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World Broadcasting Message:
Week 24 Completed – Marine Foundation’s Week 24 of 2024

The Sun and You

The Sun Within: A Luminous Truth

In our complex existence, there lies a profound and irrefutable truth, one that transcends the boundaries of time and space, illuminating the very essence of our being. This truth, like a radiant sun, resides within each of us, a beacon of light that never wavers, never dims, and never lies. It is the inner sun, the core of our true selves, that guides us with its unwavering brilliance, casting aside the shadows of doubt and deception, and revealing the pure, unadulterated reality of who we are.

Imagine, if you will, the sun as a symbol of all that is pure and eternal. Its light reaches out across the cosmos, touching every corner of the universe with its warmth and clarity. Just as the physical sun rises each day to dispel the darkness of night, so too does the inner sun rise within us, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and self-deception. It is an ever-present reminder of the truth that lies at the heart of our existence.

We often find ourselves entangled in the complexities of life, striving to justify our actions, desires, and choices. We weave intricate narratives to make sense of the world around us, to align our external realities with our internal beliefs. Yet, amidst this intricate dance of justification and rationalization, the inner sun remains steadfast, a silent witness to our truest intentions and deepest truths. It is an eternal source of light that cuts through the fog of illusion, revealing the path of authenticity and integrity.

The magic of the sun, both within and without, lies in its ability to illuminate without judgment. The sun does not discriminate between the worthy and the unworthy, the righteous and the flawed. It shines with equal fervor upon all, offering its light as a gift, a gentle reminder that truth is not something to be earned but something to be recognized and embraced. Similarly, the inner sun within us does not judge or condemn; it simply illuminates, offering us the clarity we need to see ourselves and our lives as they truly are.

In moments of quiet reflection, when we turn inward and seek the light of our inner sun, we are often met with a sense of profound peace and understanding. It is as if the layers of pretense and illusion melt away, leaving behind the crystalline purity of our true selves. In these moments, we come to realize that the truth we seek is not an external entity to be discovered but an internal reality to be acknowledged.

The sun within us calls us to live in harmony with our highest values and deepest convictions. It urges us to align our actions with our truths, to let go of the need for external validation, and to trust in the light that shines from within. This is the magic of the sun—a magic that is both simple and profound, accessible and infinite.

To embrace the sun within is to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. It is to recognize that the light we seek in the world is already within us, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. It is to understand that our true power lies not in the justification of our actions but in the authenticity of our being.

As we go forth into the world, let us carry with us the knowledge that the sun within us does not lie. Let us trust in its light, allow it to guide us, and let it illuminate the path of truth, integrity, and love. For in the light of our inner sun, we find the magic of our truest selves, a magic that shines eternally, unbound and free.


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Go to the Agencies' page here.


Week’s Highlights & PDF Report Download

Zoom Schedule Week 25 - click here

Zoom Schedule for the Week

English or French or Japanese Every day of the Week at 5 am Japan time. Here is the link:


Updates & Week Report - click here

To find out quickly about the structure of the entire organization, you may go to the sitemap of operation page.


Synopsis: Marine Foundation’s Exquisite Sake from Niigata

Introduction to Marine Foundation’s Sake

In the serene Niigata region of Japan, the Marine Foundation has extended its influence into the art of sake brewing, producing what is regarded as the finest sake in the country. This initiative underscores the Foundation’s dedication to cultural preservation and excellence.

Purity and Craftsmanship

The Marine Foundation’s sake is crafted with meticulous attention to purity. Using pristine water from Niigata’s snow-capped mountains, the sake embodies the Foundation’s values of purity and perfection. The cold winters and clean waters of Niigata are crucial to the sake’s smooth and refined taste.

Cultural Significance

Beyond its superior quality, the Marine Foundation’s sake is renowned for bringing good fortune, especially to men. This tradition is deeply rooted in Japanese culture, where sake symbolizes celebration, prosperity, and well-being. Testimonials from consumers highlight personal and professional successes attributed to the auspicious properties of this sake.

Brewing Excellence

Producing this premium sake involves selecting the finest rice, polished to remove impurities, and using traditional brewing techniques combined with modern quality controls. Master brewers in Niigata oversee the intricate fermentation process, ensuring a sake that is smooth, fragrant, and rich in flavor.

The Legend of Global Samurai Sake

Dubbed “The Drink of the Jedi,” the Global Samurai Sake is legendary for empowering individuals to effect positive change. Those who drink it are considered “Chosen Ones,” destined to leave a significant mark on the world. This legend enhances the sake’s appeal as a powerful and transformative beverage.

Blending Tradition with Innovation

The Marine Foundation’s sake production seamlessly blends traditional brewing methods with modern sustainable practices. This approach preserves cultural heritage while meeting contemporary standards. The sake’s packaging also reflects a sophisticated mix of traditional and modern design principles.

Promoting Cultural Appreciation

By producing sake, the Marine Foundation fosters global appreciation for Japanese culture. The sake serves as a cultural ambassador, inviting people worldwide to experience Japan’s rich traditions.

