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IWC January 2020 1st Meeting

IWC January 2020 1st Meeting

International Women Club’s First Meeting for 2020

Location: It was the first of many great meeting announced for 2020. Mainly the leadership team of the International Women Club meeting at a Swiss Cafe in in Tokyo. The interesting location on the top of a hills in Nishi Nipori station gives it a charming taste as if you were back in Switzerland for a while.

I really appreciated and I was quite surprised by this very talented group of women determined to make Japan and the world a better place than it already is or at lest trying in the best way everyone can.

President Yoko’s facebook Report:

私は人前で話すことは決して得意ではない でも、話しているうちに、涙目の方が次々と現れてみんなの温かさが伝わってきて、私も泣けてきた😅 伝わったのは言葉を超えた私の思い🌈エネルギー
魂に話しかけているからね。Tomeo M-Gressardさんの話は今回も、笑いも交えて 身振り手振り、トメオ劇場みたい😊
みんな分かりやすかったんじゃないかな 会場のChaletswiss Miniでは、美味しいスイスのお料理と スイスビールやスイスワインや ハーブティなど みんなでいただきました。愛に溢れたミーティング
素晴らしい出逢いに感謝します。IWCのフェイスブックブックページにも書きました I am happy 😊 I am beautiful 💖
🌈目覚めよ女神たち https://www.facebook.com/yoko.akahane

The Age of Women and the Sea: It is not your typical type of club. Even I was nervous when preparing for the meeting. Since I am not a woman I also had to follow their strict protocol. IWC is dedicated to “women only” but it can accept men as part of the “Gentleman Club” that runs underneath IWC. Meaning that if you want to enter the Gentleman Club and participate in IWC’s women activities, you have to receive references of at least five IWC club members first. The way to do that is to be first invited to a meeting or party. The men, when invited, must sponsor at least 10 women at the party. For example, if the meeting contains 12 women and there are 2 men, these 2 gentlemen must split the bill in 2. Or in my case, I was the only man, and so I had to sponsor the entire group since they were 10 women at the dinner. Actually, it was educational in creating a true feeling of giving back to these ladies whose life is offered to their families and children. It feels like saying “thank you” to the birth of life and all the beauty we receive from women from the very day of living. It shows gratefulness on the part of man, for the invaluable and vital value of beauty women only bring to this world. IWC women have a few codes of communication in which they hold secret between themselves. The external code is the club’s brand slogan “I am Happy, I am Beautiful” and their internal code, which no men can know, unit them by a bond of sisterhood and solidarity. I was honored to be there. I hope I will be invited again, being around women who know their value and who are fully confident of what they represent to the world and their environment. It is a revealing discovery for any man who plans for a successful journey in learning to appreciate and respect and support this planet most precious heritage of bounty which only women know how to distribute. 

1st Edition Christmas 2019 in Cote d’Ivoire

1st Edition Christmas 2019 in Cote d’Ivoire

1st Edition Christmas in Cote d’Ivoire

It is in the heart of celebration that Mrs. Koura N. Ouattara organized the 1st edition of the foundation’s Christmas celebration in Cote d’Ivoire this year 2019. With the participation of director Mr. Cyril Cohen and his heartfelt desire to support the region, that everything took place as the first official children event of the Marine Foundation Africa.

We would like this to become a huge event the next year and organize a Christmas for all the children of Africa. It will happen and it will be the largest toy distribution program in the world. Real Santa will be proud!

IWC Gathering Aug. 2019

IWC Gathering Aug. 2019

International Women Club

IWC – Japan

The International Women Club is a worldwide “Women Oriented” platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation, concerning projects relating to Women Empowerment and the Protection of Children around the world. 

The Club is an “Agency” of the Marine Foundation which operations and activities are supported by sponsorship. 

The Club is made to benefit the members with educational programs on fashion, beauty, health, finance, art, sports, travel, and many other disciplines. It gives the members’ freedom to promote their own charitable causes or business purposes. 

Join the club here: (coming soon)

Organized by Marine Foundation’s Mrs. Yoko Akahane, the International Women Club of Japan makes its a first official gathering, amidst Marine Foundation co-Brand owners and a beautiful assembly of the greatest ladies of Tokyo. 

We had a wonderful time on Thursday, August 2019, with meeting together with a wonderful team of friends and family. The International Women Club of Japan has just started and I think there are over 40 ladies and gentlemen. The event was a general presentation of the purpose and also the chance to meet new friends.

