. The best global estimate was about 400 billion. When researchers from Yale University were asked to come up with a more accurate figure by the organisers of a UN-launched tree-planting initiative called the Billion Tree Campaign, they discovered this number was dramatically on the low side.
The conclusion of the research (led by Thomas Crowther, now with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) was that there were more than 3 trillion trees. This result was found by collating data including satellite tree inventories verified by on-the-ground counting, to compute tree numbers down to the square kilometre.
The study also delivered a recalibrated estimate of the number of trees being destroyed by humans – more than 15 billion a year. The total tree population had been halved as a consequence of human activities over the past 5,000 years or so.
These figures made the 14 billion trees planted by the Billion Tree Campaign in its first decade seem hopelessly inadequate. In 2017 it became the Trillion Tree Campaign.
2. The planet’s lungs have emphysema
The Yale research also gave us some reasonably precise figures on where trees are. Twenty-two per cent are in the temperate zones, between the tropics and the polar regions; the most dense forests are in the sub-arctic boreal regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America, which account for another 24 per cent. The biggest forests, however, are in the tropics. Home to about 43 per cent of all trees, they are rightly known as the lungs of the planet.
But those lungs are now emphysemic. In September 2017 there came the depressing diagnosis that tropical forests are now emitting more carbon than they capture, due to the rate of forest destruction, degradation and disturbance.
This finding was made by researchers from the Woods Hole Research Center and Boston University, both in Massachusetts, who refined satellite monitoring tools to identify subtle tree losses as well as complete clearing. The study showed that deforestation – long recognised as damaging – is now less a problem than more subtle incursions, with degradation and disturbance accounting for 69 per cent of total carbon losses from the world’s tropical forests.
“It can be a challenge to map the forests that have been completely lost,” said one of the paper’s authors, Wayne Walker. “It’s even more difficult to measure small and more subtle losses of forest. In many cases throughout the tropics you have selective logging, or smallholder farmers removing individual trees for fuel wood. These losses can be relatively small in any one place, but added up across large areas they become considerable.”
3. Trees are connected
One aspect of tree life that satellites can’t shed much light on is what is going on underground. Root systems can account for almost 30% of the total biomass of young tropical trees, according to a study conducted in Panama and published in October 2017.
The implications for carbon accounting and storage programs are only part of the significance of the research, which involved carefully excavating the root systems of six different tree species.
Not only did scientists find root systems extending more than 20 meters from tree trunks but about 5 per cent of the time those roots were connected with trees of neighbouring species via grafts.
“Are these trees sharing resources?” pondered study co-author Jefferson Hall, of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. “Would we have found a higher percentage of root grafts if we had the ability to look at fine roots? Clearly there is more work to be done.”
4. Trees share friends, and resources
Though competition for resources has historically been considered the dominant relationship between trees, as with all other species, the evidence continues to mount that trees communicate and interact in far more complex and cooperative ways. Experiments in a Swiss forest, for example, suggest trees effectively share food via an underground carbon-trading system.
Trees, of course, use photosynthesis to convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into sugars that are then transported from the leaves to feed branch, stem and root construction. The tree’s roots also exchange the carbon-rich photosynthate for water and nutrients from symbiotic fungal partners.
By flooding the crowns of individual trees with carbon dioxide carrying a specific atomic signature, scientists were able to track the path of carbon in that sugar, using atomic mass spectrometry. They found the carbon also ended up in the roots of neighbouring trees. Their conclusion: it was transported by fungal intermediaries. “Evidently,” says study co-author Christian Körner, “the forest is more than the sum of its trees.”
5. Trees sleep too
Like almost every living organism, trees are attuned to the planet’s day-night cycle. During the day they photosynthesise and breathe out oxygen; at night they rest in what researchers have likened to sleep – a state indicated by a quantifiable physical droop.
While the nocturnal hibernation of small flowering plants has long been known, proving the same in fully grown trees only became possible with advanced technology – using laser scanning to track millions of points on a tree. Laser scanning means each data point needs only to be illuminated with infrared light for a split second, so the nocturnal cycle is not disrupted.
A team of researchers from Austria, Finland and Hungary used this technique in 2015 to scan trees in different countries from sunset to sunrise. Though the changes were not large – with leaves and branches dropping about 10 cm in five-metre-tall trees – they were “systematic and well within the accuracy of our instruments”, said study lead author Eetu Puttonen.
The drooping, which occurred over a few hours and was reversed over roughly the same time come daylight, was credited to the water balance within individual tree cells. During the day, when the leaves are busy photosynthesising, they open their stomata to take in carbon dioxide. The open stomata mean leaf cells can also lose the water they need to for photosynthesis. So the tree pumps water from its roots and trunks out through its branches to the leaves. It’s a bit like pumping water through a fire hose, effectively inflating the entire structure through maintaining cellular water pressure.
Research conducted by Tim Wallace.
In honor of the International Day of Forests, Tim Wallace presents some fascinating lesser-known facts about our arboreal companions.
How to Plant a Tree
The Blue Team
- The Central Production Team (CPO)
- Affiliated Partners Team (APT)
- Central Management Staff & Team (CMS)
The Affiliated Partners Team (APT) is made up of business owners, city mayors, and social leaders supporting the conventions regarding land, legal, health, and authorizations needed for the establishment of the project.
The Central Management Staff & Team (CMS) are general managers to optimize all of the relational needed to help establish proper communications between the groups of the project leadership.
PR & EVENT Platforms
The Blue Forest Project will be represented through the World Naval Federation’s largest sailing yacht in the world: The Royal Clipper, which has already been adopted as the flagship of the Marine Foundation, will park for the preservation of ecology and the respect it holds for Motherland Africa.
The Royal Clipper (photos) will its 49 sails honor 40 sponsors whose names will expose significant sponsors to the multimedia. The yacht will welcome events and gatherings and night illumination parties for tourists and VIPs to enjoy. It will garnish the bays of Island and coastal nations around the planet.
Women Leadership Groups
The First Ladies Club (Marinef Agency) which network organization is organized into 5 departments consisting of Presidential, Royal, Corporate, Diplomatic and Academic Ladies. Ladies Club
Her Excellency Professor Amsatou Sow Sidibé, is elected the First Chairperson of the foundation’s United Five Oceans (U5O) which represents the friendly non-political association of diplomats and business leaders. She is also the Minister of Education at the foundation’s five ministries of development. Education & Women Leadership are great vehicles through which Blue Forest can pursue sustainable and concrete purpose.
Associated Celebrities
– WE ARE THE WORLD – Blue Forest is represented by the common vision of some of the greatest celebrities of our time. In the representation of the thousands that exist, we register 50 of the most charismatic personalities, whose name will stand on the 49 sails of the Royal Clipper in Tokyo 2021.
Click on the artist to know their name
Corporate Sponsors
CR (Corporate Responsibility) Sponsors who have graduated in receiving a Green Certificate from the Marine Foundation’s Corporate Responsibility Platform. They participate in their name, their resources, or finances to support the Blue Forest Project with all the returned benefits of exposure and networks . Click in the categories buttons.
Strategic Business Plan
Strategic Business and Development Plan are kept confidential just for a short time being. Complete information will be made public after the registration of the main partners/patrons of the Blue Forest project. That position is uniquely and exceptionally given to people is the like being the greatest artist entertainers of all times. We mean that not just in terms of talent but rather in what they represent to the hopes of millions if able to become channels to the betterment of humanities.
More, much more, coming soon … Page in Construction.