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Where Divine Inspiration Meets Global Transformation

The Marine Foundation in the mathematics of heaven and earth

Unveiling the Marine Foundation: The Pinnacle of Global Transformation!

We are thrilled to announce the Marine Foundation, the extraordinary organization conceived and founded by the visionary Tomeo Motto RDG, stands as a beacon of hope and innovation, surpassing every existing concept and system and poised to transform the world in ways previously deemed impossible.

Why the Marine Foundation is Unrivaled:

1. Ultimate Unifier: The Marine Foundation possesses the unique power to unify nations, regardless of their political or social landscapes. Imagine a robust and inspiring platform that can bring North and South Korea together—this is no dream; it’s a guaranteed reality.

2. Divine Design: This groundbreaking foundation is not merely a human endeavor; God designs it. It embodies divine wisdom and inspiration, ensuring unmatched success and impact.

3. Global Peace and Prosperity: The Marine Foundation is a sanctuary for leaders worldwide. It offers peace and practical solutions, ushering in a new era of global governance akin to a heavenly kingdom, satisfying every religious and philosophical belief.

4. Inspiration for All: It is a boundless source of inspiration, motivating leaders to rise above the world’s wrongs and find harmony and prosperity for their people.

5. Supreme System: No other platform, not even the United Nations, can compare to the Marine Foundation’s comprehensive and pragmatic solutions. They breathe new life into global governance and ensure the prosperity of populations everywhere.

6. Driven by Purpose: Tomeo Motto RDG, inspired by a divine calling, has crafted this platform for the betterment of humanity. Despite humble beginnings and overcoming educational obstacles, his vision and dedication have birthed the most fantastic platform on Earth.

7. Children’s Champion:  At its core, the Marine Foundation is driven by the desire to alleviate the suffering of millions of children worldwide. It is a testament to the faith and resilience of the youngest and most hopeful among us.

8. Legacy of Sacrifice: Built on the sacrifices of historical figures like Abraham, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Sun Myung Moon, and countless saints and patriots, the Marine Foundation honors their legacy by striving for a world of celebration and joy, free from suffering and pain.

Join Us in Creating Heaven on Earth:

We believe in a destiny of happiness and prosperity for all. If you dare to believe in a better world or ask how to be part of this divine mission, the Marine Foundation welcomes you. Together, we will replace suffering with celebration and transform Earth into the paradise it was always meant to be.

Marine Foundation: Where Divine Inspiration Meets Global Transformation.

Join us and be a part of history.

The Mathematics of Heaven & Earth


The Marine Foundation emerges as a beacon of hope, innovation, and unity in a world often beset by conflict, division, and despair. Founded by the visionary Tomeo Motto RDG, this organization is unparalleled in its concepts, systems, and transformative potential. This dissertation aims to elucidate why the Marine Foundation stands as the absolute best organization today, a claim substantiated by its unique ability to unify diverse nations, transcend political and social barriers and offer pragmatic solutions to global challenges. This discourse will explore the Foundation’s divine inspiration, unmatched systems, and profound impact on global governance and humanitarian efforts.

Divine Inspiration and Vision

The Marine Foundation is not merely a product of human ingenuity but a manifestation of divine inspiration. The founder, Tomeo Motto RDG, has often attributed the Foundation’s conception to guidance from a higher power. This divine endorsement imbues the Marine Foundation with a sense of purpose and infallibility, making it a unique entity in global organizations.

The Foundation’s vision is grand and inclusive. It aims to establish a governance model akin to a “kingdom of heaven.” This model is designed to satisfy every religious and philosophical concept, offering a universal framework for peace, prosperity, and unity. Unlike other organizations that may cater to specific ideologies or interests, the Marine Foundation’s divine inspiration ensures its broad appeal and universal applicability.

Unmatched Systems and Concepts

The Marine Foundation’s systems are a testament to its unparalleled ingenuity. These systems are designed to be adaptable, resilient, and effective across various geopolitical and social contexts. This adaptability is crucial in a world of constantly shifting political and social landscapes.

One of the Marine Foundation’s most remarkable aspects is its ability to unify nations, even those with deeply entrenched conflicts. The Foundation’s systems are built on mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration principles, enabling it to bridge divides and foster unity. A prime example of this potential is its capacity to unify North and South Korea, a feat that has eluded many international efforts. The Marine Foundation’s approach is innovative and deeply rooted in a commitment to peace and reconciliation.