I would like to say thank you to Yoshie, Nagomi, Kaori, Junko, Saori, Atsuko, Junko, Atsuko, Junko (2), Aya, Takuya, Kyomi, Yoko, Yukari, Kayoko and Hiro, for coming to the event.

I mentioned that the true organizational systems of the future are based on circles where gravity allow the balance of spirit and the sharing of our life together. Without a center, there is no balance and most of the systems we see today are mainly pyramidal.

IWC will become a center of reflection and discoveries and with that in mind, we can hope to celebrate our days on earth in most of the resourceful ways. I would like to thanks everyone coming and surely we are looking forward to the bigger events coming soon.

Photo Gallery 

System Update August 2019

System Update August 2019


1 – Ruling of the Leadership System

Basic Points of understanding Upon Joining the International Committee of the Brand

MARINE FOUNDATION (few lines of understanding)

"The deity and beauty of God's work are displayed in total transparency for all to see, enjoy and learn from. But only those who can passionately read between the lines can hold and possess the secret of heavenly inspired strategies where deployment, achievement, and multiplication are tools to those who come with the heart open for circular leadership of the "Parent-Child" relationship. It is not by fame, wealth or charisma that one can hope to change societies but only by through the creation of systems that does magic and miracles to everyone." - Tomeo M-Gressard

Basic understanding upon joining the Marine Foundation's Co-Founding 360 Group.

Case 1:
Marine Foundation's concept design started from the year 2002
, and its pioneering team of volunteers started appearing in 2005. The official first team of volunteers under NPO registration was formed in 2012. Its official registration was done on March 11, 2013. Before and after the registration until the year 2018, the entire sponsoring of first operations was entirely donated by the founder of the organization, including traveling, office rents, administration fees, and many more. The few who have contributed support throughout system development until the year 2022, will be officially recognized with benefits.

Members of the International Committee belong together without hierarchy, all equal in benefits but under the constitutional rules of absolute respect for one another. They belong separately to the "Brand" of the Marine Foundation and are not responsible for directorial leadership positions except by own choice. National President of Regions and Countries are appointed only upon the administrative physical registration of the Marine Foundation in locations.

Case 2:
Before and after its first registration in Japan, there has never been an official appointment of Directors except through the legal registration of the organization in several countries.

Case 3:
Any photos in major browsers of published documents in the old letterhead of Marinef media, in any form of words or contents, must be verified and validated by the official present leadership office of the Marine Foundation.

Case 4:
The true content of the Marine Foundation is the one published and still present through the official website of the foundation under the domain https://marinef.org/ and that domain only. The official director's members of the Marine Foundation are published on the official website under the same domain name. No one can claim any directorial position unless registered on the official source website at: MARINEF.ORG.

Case 5:
Those volunteers who have participated in any form of support, whether moral, intellectual, or physical have received documentation on becoming co-founding members. The foundation will offer positions accordingly with the article "case 13" of this document.

Case 6:
The title of "Cofounder" pertains to everyone with the creative heart of wanting to live for the sake of others. To make the terms more clear as to the conventional meaning of such titles, the Marine Foundation has established a system of co-owner of the brand which allows the entrance to 360 people in the position of co-owners of the "brand/logo/trademark" of the Marine Foundation. In that respect, there is only one person  Tomeo Motto Robert Dominique Gressard" (responsible for the system design and concept architecture) but also that person appearing as one of the co-founders. "Anyone" is the "founder" of his/her system or program or project within the platform. Reforms are discoveries. The Marine Foundation created the 360 Co-Founding Co-ownership of the brand "system" which constitute the inception of the International Brand Committee which committee will preside over the entire system.

Case 7:
Regardless of the position of director, staff, co-brand owner, celebrity, or academic, anyone who add to the system through an idea that has been approved, becomes a "founder" of the concept he/she created, and their benefits to that creation are sincerely distributed accordingly with the rights of "concept" leadership to the system that has been created, even if it carries the Marine Foundation's trademark, logo, and signature over it.

Case 8:
Anyone that has been accepted into a leadership or membership position with an official appointment letter from the year 2021 and on, must read the "Ruling of Leadership" and approve of its content (Agreeing to the rules and terms of condition) before accepting the position. If a member has verbally announced his/her departure, the license will be retracted within a 30 days limit.

Case 9:
The responsibility of "co-creator" of the concepts designed by the foundation or the amendments of laws and systems will pertain to the group responsibility as an international committee of 360 members whose positions are called "Co-Brand Owners". The supervision of the international committee will be led by the "Chamber of Law" which will represent the supreme court for certification of projects, protection of members, and the legal representation of both the foundation, its agencies, and the intellectual properties through the brand and trademark of the foundation.

