+81 (0) 3 3216 7176

Sunday, September 6, 2019


Tokyo Japan

To January 1st, 2020








Daily Reports around 5 Questions:

The things that I do today or Needs to be done:

Today, I start constructing the leadership page with the addition of the 360 Cofounders Group of the International Committee. This is going to be fun.

Things that I think about or Inspirations:

Sometimes, it does not take too much to be inspired. It is just a question of observation. When I realize that most blessings in life are right where we are, then we discover that wealth is more real with the simple things that surround us versus many of these wishes we dream about. Of course, it is fine to extend desires for greater and better experiences, but if you find yourself dazzling in showers of complaints, just remember that the people around you might be worth all the gold of the world.  

The things that I hope for or my bucket list:

Now that I have imagined the look of the “leadership page” partly completed today, I can start of organizing everything else around it. 

Freedom comes with Results – Some achievement for the day:

Yes, the leadership page was my little victory today. I was inspired by Africa and you will understand why when you go on the page. “leadership page

I might have learned something today – What is it?:

If I was an artist and a painter of the human body, there is no doubt that the design of an African woman wins the contest in shapes and colors. Beauty is everywhere to be seen and across the five continents, I am sure. Since that in creation, women are the pedestal of beauty, an artist wanting to create fascination and mystery around an art piece, would probably use the human body as his object of inspiration. 

Completed Blog Segments of Thoughts – click here