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Monday, June 10, 2019

To January 1st, 2020








Highlights: 001

As I have mentioned before, it takes 360 days of reporting in a row, without failing one day to first qualify as an Executive Chairman of the Marine Foundation. I have been trained to do just that, so let’s see if I might achieve as much starting June 11, 2019. 

Reports: 360 days daily report focus

I have kept saying that the Marine Foundation’s management system is one of kind. It follows the system by upon which the world is created, and that is total reasoning and common sense. There is nothing more that can be done on the level of administration system since I have considered all the basics that are not particularly inventions but just a copy and paste from the world that surrounds us.

It is funny to see that people talk so dearly about freedom as something that they fully control. When actually our entire livelihood is established and dominated by the laws that strictly govern our body through the food we eat and the air we breathe. Are we really free to do whatever we want? Yes, we are and as long as we follow the principles by which we can use those rules, which by the way, are predicatively not negotiable. If you play with fire you will burn yourself.

“Freedom” is the result that we bring to fruition when we have first followed the rules and principles that govern us all on our daily rooming on planet earth. Freedom is simply connected to “results” and does not come without responsibility. It takes full control and full accountability for one’s action to experience “true freedom”. When we experience freedom then we feel joy, and when we do feel the joy we experience and produce love. True love is based on True freedom and True freedom is achieved when we have achieved our responsibility. When a surfer has attained the control of balance he can then ride the impossible capricious waves of turbulent waters.

Therefore what is our first engagement as human beings? What are we meant to achieve at the core of our purpose on mother earth? The nucleus purpose of any individual born of the mother’s womb is to learn to live for others. We were simply born to live for others. That is the nature of our being. That is the only freedom that we can experience that we can individually and independently possess upon creating. Everything physical is controlled under the pilot route destiny of one day disappearing to the next – regardless of any religious or philosophical belief. To simply put it we are all without exception under the absolute ruling of the system of creation. We can’t escape the natural systems of our conception on earth. We can only exceed in understanding the purpose of it all through the privilege of being born with a spirit as creative as the spirit who created us. That is exceptional and so inexplicably amazing.

Romance, for example, has nothing to do with love except that it is a temporary state of being in awe to the discovery of sensational emotions. You can be romantic from the moment the sunrise on the horizons to the raining of stars of the dark skies. But the only way to experience the love as it is meant and design to be would seem to be consciously living for the sake of others.

Marine Foundation has a perfect role and that is to be 100% unconditionally set to bring unconditional developments. That’s what it is in essence and because of that precious and revealing knowledge, it is meant to become the greatest and wealthiest organization on earth. Naturally.

Every single great artist understands the value of the art they produce. But their heart focuses on the “creation” and not specifically on return. And so Vincent Van Goh died without a penny in his pocket. That is the inevitable destiny of the beautiful and divinely inspired: incomparable success and recognition. Where is Vincent now and what does he do? Does he need any money to prove his worth? and if he had wealth would he care so much about it? to the extent of what he could do on earth, he simply sacrificed his entire being to the making of beauty in the best way, he understood it from the created world he saw and imitated using his heart as his creative eyes. Here this is merely just a great artist but do think of the men and women who achieve as much and greater for the purpose of the betterment of our societies through history. How many would you recall as wealthy today? What do you make of those who passed the gates of generations and what would you want to remember of them? Media are none existing in the heavens and there are no place for fame there, but only the colors you made of your heart through living for the sake of others while alive on earth will remain as your passport from systems to systems.

On such reflection, people who think that I hold dear to be successful here in my generation are very much misunderstood. What I hold dear to my heart is to complete everything I can while I am still alive to do so. And then I am sure the systems will be picked up by someone who will be divinely inspired to put it to fruition. These 360 days of reporting are for you. These are my grateful offering to the heavens and my final report to mark the beginning of something that no one expected to see coming so quickly. If you are right now doing something “conscientiously” for the sake of others, outside of your own family and friends, please do trust me when I tell you that you are an instrument of heaven. Enjoy the day and reflect upon it as a gift to mother earth. Blessings start pouring upon you the moment you open your eyes in the morning.

Completed Blog Segments of Thoughts – click here

MARINF Brand Onwership system (Segment in Progress)

The brand of MARINEF is an interesting concept, isn’t it? 

I am going to attempt giving you the right understanding of what I think can be a revolution in setting up an organization of your won with purpose and a clear strategy to promotion and marketing appeal. All you have to do is imitate and recompose what you think you can use to the making of your own concept to help and develop your world, your society, your region or your village. First, let me tell you about the word “Brand” in the way you will understand it much more in the meaning of your real potential to create. (…to be followed)