 Global Samurai Sake: A Worldwide Brand

The Marine Foundation’s Global Samurai Sake is the first international brand of sake, benefiting Japanese airlines, the Ministry of Tourism, and Japan as a whole. This initiative aims to enhance tourism, promote cultural appreciation, and create a new cultural phenomenon.

Family-Friendly Appeal

A non-alcoholic version of Global Samurai Sake for children will attract families, introducing young people to Japanese culture in an engaging way and creating lasting memories.

Annual Celebration: The Day of the Global Samurai

An annual celebration, the Day of the Global Samurai, will bring together locals and tourists to celebrate Japanese culture, featuring performances, culinary delights, ceremonial blessings, and interactive workshops.


The Marine Foundation’s sake from Niigata represents the harmony of tradition, purity, and innovation. It embodies the Foundation’s values and dedication to excellence, promising prosperity and well-being. With gratitude to the co-founders Mr. Masaki Matsunaga and Mr. Tomeo Motto RD-Gressard, and the president of the brewery in Niigata, Mr. Togashi, the Marine Foundation’s sake stands as a testament to cultural preservation and the promise of a prosperous future.  https://marinef.org/holy-fields-of-dreams/

 Synopsis: United Coalition of Faiths – UCF
Introduction to UCF

In a world plagued by conflict and division, the United Coalition of Faiths (UCF) offers a beacon of hope through the unification of religious leaders dedicated to global peace and prosperity. By transcending doctrinal differences, these leaders aim to inspire a movement that could potentially end all wars and establish a harmonious, just, and prosperous human society, reflecting the ideals of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Research and Rationale

The concept of the UCF arises from the recognition of religion’s significant influence on billions of lives. While diverse religious beliefs can lead to tensions, they also offer a rich resource for promoting peace and development. This dissertation explores the potential of interfaith cooperation to address global challenges such as conflict, poverty, and environmental degradation. It seeks to harness the moral and ethical teachings of various faiths to foster social cohesion and sustainable development.

Research Questions and Objectives

 The study aims to explore how a United Coalition of Faiths can contribute to global peace and conflict resolution, and the benefits of interfaith cooperation in social justice and development. It examines effective organizational structures and governance models for the coalition, identifies potential challenges, and proposes strategies to overcome them. The study’s objectives include analyzing interfaith cooperation’s theoretical foundations, evaluating historical precedents, and providing policy recommendations.

Significance of the Study

This study addresses the urgent need for innovative global governance approaches that transcend political and cultural boundaries. By examining the UCF’s potential, it aims to provide a framework for interfaith cooperation, benefiting religious leaders, policymakers, and international organizations. The findings could revolutionize how religious communities engage with broader society to tackle common challenges.

Structure of the Dissertation

The dissertation is organized into ten chapters, covering theoretical frameworks, historical contexts, organizational structures, goals, challenges, case studies, impact assessments, policy recommendations, and concluding insights.

UCF Intercontinental Yearly Gathering

The UCF Intercontinental Yearly Gathering is a week-long celebration of faith, unity, and global cooperation. It features:

  • Day 1: Opening ceremony with speeches from religious leaders, welcome sessions, and a grand dinner.
  • Days 2-4: Celebrations of major faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism, with prayers, rituals, and interfaith dialogues.
  • Day 5: Roundtable discussions on common challenges, drafting, and signing of a joint declaration.
  • Day 6: Launch of the “Land a Hand” humanitarian initiative, with workshops and volunteer team formations.
  • Day 7: Closing ceremony with multi-faith prayers, cultural festival, and final messages of unity.

Cultural Heritage and Humanitarian Projects

UCF is committed to preserving cultural heritage and fostering future development through projects like renovating religious buildings and constructing educational facilities. These efforts honor the spiritual and historical identities of communities while addressing immediate humanitarian needs through initiatives like the “Land a Hand” project.

Visionary Leaders and Luminaries

 The UCF Intercontinental Yearly Gathering will feature charismatic and visionary leaders from various backgrounds, as well as celebrated personalities dedicated to humanitarian causes. Their presence will foster an atmosphere of respect, mutual learning, and innovative thinking, making the gathering an inclusive celebration of unity and cooperation.


The United Coalition of Faiths aims to create a world where mutual respect and understanding transcend religious and cultural boundaries. Through interfaith dialogue, humanitarian efforts, and the preservation of cultural heritage, UCF embodies a profound commitment to global harmony and understanding. The UCF Intercontinental Yearly Gathering symbolizes this mission, offering a powerful platform for dialogue and action, inspiring individuals and communities worldwide to join in fostering a more inclusive and compassionate world. https://marinef.org/united-coalition-of-faiths/


Changes to the website:

Zoomcasting.org / website infrastructure created and Page on the way
WORLD PEACE Website creation and qualification of all chapter
Completed writing the concept of  AFFASTAR – Webpage Presentation
On the official Marine Foundation website.
Same as last week. I will build the structure this week.
The Ladies Club has been revamped to the official structure.

Week 24 Report in PDF - click here:

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