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 Marine Foundation’s New Era. The Membership

The Marine Foundation’s First Era was “The System”. Now its membership operation has started.

For Japan, the Birth of EXS – The Executive Women’s Club

The Marine Foundation is currently undergoing a redesign, with a new membership system being implemented from the ground up. In Japan, for instance, a private membership system has been introduced, allowing private groups to operate without interference and to remain free from negative influences. These groups are able to focus entirely on their volunteer efforts for the Foundation’s causes, undisturbed by outside negativity. As a reminder to everyone across all platforms, here is an overview of what the Marine Foundation stands for.

The Eternal Beacon: A Story of Perseverance and Unwavering Beauty

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Vision

In a world often defined by division and conflict, there once was a vision so pure and unwavering that it stood as a beacon of hope for all. This vision was not born in a moment but was nurtured over the years, growing stronger with every challenge it faced. It was a vision that would come to be known as the Marine Foundation, a movement that sought to unite the world through compassion, education, and sustainable development.

The Marine Foundation is the brainchild of individuals who believe in the power of collaboration, the strength of youth, and the necessity of empowering communities to create a brighter future. Its vision transcended borders, religions, and cultures, drawing strength from the diversity of the world and channeling it into a force for good.

The journey of the Marine Foundation was not an easy one. From its inception, it faced skepticism, opposition, and numerous challenges. But those who believed in it were undeterred. They knew the path to a better world was not a straight line but a winding road filled with obstacles. Yet, they also knew perseverance was the key to overcoming these obstacles, so they pressed on.

Chapter 2: The First Seeds of Change

The Marine Foundation’s concept began in the design system of “Kingdom Schools.” These schools were more than just institutions of learning; they were sanctuaries of hope, where children who had known only poverty and hardship were given the tools to shape their destinies.

The concept is simple yet revolutionary: education is the cornerstone of development. The Foundation believed that empowering young minds could break the cycle of poverty and create a generation of leaders who would drive their communities forward. The schools are designed to be more than just places of academic learning; they are communities in themselves, where children live, learn, and grow together.

The Campus is organized into miniature housings, with ten children living in each quarter. This structure fostered a sense of community and belonging, where every child was cared for and supported. Education is not just about academics; it is about teaching values, responsibility, and the importance of giving back to one’s community.

The impact will be immediate. Children who had never dreamed of a future beyond the borders of their village begin to see possibilities they had never imagined. They dream of becoming doctors, engineers, and teachers—leaders who would one day return to their communities to drive change. As they desire, they work hard, fueled by the belief that they could be the architects of their own futures.

Chapter 3: The Expansion of a Dream

As the success of the Kingdom Schools will spread, so will the Marine Foundation’s influence. The vision that started in a small village in Côte d’Ivoire soon found its way to other parts of Africa and beyond. Other nations embraced the Foundation’s education and community development model, each adapting it to their unique needs.

In Liberia, a country with a proud history but a future clouded by challenges, the Marine Foundation found fertile ground for its vision. Liberia’s liberation history was echoed in the Foundation’s mission to liberate people from poverty and ignorance. The Foundation’s ambassadors spoke passionately about the power of education and vocational training as the keys to the country’s prosperity. They emphasized Liberia’s brave history and the meaning of its name, urging the people to reclaim their destiny through knowledge and hard work.

The Marine Foundation’s influence is not limited to education. It extended to health, communications, and finance, creating a comprehensive approach to development that addressed the needs of entire communities. The Foundation recognized the value of youth in economic growth, and its programs were designed to empower young people to take control of their futures.

In Senegal, Mrs. Aicha Rebah’s appointment as President of Marine Foundation Senegal marked a new chapter in the Foundation’s story. Under her leadership, the Foundation aligned its strategies with the development agenda of Senegal’s new President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye. The Foundation’s construction truck, which served as both a symbol of progress and a practical tool for community development, became a rallying point for local fundraising efforts and a testament to the Foundation’s commitment to serving the community.

Chapter 4: A Legacy of Unity

As the Marine Foundation grew, so did its impact. Its success was not just in the tangible results it achieved but also in the intangible legacy it was building. The Foundation was creating a global network of communities united by a common purpose: to build a better world for future generations.

One of the most profound examples of this legacy was the official registration of the Marine Foundation in Mauritania. This achievement was not just a bureaucratic milestone but a symbolic victory that underscored the Foundation’s potential to unite global populations. Mauritania, a country that represented a confluence of Buddhist, Christian, and Islamic cultures, was a fitting place for the Foundation to establish its presence. The registration marked the first time an organization had been fully registered in a country that simultaneously embraced such diverse religious traditions. It is a testament to the Foundation’s mission of unity and its ability to transcend cultural and religious differences.

