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Saving America – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Saving America – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 2024 Presidential Campaign

Renewing America’s Promise: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Vision for 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 presidential campaign resonates with a clear and compelling message designed to inspire action and address the challenges facing the United States. RFK Jr. fully grasps the urgency of these issues and has devised comprehensive strategies to engage the public in solving them. His direct appeal for participation and financial support ensures everyone understands how to contribute to the cause.

Mr. Kennedy affirms that together, Americans can redefine the nation’s trajectory, moving away from entrenched policies and toward a future that reflects America’s values and priorities. His campaign provides detailed examples highlighting the need for comprehensive reforms in foreign policy, regulatory frameworks, and fiscal management—emphasizing the critical nature of this election.

By championing a new direction that prioritizes economic strength and principled diplomacy, Mr. Kennedy aims to restore the integrity and efficacy of America’s faltering democratic institutions. This deep commitment to systemic change is essential for the future prosperity and security of the United States.

This collective effort will ultimately drive the sweeping reforms the nation desperately needs.

Kennedy’s Vision for Economic and Cultural Restoration

Mr. Kennedy is proposing innovative strategies that could position the United States as a credible and effective partner in global development. His ideas focus on shifting from a reliance on military strength to fostering economic systems that are aimed at cultural and economic restoration. This approach promises to enhance international relations and promote peace and prosperity, allowing societies to thrive while maintaining their sovereignty and independence.

A key example of this new direction is the formation of the Balkan Federation, spearheaded by President Brian Sergy Mason of the newly founded Development World Bank (DWB). This initiative exemplifies how economic leadership can lead to positive transformations on a global scale.

Should Mr. Kennedy continue to champion these principles of moral integrity and democratic governance, it’s likely that he would attract widespread global support. His approach resonates with the fundamental needs of society—putting the welfare of people, especially the most vulnerable, at the heart of policy-making.

It’s crucial to recognize the current challenges posed by those who profit from conflict and undermine the moral foundations of our society. These actions are particularly harmful to the lives of women and children and are at odds with the principles that leaders like President Mason exemplify. Embracing this new path could not only redefine America’s role on the world stage but also restore the values that are essential for a harmonious global community.

A Magnificent and Legendary Background

Echoes of Destiny: The Kennedy Legacy of Triumph and Tragedy in American Politics

Kennedy emerges from a lineage steeped in political lore, a saga of ambition and triumph interwoven with tragedy and the unyielding spirit of American democracy. The Kennedy name resonates with echoes of past battles for the highest office in the land, where dreams have soared on the wings of possibility and sometimes faltered under the weight of immense challenges.

His journey is illuminated by the formidable shadow of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, whose ascent to the presidency in 1960 remains a storied chapter in American history. JFK’s charismatic campaign rewrote the playbook of political engagement, sparking a flame of hope and progress that continues to inspire generations.

The narrative of the Kennedy family’s quest for the presidency did not pause with JFK. It is a path marked by the bold aspirations of several titans within the family, each adding their unique brushstroke to the family’s grand political tapestry. Kennedy’s father, Robert F. Kennedy, emerged as a beacon of social justice and change, his 1968 campaign a crescendo of passion and idealism tragically cut short by an assassin’s bullet before he could clinch the nomination.

The saga continued with Sargent Shriver, Kennedy’s uncle-by-marriage, who in 1976 valiantly threw his hat into the ring, only to withdraw as the political currents ebbed against him. And then there was Ted Kennedy, whose 1980 bid to unseat an incumbent president captivated the nation, a testament to the enduring allure and complex dynamics of family legacy in the American political arena.

Each campaign, whether crowned with victory or touched by defeat, has contributed to a family legacy characterized by an indomitable commitment to public service and a profound connection to the American ethos. In this grand narrative, Kennedy is not merely a scion of a distinguished family but a torchbearer of a profound and vibrant legacy, eager to etch his own chapter in the annals of history.

Running as an independent candidate


Running as an independent candidate in a deeply divided nation presents a unique opportunity to serve as a moral arbiter, bridging divides not only within the country but also extending a hand of solidarity to the global community. This approach transcends the traditional partisan battle lines, offering a fresh perspective grounded in universal values rather than party allegiance.