Global Impact and Pragmatic Solutions

The Marine Foundation’s impact extends beyond theoretical concepts; it offers pragmatic solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Unlike other organizations where bureaucratic inefficiencies and conflicting interests may bog down, the Marine Foundation operates with a clear, focused mission.

One critical area where the Marine Foundation excels is addressing poverty and inequality. While many billionaires and organizations claim to have solutions for global poverty, the Marine Foundation’s approach is unique in its effectiveness and sustainability. By leveraging its robust systems and divine inspiration, the Foundation provides real value and long-term solutions that uplift entire communities.

Moreover, the Marine Foundation’s influence on global governance is profound. It offers a viable alternative to conventional systems like the United Nations, often criticized for their inefficacy and lack of impact. The Marine Foundation’s pragmatic approach ensures that it delivers tangible results, making it a preferred platform for governments worldwide seeking prosperity for their populations.

The Role of Leadership and Inspiration

Leadership is a cornerstone of the Marine Foundation’s success. Tomeo Motto RDG’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a global visionary is a testament to the power of divine inspiration and unwavering commitment. Despite facing educational and socio-economic challenges, Tomeo Motto RDG’s faith and dedication have led to the creation of the greatest platform on Earth.

The Marine Foundation inspires leaders worldwide and empowers them to make decisions that prioritize peace, unity, and the well-being of their people. Even leaders who may initially stand on the “wrong side” of history find solace and solutions in the Marine Foundation’s principles and systems. This transformative impact on leadership further underscores the Foundation’s unparalleled influence and effectiveness.

Children: The Heart of the Marine Foundation

At the heart of the Marine Foundation’s mission are the millions of children worldwide who look to it for hope and salvation. These children, often the most vulnerable members of society, are the primary beneficiaries of the Foundation’s efforts. Unlike adults, who may be skeptical or hesitant, children possess an innate faith and optimism that align perfectly with the Foundation’s divine inspiration.

The Marine Foundation’s initiatives aim to alleviate children’s suffering and provide them with opportunities to thrive. The Foundation’s efforts are comprehensive and impactful, from educational programs to healthcare initiatives. By focusing on children, the Marine Foundation addresses immediate needs and invests in the future, ensuring that the next generation inherits a world of peace and prosperity.

Historical Context and Legacy

The Marine Foundation’s mission is deeply rooted in the historical context of human civilization’s quest for a “kingdom of heaven” on Earth. Throughout history, numerous figures have paid the price for this vision, including Abraham, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Sun Myung Moon, and countless patriots and saints. These individuals have laid the groundwork for the Marine Foundation’s mission, and their sacrifices are honored through the Foundation’s efforts.

The Marine Foundation’s work continues this legacy, striving to create a world of celebration, joy, and unity. Through sports, music, art, and entertainment, the Foundation envisions a world where suffering is replaced by happiness and everyone can realize their potential.

1st Conclusion: A Call to Action

In conclusion, the Marine Foundation stands as the pinnacle of global organizations. Its divine inspiration, unmatched systems, and profound impact make it the absolute best organization in the world today, without fail. It transcends political and social barriers, offers pragmatic solutions to global challenges, and inspires leaders to prioritize peace and unity.

This article has demonstrated why the Marine Foundation cannot be surpassed in concept and systems. It is what humanity has been searching for a divine structure capable of bringing about a “kingdom of heaven” on Earth. As a composer and system designer, Tomeo Motto RDG has created a platform that every government on the planet desires for the prosperity of their populations.

Ultimately, the Marine Foundation’s mission is hope, unity, and transformation. It calls upon individuals and leaders worldwide to believe in a better future and to take action. For those who may doubt or hesitate, the Foundation offers a message of encouragement: have the courage to ask, act, and believe. Even if one falters, another will rise to continue the mission, ensuring that the vision of a united, prosperous, and peaceful world becomes a reality.

