+81 (0) 3 3216 7176

Let’s work together

Schools, Institutions, Hospitals, Charity Organizations, Non-Profits, Government Project Agencies, Humanitarian Foundations, Grant Foundations, and Operation Foundations.

Marine Foundation’s Commitment to SISTER Associations

Marine Foundation commits its time and resources to the support of organizations that need help with fundraising or logistics organizational support with projects relating to humanitarian, health, ecology, and education. We harvest and share fruits of experience with “Younger Sisters” organizations but we can also support “Elder Sisters” large older organization with project due diligence, IT, and research with the setting of feasibility studies through our academic network throughout 5 ministries of industries.

Synergistic Benefits of Association with the Marine Foundation

1 - Brand Sharing & Public Relation:
We share the Marine Foundation’s brand with any organization needing a voice to a network or market. Sisters organizations might have their own programs and content to promote and they may use our communication platform to do so. Meaning also that they can profit from exposure to potential sponsors or donors affiliated with our network. In such a way, the Marine Foundation will also profit from a third party’s personality or projects to promote its own environment and in this case, can apply a profit-sharing scheme with financial income.

The Marine Foundation can also serve as a Public Relation to an organization that does not have the structure to appeal to the masses. Meaning that it can represent or solicit any project related to areas of services it promotes accordingly with the need of a particular region.

2 - Network Integration & Membership Organization:
The problem of many large or small non profit organization or research institution is their lack of IT and marketing support with gathering network to participate in their program or to raise funds. Marine Foundation’s Global Citizen membership platform can adhere its own members to support any third party projects at their own volition. Meaning that third parties projects or services can be integrated into our membership platform while keeping its original identity and ownership with the name of the organization promoting these values kept in the front row.

Marine Foundation will support the making of membership database for sister organizations who desire building their own communication platform, but who lacks the means to do so. This could also be handy for large foundation structures, who possess the funds to operate projects but do not have knowledge base communication structure to control their network, or better, who wish to expand to the international platform.

3 - Venue Sharing & Event Participation:
Marine Foundation can make available venues, properties or facilities to the use a sister’s organization that does not have the environment in place to gather people or operate with their staff on project base. This can be done in the reverse when an organization has its own idol property and wants to make it available to serve purposes that can support them at the same time.

At times of events produced by the Marine Foundation, sister organization are invited to participate in the need to promote their services or products. Unlike commercial sponsors, sister organization is not required participation fees, unless they are financially based on foundations with the large budget available and with an agenda of professional promotion of a product or project.

When Sister organizations need to organize an event, the support of the Marine Foundation’s platform can add value and professionalism to their presentation, especially when logistic is missing.  Sister organization’s members are unconditionally invited to participate to any educational programs seminar that can help inform their staff and volunteers.

4 - Project Due Diligence & Feasibility Studies:
Marine Foundation is armed with a full 5 academic ministries covering most industries of development, that includes Education and Sport, Medical Science and Health, Technology and Environmental Development, Economic Development and Tourism, Infrastructure and Real Estate. In that respect, this platform can be used to filter the content of any projects which other organizations might have the mission to tender, but are lacking with man power to execute the preparatory stages. Feasibility studies are often the most complex to achieve due to the need for complexity in conception and maturity in leadership and decision making.

A well organized and well represented project has greater chance to pass the certification process to acquiring funds and authorizations to execute. Marine Foundation can be a vital partner to large and small organizations that have for goal to developing sound and sustainable projects.

To register for the program, any organization’s leadership should communicate with a Marine Foundation’s representative officer first. Appointments are made upon direct verbal communications only:

Growth through mutual support
Brand sharing experience
Constant vital new information
Public image through the medias
Exchange & cultural integrations
and so many more ways of association together for the betterment of societies…


Introducing our Sisters Headquarters:

The NOVAYA Foundation

The NOVAYA Foundation is dedicated to the well-being of children, youth, women and the elderly. It was founded by Mrs. Ayesha Engelbrecht, Mrs. Naima Ben Mlouka and HRH Princess Sanyogita Atrey.

In Parallele with their beautiful activities consecrated to the betterment of our humanities, NOVAYA is the home of  “WOMEN & CHILDREN” Network of the Marine Foundation, represented by the International Women Club IWC, and the Marine Children Club

Philippe Cousteau Foundation:

The Union of Oceans

The Philippe Cousteau Foundation “Union of the Oceans” was born on June 18, 1999 as a non-profit entity, attached to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish State, by express wish and mandate of his father, Commander Jacques Cousteau. In its Board of Trustees it has illustrious personalities, among which we can mention the President of Spain Mr. Pedro Sánchez, the President of the Xunta de Galicia Mr. Alberto Núñez Feijoó, the President of the Principality of Asturias Mr. Adrian Barbón Rodríguez, etc. The Foundation also has a presence in more than 20 countries. The Board of Trustees and the technical team of the Foundation work to promote the culture of the sea, peace among peoples, international cooperation, sustainable development and the defense of the environment through the promotion of the economy, research, volunteering and cultural, civic and educational cooperation and development programs related to the natural environment, the sea, its waters and its people in the broadest sense.

Chantal Pembe

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Madame Chantal Pembe is a member of the “First Ladies Club” (Corporate Department)

Chantal Pembe Foundation Page (coming soon)

The Tattali-lyali

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The Fabb

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The Rebecca

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The Conde Djene Kaba

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The Serve Senegal

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The Sierra Leone
First Lady Foundation

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The Clar Hope

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