+81 (0) 3 3216 7176

Sunday, August 25, 2019


Tokyo Japan

To January 1st, 2020








Daily Reports around 5 Questions:

The things that I do today or Needs to be done:

Today, I will write the declaration of “The Start of Marine Foundation According to Its Providential Call”. This is what I thought a long time ago but was waiting for the right timing before its official announcement. The time has finally come and I will set a special condition of fasting until September 6, 2019, for the content of this purpose and my commitment to the result. This is something joyful and really necessary and in line with the design of the entire concept.

Things that I think about or Inspirations:

I am inspired by the incredible efforts of our President Marine Foundation Africa, Mrs. Koura Niele Ouattara. She is entirely responsible with the beautiful take-off event of February 20th of this year. In recognition of such a day, I am initiating the annual 3 days event of the Celebration of Birth and Life on the 20th to the 22nd of February of every year. At first, it will be a regional event which will soon be recognized as an international or world event.

The things that I hope for or my bucket list:

I hope to complete the things I set out for the day. But actually, I will accomplish them so there is not much to hope for. If you hope for something, and you commit to that something then you have already accomplished it has happened, if your heart does not change. So in that respect, can you imagine what will happen if we all hope and commit to the building of a better world?

Freedom comes with Results – Some achievement for the day:

The result came with sharing my heart to some very sincere people today. When you work hard for something and you find a kind audience, this is like a celebration. 

I might have learned something today – What is it?:

If your conscience tells you what to do in the face of difficulties, do not wait for others to come to the rescue. That is my personal learning. 

Completed Blog Segments of Thoughts – click here