Case 10:
Someone who has come timely in the period where the group of 360 has not yet completely formed, can request for the brand Co-Ownership approved officially by the "System Architect First Generation".

Case 11:
A person that has been accepted into a "Co-Brand Owner" position of the group of 360, has received a "lifetime" membership over this particular license. Even if by convenience a person leaves his/her leadership position as a "director" or "manager", that person remains a member of the International Committee and part-owner of his/her license with all its benefit.

Case 12:
The basic administrative obligation of a "Co-Brand owner" "Co-Founding" member of the 360 Group is his/her attendance to the 4 times per year "International Committee" meetings scheduled in every 4 seasons of the year.  The gathering of the International Committee will be sponsored by the brand entirely.
The International Committee ruling is a worldwide consortium of people to better protect the brand of the Marine Foundation and each member retains a "supervisory (non-executive)  leadership" over the brand and trademark of the Marine Foundation. This includes a voting power over some of the amendments to the system and with another committee the vote over the new Executive Chairman/woman of the Marine Foundation and some of its major leadership position.  The great importance to the value associated with this position is a sense of responsibility which centers around the protocol of absolute respect for life and environment, and the exercise of good moralities throughout the brand.

Case 13:
A member can cancel membership anytime.

Case 14:
The fusion between MARINEF and organizations (Sponsor Association at https://marinef.org/sponsors/ ) is strategically conceived for the sake of world operations centered on bringing systematic development of socioeconomic and humanitarian projects.  The logo may appear in many forms. MARINEF centers on the development of communication platforms and project reforms in all industries it represents.

Case 15:
Level up Partnership (only applies to the start-up of the Marine Foundation) - This is a "one case" situation only. All other cases are registered through the normal "association programs" described on the sponsor's page.
The partnership with an organization that has come to work directly with the Marine Foundation. The organization is financially very stable and wants to establish its own base using the network system of the Marine Foundation. This organization has similar values and morality to the Marine Foundation. This organization keeps its branding entirely to itself but is recognized by the Marine Foundation as a benefactor of the world for peace and economic development. This organization must be introduced to the leadership circle unique to the "Central Leadership" represented by the World Headquarters of the Marine Foundation. This organization can select of their own choice the specific representation director of the Marine Foundation if he/she is a member of the central leadership in the spheres of development as noted on the Leadership page.

Case 16:
The diplomatic status which the organization MARINEF will benefit from through its registration in countries it operates is strictly an instrument for security for the sake of humanitarian purposes only. The use of the diplomatic card is strictly prohibited to any content that does not pertain to the mission purpose-oriented of MARINEF, throughout the activities it promotes in total service to others.



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Chairwoman Kumi Naruse

Chairwoman Kumi Naruse

Mrs. Kumi Naruse, Chairmwoman of the Hospitality Foundation of Japan, Heartfully ready to Reception the Worldwide Royalty & Elite Membership of the Marine Foundation in Japan

 For the First Time I am Inspired in the Potential of Japan’s True Hospitality Spirit:

While my pioneering of over 20 years in Japan, I have encountered thousands of talented women, serving the good looks of the Land of the morning sun, but I had never met the candidate that would energize international relations in the ways of spirit, philosophy, and relational skills as Chairwoman Kumi seems potentially to demonstrate in her position and through the organization she founded. “Hospitality Foundation of Japan” is a name that wholesomely characterizes what I just meant above.

No one wants to reinvent the wheel and I tell myself that if the Marine Foundation needs to welcome the greatest crowds to the country, then I tell myself to look no further. Thanking Mr. Hiroyuki Kojime whom I have met at Yoshie’s Megumi Expo, under the invitation of Yoko Akahane, I am grateful to see that providentially, good work is perfectly accomplished through the channel of good relations only. Yes, it takes the dexterity of a well-seasoned heart to bring people together and the training does not happen overnight. Asking John Rockefeller who was his most precious people, he answered that it was his “Public Relation” people.

The Hospitality Foundation of Japan is therefore meant to become the ideal link between Japan and the rest of the world. Now you would think that these huge Japanese companies’ leaders have what it takes to communicate with the rest of the world, but in all truthfulness, with the growth of economy everywhere else in the world, Japan is losing its “ego grasp” over international leadership and relationship. In great “thanks” to the USA Japan has successfully climbed its ladder of economic strength to the top, but with the appearance of “deal makers” such a President Trump, it will no longer hold a charismatic position on the markets it profited from, for so long now. Now the time is held to “inspiration” rather than “convenience” and “influential motivation” is what incites giant developers to open up both their minds and pockets. This is where someone like Mrs. Kumi Naruse can intervene and indeed if she, through her organization, fills the space to welcoming the highest of crowds to her home, little do we know how she will seed up Japan to become a number one global culture of warm-hearted splendid “hospitality” in the way other nations like South Korea or China can heartily comprehend. Have you noticed? Except for the beautiful and educated Royal Family of Japan, Japanese Corporate Leaders and media have ZERO skills in international relations. Education and Hospitality are the only two vital and invaluable tools to develop and maintain an economy, and in my observing experience, it always starts with ONE person.