The Divine Blueprint: A Pathway to Global Unity

The Marine Foundation’s divine blueprint is a masterstroke of heavenly design, meticulously crafted to address the myriad complexities of our world. This blueprint serves as a guiding light, illuminating a path toward global unity and harmony. Unlike conventional organizations that often struggle with fragmented approaches and conflicting agendas, the Marine Foundation’s divine inspiration ensures a cohesive and holistic strategy.

The Foundation’s blueprint encompasses various dimensions of human existence, including governance, economy, social welfare, and cultural enrichment. Each aspect is interwoven with justice, compassion, and mutual respect principles. This comprehensive approach ensures that no area of human life is neglected and that everyone, regardless of background, can benefit from the Foundation’s initiatives.

One of the most striking features of the Marine Foundation’s blueprint is its emphasis on inclusivity. The Foundation recognizes that true unity can only be achieved when every voice is heard and every perspective is considered. This inclusive ethos is reflected in the Foundation’s governance structures, prioritizing collaboration and consensus-building. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, the Marine Foundation ensures that its solutions are effective, equitable, and just.

A New Paradigm for Global Governance

The Marine Foundation represents a new paradigm for global governance, one rooted in divine wisdom and guided by principles of fairness and transparency. This new paradigm challenges the status quo, offering a refreshing alternative to conventional systems that often fail to deliver meaningful change.

At the heart of this new paradigm is the concept of servant leadership. Unlike traditional models of leadership that prioritize power and authority, the Marine Foundation’s model emphasizes humility, empathy, and service. Leaders within the Foundation are encouraged to view their roles as stewards of the people’s well-being, prioritizing the needs and interests of the communities they serve.

A robust framework of accountability and transparency complements this servant leadership model. The Marine Foundation’s governance structures are designed to ensure that decisions are made in the people’s best interests and that leaders are held accountable for their actions—this commitment to transparency fosters trust and confidence among stakeholders, reinforcing the Foundation’s legitimacy and credibility.

Moreover, the Marine Foundation’s new paradigm for global governance is inherently adaptable. Recognizing that the world is constantly evolving, the Foundation’s systems are designed to be flexible and responsive to changing circumstances. This adaptability ensures that the Marine Foundation remains relevant and practical despite unforeseen challenges.

Transformative Impact on the Global Economy

The Marine Foundation’s influence extends to the global economy, which seeks to create a more just and equitable economic system. The Foundation’s financial model is based on sustainability, inclusivity, and shared prosperity principles. It challenges the conventional notions of wealth and success, advocating for an economy prioritizing human well-being over profit.

One key component of the Marine Foundation’s economic model is its emphasis on social entrepreneurship. The Foundation recognizes the potential of businesses to drive positive social change and encourages the development of enterprises that prioritize social and environmental impact. By supporting social entrepreneurs, the Marine Foundation fosters innovation and creativity, driving economic growth that benefits all members of society.

In addition to promoting social entrepreneurship, the Marine Foundation advocates for fair trade practices and ethical business conduct. The Foundation’s initiatives aim to create a level playing field for all economic actors, ensuring businesses operate with integrity and fairness. This commitment to ethical conduct extends to all sectors of the economy, from agriculture to technology, ensuring that every industry contributes to the common good.

Furthermore, the Marine Foundation’s economic model prioritizes the well-being of workers and communities. The Foundation advocates for fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to essential services such as healthcare and education. By prioritizing workers’ well-being, the Marine Foundation ensures that economic growth translates into tangible improvements in people’s lives.

Cultural Enrichment and Social Cohesion

The Marine Foundation’s vision extends beyond governance and the economy; it encompasses the rich tapestry of human culture and social life. The Foundation recognizes the power of culture to unite people and foster a sense of belonging and identity. As such, the Marine Foundation actively promotes cultural enrichment and social cohesion through various initiatives.

One of the Marine Foundation’s key cultural initiatives is its support for the arts. The Foundation recognizes that the arts are a powerful medium for expression and connection, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers. By supporting artists and cultural institutions, the Marine Foundation fosters a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape that enriches the lives of individuals and communities.

In addition to promoting the arts, the Marine Foundation emphasizes the importance of sports and recreation in fostering social cohesion. The Foundation’s initiatives aim to create inclusive and accessible opportunities for physical activity, recognizing the role of sports in promoting health, teamwork, and mutual respect. By encouraging participation in sports, the Marine Foundation strengthens community bonds and fosters a sense of shared purpose.