In today’s political climate, where polarization often stifles progress and mutes the voices of the moderate majority, an independent candidacy symbolizes hope—a beacon for those yearning for a politics devoid of entrenched biases and geared towards holistic, inclusive solutions. It introduces a paradigm where decisions are driven by ethical considerations and the common good, rather than by the strategic interests of a particular party.

Such a candidate can effectively address the core issues that resonate with the people, championing policies that reflect a comprehensive understanding of both national and international concerns. By prioritizing morality over partisanship, the candidate can rekindle a sense of community and shared purpose, fostering unity amidst diversity.

Globally, as nations observe this bold stride toward genuine democratic engagement, it sets a precedent for leadership that values integrity over influence. This stance not only redefines the expectations from political figures but also reinforces the importance of values-driven leadership in cultivating a just and peaceful world.

Thus, an independent run is not merely a political statement—it is a call to realign political actions with the timeless principles of justice and equity, aiming to soothe and inspire the hearts of people both at home and abroad.


Leadership Defined: The Path to Global Influence and National Reverence

Mrs. Elida Calero, an Executive Assistant to President Mason (DWB-Development World Bank), took a proactive step by conducting an interview with Mr. Kennedy and hosting a fundraising event dedicated to his campaign. This initiative not only highlights a promising partnership but also positions Mr. Kennedy closer to realizing a vision of prosperity for all Americans. It is widely acknowledged that the foundation of a peaceful state lies in policies that blend moral governance with inclusive economic development. Mrs. Calero’s efforts have effectively given Mr. Kennedy a promising glimpse of potential success, leveraging her influential role to make a significant impact on the global stage.

Here is a synopsis of the remarks from Mrs. Elida Calero and networks on the personality of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Reaching a standard where one can be seen as a true champion for both their nation and the world involves a blend of qualities, experiences, and actions that resonate deeply with both national and global values. Here’s a hypothetical path someone might take to achieve such stature:

Deep Understanding and Empathy: Cultivating a deep understanding of diverse cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, and personal experiences within America and globally. This includes actively listening to and empathizing with the concerns and aspirations of various communities.

Visionary Leadership: Developing a clear, forward-thinking vision that addresses both immediate concerns and long-term challenges. This vision should aim for sustainable development, equity, and inclusion, promoting policies that benefit all layers of society while considering global implications.

Commitment to Service and Integrity: Demonstrating unwavering commitment to public service and maintaining high ethical standards. Trust is foundational and is built on a track record of transparent and principled decision-making.

Global Collaboration and Diplomacy: Engaging actively in global affairs through diplomacy and cooperation. This means building alliances and partnerships that foster mutual respect and shared goals, such as climate action, peacebuilding, and economic development.

Educational and Experiential Breadth: Pursuing a broad educational background that includes not only formal education but also varied life experiences, such as working in different sectors, volunteering, and traveling. This broadens one’s perspective and enhances problem-solving skills.

Advocacy for Human Rights and Justice: Standing firm on issues of human rights and social justice both domestically and internationally. This involves fighting against inequality and injustice and advocating for the marginalized and oppressed.

Innovation and Adaptability: Embracing innovation in governance and problem-solving, including adopting new technologies and interdisciplinary approaches that address complex global and domestic issues.

Resilience and Courage: Displaying the courage to make difficult decisions and the resilience to withstand criticism and setbacks. Leadership involves risk, especially when it comes to shifting paradigms or implementing new policies.

By embodying these characteristics and continuously striving to align actions with the values of compassion, fairness, and respect for diversity, a leader sunch as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  can truly become a beloved figure who champions the well-being of their people and positively influences the global stage.

Aligning with Vision:

How President Brian S. Mason and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Could Shape a New Era of Global Peace and Prosperity

Timing is everything in politics, and the alignment of goals and values is crucial. If Mr. Kennedy can align himself with those who seek to overturn the decades of corruption and conflict that have tainted America’s global stance, he is poised to elevate America to new heights of respect and influence. This transformative vision is why the strategic geopolitical insights of leaders like Brian S. Mason are so vital. Their approach promises to secure a brighter future for America’s youth and women.