This achievement was made possible by the tireless efforts of two extraordinary individuals, Mr. Doua El Vara and Mr. Sidi Mohamed Bencheckroun. For ten years, they had worked tirelessly to bring the Foundation to Mauritania, overcoming countless obstacles and challenges. Their perseverance paid off, and they were justly recognized for their contributions. The Marine Foundation is now positioned to play a significant role in the country’s development, and the registration is a powerful symbol of the Foundation’s global reach.

Chapter 5: The Beauty of Perseverance

The story of the Marine Foundation is one of perseverance—a quality often undervalued in a world that prizes instant success. But those who understood the true nature of change knew that real progress was not achieved overnight. It resulted from years of hard work, dedication, and an unwavering belief in a better future.

The Marine Foundation’s journey was filled with challenges, but each was met with resilience and determination. From the early days of skepticism and doubt to the struggles of expanding its reach and impact, the Foundation never wavered in its mission. It was driven by a deep sense of purpose and a belief that the world could be a better place if people came together in the spirit of cooperation and unity.

The Marine Foundation’s beauty lies not just in its accomplishments but in the spirit of perseverance that underpins those accomplishments. It is the beauty of a vision that refuses to be dimmed by setbacks, of a mission that inspires even in the face of adversity. It is the beauty of a movement that brings people together, transcending differences and building bridges where once there were only divides.

The Marine Foundation’s success is also a testament to the power of collaboration. It is a story of people coming together from different backgrounds, cultures, and religions, united by a common goal. It is a story of individuals who believed that working together could achieve more than they ever could. This spirit of collaboration is at the heart of the Foundation’s work, making its mission so powerful.

Chapter 6: The Future Unfolds

As the Marine Foundation grows and evolves, its future is filled with promise. The Foundation’s leaders understand that their work is far from over and remain committed to their mission. They know that the challenges ahead will be no less daunting than those they have already faced, but they also know they have the strength, the vision, and the perseverance to overcome them.

The Foundation’s plans for the future are ambitious. The “Kingdom Schools” pilot project in Côte d’Ivoire is just the beginning. The Foundation intends to establish ten such schools, each serving as a model for others to follow. These schools will provide education and be centers of innovation, where new ideas for community development are tested and refined.

The Marine Foundation is also expanding its health, communications, and finance work. The Health Development Agency, a structure of the Foundation, is playing a crucial role in establishing a network for distributing health support products to difficult-to-reach regions. This work is critical in ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to the health care they need.

The Foundation’s emphasis on youth empowerment is also crucial to its plans. The leaders of tomorrow are today’s young people, and the Foundation is committed to giving them the tools they need to succeed. Through education, vocational training, and leadership development programs, the Foundation is helping to create a new generation of leaders who will continue building a better world.

Chapter 7: A Legacy to Remember

The Marine Foundation’s story will be remembered for generations to come. It is a story of perseverance, of unwavering belief in the power of unity and collaboration, of individuals who refused to give up, even when the odds were against them. It is a story of a vision that has just started and continues to inspire and uplift, bringing hope to communities worldwide.

The Marine Foundation’s beauty lies not just in its achievements but also in the values it embodies. It is a beacon of hope in a world that often seems dark and divided. It reminds us that no matter how difficult the journey may be, perseverance and collaboration can overcome even the greatest challenges.

As the Marine Foundation looks to the future, it does so with a deep purpose and a commitment to continue its work. The journey may be long, and the challenges may be significant, but the Foundation’s leaders know they are on the right path. They are driven by a belief in a better world and a determination to see that belief become a reality.

The Marine Foundation’s story is not just a story of an organization; it is a story of humanity. It is a story of what is possible when people come together in the spirit of unity and collaboration. It is a story of hope, perseverance, and the undeniable beauty that comes from believing in a better future.

Epilogue: The Eternal Flame

The Marine Foundation symbolizes what can be achieved when people come together with a common purpose. Its journey is far from over, and its future is promising. The Foundation’s leaders, volunteers, and supporters are committed to continuing their work, driven by the belief that they can make a difference in the world.

As the Foundation grows, it will face new challenges and obstacles. But those who believe in its mission know they have the strength to overcome them. They know that perseverance is the key to success and that they can achieve great things by working together.

The beauty of the Marine Foundation lies not just in what it has accomplished but also in what it represents. It is a beacon of hope in a world that often seems dark and divided. It reminds us that no matter how difficult the journey may be, perseverance and collaboration can overcome even the greatest challenges.

The Marine Foundation’s story will continue inspiring and uplifting, bringing hope to communities worldwide. It is a story of perseverance and unwavering belief in the power of unity and collaboration, and it will be remembered for future generations.

And so, the flame of the Marine Foundation burns brightly, a beacon of hope in a world that often needs light. It is a flame that will never be extinguished, a symbol of the enduring beauty that comes from believing in a better future and working tirelessly to make that future a reality.


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

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