+81 (0) 3 3216 7176

Saturday, June 15, 2019

To January 1st, 2020









A moment and a lifetime

Reports: A moment and a lifetime

Your living body cannot be perfected unless your entire existence becomes a foothold for absorbing nutrients. This phenomenon occurs in the natural world. The crossroads of life do not appear over a long period of time but in a single moment. People who ignore a moment fail to obtain something precious. Thus, for the sake of one bright shining moment, exercise care with each word you utter, each action you take, and even each thought you entertain. Deal with life and solve problems, believing that the contents of your daily life will all remain as phenomena in relationship to the world. That is the only way the realm of victory is determined.  

Today, what believers of any faith should dread is not the visitation of judgment in the Last Days but the question of how they will harmonize their daily activities and face life’s crossroads in alignment with God’s will or the will to serving others while making all of their dream come true.

Reports: Just before my Birthday – tomorrow

I have taken a few days off (the past 3 days) actually fixing things as it is my passion to spend lots of time with IT related matter. I also spend lots of time composing these concepts and studying ways to make transformation through the best ways to help solve problems through our operation development. Tomorrow will be a nice and beautiful day for me and each day is of the same caliber in happy discoveries and joyful moment of realization. From Monday I will be certainly more dedicated to the endless administration work that piles up with our team growing into the perfect storm. Yes the Tsunami of good energy is really on the way and we are going tired of wining.

Completed Blog Segments of Thoughts – click here

MARINF Brand Onwership system (Segment in Progress)

coming soon