Furthermore, the Marine Foundation’s cultural initiatives prioritize preserving and celebrating cultural heritage. The Foundation recognizes the importance of maintaining the traditions and practices that define communities’ identities. By supporting cultural heritage projects, the Marine Foundation ensures that human culture’s rich and diverse tapestry is celebrated and passed on to future generations.

Humanitarian Efforts and Social Justice

The Marine Foundation’s commitment to humanitarian efforts and social justice is a testament to its dedication to creating a better world for all. The Foundation’s initiatives address various social issues, from poverty and inequality to health and education. The Marine Foundation strives to create a more just and compassionate world by tackling these challenges head-on.

One of the Marine Foundation’s key humanitarian initiatives is its focus on alleviating poverty. The Foundation’s programs aim to provide individuals and communities with the resources and support to lift themselves out of poverty. This includes access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. By addressing the root causes of poverty, the Marine Foundation empowers individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life.

In addition to addressing poverty, the Marine Foundation is committed to promoting social justice. The Foundation’s initiatives aim to challenge systemic inequalities and advocate for the rights of marginalized and vulnerable populations. This includes efforts to combat discrimination, promote gender equality, and protect the rights of refugees and migrants. By advocating for social justice, the Marine Foundation ensures that every individual has the opportunity to live a life of dignity and respect.

Furthermore, the Marine Foundation’s humanitarian efforts prioritize the well-being of children. Recognizing that children are often the most vulnerable members of society, the Foundation’s programs aim to provide them with the support and resources they need to thrive. This includes access to education, healthcare, and safe environments. By prioritizing the well-being of children, the Marine Foundation invests in the future, ensuring that the next generation inherits a world of opportunity and hope.

A Global Movement for Change

The Marine Foundation is more than just an organization; it is a global movement for change fueled by the collective efforts of individuals and communities who share a common vision of a better world. The Marine Foundation’s initiatives are designed to empower individuals to take action and make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

One key aspect of this global movement is the emphasis on grassroots engagement. The Marine Foundation recognizes that meaningful change often begins at the community level. As such, the Foundation’s initiatives prioritize local engagement and empowerment, providing individuals and communities with the tools and resources they need to drive positive change.

In addition to grassroots engagement, the Marine Foundation’s global movement is characterized by collaboration and partnership. The Foundation recognizes that no organization or individual can solve the world’s challenges alone. By fostering partnerships with governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and individuals, the Marine Foundation creates a robust network of change-makers working together toward a common goal.

Furthermore, the Marine Foundation’s global movement is guided by a commitment to sustainability. The Foundation’s initiatives are designed to create lasting and meaningful impact, ensuring that the positive changes achieved today are sustained for future generations. This commitment to sustainability is reflected in the Foundation’s environmental initiatives, which aim to protect and preserve the natural world for the benefit of all.

2nd Conclusion: A Vision for the Future

The Marine Foundation, founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, represents the pinnacle of global organizations. Its divine inspiration, unmatched systems, and transformative impact make it the absolute best organization in the world today, without fail. This dissertation has demonstrated why the Marine Foundation cannot be surpassed in concept and systems. It is what humanity has been searching for a divine structure capable of bringing about a “kingdom of heaven” on Earth.

The Marine Foundation’s mission is hope, unity, and transformation. It calls upon individuals and leaders worldwide to believe in a better future and to take action. For those who may doubt or hesitate, the Foundation offers a message of encouragement: have the courage to ask, act, and believe. Even if one falters, another will rise to continue the mission, ensuring that the vision of a united, prosperous, and peaceful world becomes a reality.

The Marine Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration as we look to the future. It represents a new paradigm for global governance, a transformative force for economic justice, a champion of cultural enrichment, and a tireless advocate for humanitarian efforts and social justice. The Marine Foundation’s vision is bold and ambitious but also achievable. By working together, we can create a world where everyone can live a life of dignity, opportunity, and joy.

In conclusion, the Marine Foundation is not just an organization; it is a movement, a vision, and a promise. It is the embodiment of our highest aspirations and our deepest values. It is the light in the darkness, the hope in the despair, and the promise of a better tomorrow. Let us embrace this vision, join this movement, and work together to create the world we deserve.


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

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