Hiroyuki Kojima and “ethical bamboo”:

Thanks for the gift Hiro-san! This is truly appreciated and yes I love it. Surely also meeting the organization’s leader would be a great pleasure and this is a list of product that we could offer at our special events. This is so perfect and healthy to the skin. (Please click on the photo to go “ethical Bamboo”‘s website below):

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MARINEF has its own press culture and does not rely on 3rd party feeds when it puts out articles. However, when photos or text are quoted entirely from another source, we take the precaution of joining the links of the source reports.

We do not give favor to any political or religious group and share our reports on the base of absolute respect for all. Nevertheless, our opinion is what they are in light of what they represent for the propagation of peace and good relations.

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“Megumi” A New Brand

“Megumi” A New Brand

The Brand “Megumi” produced & founded by Yoshie Ishii is meant to become a tool to “Women’s Empowerment Programs” around the world.

Innovative heart in Apparel’s Fashion Industry:

Inspired by the work and deed of the queen of Women’s Empowerment” Her Highness Princess Sanyogita Atrey (Marine Foundation’s Honorary President for the Republic of India), Yoshie Ishii (MARINEF’s Production Director) gives a new direction to her designing talent in the production of her brand of beautiful original scarf design and production. Yesterday, I had a test of wonder gazing upon Yoshie Ishii’s new spider web design scarfs where colors really inspired a mysterious reflection of light. I did feel as if her work would go viral in just a matter of time and ingenious marketing strategies. But as soon as I heard on her desire to support humanity with the development of her brand (Megumi), then I realized that a “match in heaven” would be Yoshie’s introduction to HRH Princess Sanyogita, the beautiful royalty of India and a champion of causes for women across the globe. This blog is actually an advisory purposed type of bridge, for great leaders to meet great talents. Here when both individuals are members of the same platform, it would then mean that it is just a matter a time before they both encounter to the brainstorm and ponder together into the betterment of human societies in the ways of economic development.

Indian & African women are the culmination of Exotic Wisdom in the world of beauty and therefore optimize in full circle the sophisticated Esthetic Traditions of Japan.

The scarf can be wear anyhow one would image and not restricted to the shoulders. Yoshie would like to share its pure magical Japanese silk and transfer her design techniques to regions where there is a need for work, especially in the women’s workplace. It is a fact that fashion is anywhere in the world a multi-billion Market it is not an easy field to conquer due largely to the local competition where only the privileged wealthy individuals have the power and resources to make it to stardom. Yoshie’s brand distribution concept is firmly attached to the “Transfer of Technology Program” initiated by the Marine Foundation which system would allow for thousands of women entrepreneur worldwide to jump into the “Megumi” sub-licensed brand for young ladies to express and export their talent under the brand’s umbrella which startup would not cost them anything to worry about. The textile industry in India is the second-largest employment generator, for both skilled and unskilled labor. Now imagine the initiation of a program that gives rise to international export through brand sharing: That system would almost automatically and potentially take thousands of impoverished young ladies to become the producer and corporation owners of their own creativity. That surely would help make a change and inspire the apparel industry to have an infinite supply chain of products for the constantly growing and fashion craving economies of the world.

Yoshie Ishie: Request of Audience with Her Royal Highness Princess Sanyogita

Mrs. Yoshie Ishii, Founder of “Megumi” would humbly request an audience with HRH Princess Sanyogita to discuss ways for Japan to help represent the “Ladies Country Club” in Asia and to support her entrepreneurial concepts of developing businesses for women around the world.

HRH Princess Sanyogita of India

Marine Foundation’s President for the Republic of India and Royal Member of the First ladies Club

Japan Airline Welcomes Megumi Brand

Yoshie’s scarf has been published in the overseas edition of JAL in-flight magazine. (Japan Airline) – 良恵ちゃんのスカーフがJALの機内誌の海外版に掲載されました

With Yoko Akahane (left),

representative support Director for the Japan Beauty & Cultural Women Center (Ladies Country Club of Japan) – Proposed by HRH Princess Sanyogita.