In embracing partnerships based on moral integrity rather than military might, Mr. Kennedy opens a door to lasting peace. It is perhaps no mere coincidence that President Mason, with his unique heritage from the American Northeast’s Native tribes and the Balkans, is at the forefront of these efforts. As the Balkan Federation looks to foster unity with Africa and extend its reach into Europe and Asia, it signals a new dawn for economic revitalization of our oldest continent.

The future appears immensely promising for those ready to join forces in this pragmatic pursuit of peace, moving beyond the era of wars and self-serving politics. In this spirit, Mr. Kennedy’s leadership could indeed mark the beginning of a new, prosperous chapter in global relations.

Marine Foundation Syria

Marine Foundation Syria

The Dawn of a New Era: Mrs. Lara Haj and the Resilient Spirit of Syria

In the heart of the Middle East, a land steeped in the layers of ancient civilizations and the whispers of history, Syria stands as a testament to its people’s enduring spirit and profound resilience. From this rich environment of culture, struggle, and relentless hope, Mrs. Lara Haj emerges as the new President of the Marine Foundation, heralding a new chapter for the organization and the essence of humanitarian and developmental ethos in the region.

Mrs. Haj brings with her more than just a vision; she embodies the strength and perseverance that have characterized the Syrian people throughout history. Known for their remarkable ability to rise from adversity, the Syrians’ deep-rooted sense of community, hospitality, and indomitable spirit resonate in Mrs. Haj’s leadership style. As she takes the helm of the Marine Foundation, her approach is imbued with the same warmth and generosity that one might find in the bustling souks of Damascus or the serene landscapes of Palmyra.

Under Mrs. Haj’s stewardship, the Marine Foundation is poised to weave the resilience of the Syrian spirit into the fabric of its global initiatives. Her leadership is characterized by a blend of grace and tenacity, reflective of a nation that, despite its trials, continues to hold onto hope and pride. Mrs. Haj’s vision for the Foundation extends beyond conventional development paradigms; she sees it as a platform for peace and reconciliation, where every project and every collaboration is a step toward healing and unity.

Under Mrs. Haj’s guidance, the Marine Foundation aims to replicate the Syrian ethos of kinship and support in its projects around the world. From educational programs that enlighten young minds to healthcare initiatives that restore well-being, the Foundation is a beacon of the possibilities that emerge when human potential is nurtured in the cradle of compassion and respect.

As Syria itself is on a journey of recovery and renaissance, Mrs. Lara Haj’s leadership at the Marine Foundation is a poignant reminder of how the spirit of a people can shape the destiny of not just a nation but can illuminate paths for global humanitarian efforts. Her presidency is not just a position but a message of hope—a promise that even in the face of the most significant challenges, humanity can prevail, inspired by the enduring strength of the Syrian spirit.

Envisionned the Spirit of Syria

Defining Syria as a country of hope for all the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations involves recognizing the potential for Syria to rebuild and renew its relations and contributions within the region, despite its past and ongoing difficulties. Here’s a comprehensive look at how this could be envisioned:

Reconstruction and Development: Post-conflict reconstruction opens numerous opportunities for economic development and infrastructural rebuilding. GCC countries, with their financial resources and investments, could play a significant role in Syria’s rebuilding efforts. This collaboration could foster economic ties and create mutual benefits, including job creation and infrastructure development.

Political Stability and Security: Achieving lasting peace in Syria could contribute to regional stability. Syria’s strategic location as a crossroad in the Middle East makes its stability crucial for neighboring countries. A stable and prospering Syria can help mitigate refugee flows and security concerns that affect the entire region.

Cultural and Historical Bonds: Syria, with its rich historical and cultural heritage, has traditionally been a center of Arab culture and intellectual life. Reviving and preserving this heritage could strengthen cultural bonds and promote tourism, which would be beneficial for both Syria and its GCC neighbors.

Diplomatic Relations: Improved conditions in Syria could lead to restored and enhanced diplomatic relations with GCC countries. These improved relations could facilitate dialogue on other regional issues, promoting a cooperative approach to Middle Eastern politics.

Economic Integration: There is potential for Syria to reintegrate into the regional economy, contributing to and benefiting from trade and economic agreements with GCC nations. This integration could lead to a more diversified and resilient regional economy.

Humanitarian Contributions: GCC nations could play a key role in humanitarian efforts in Syria, helping to address immediate needs such as healthcare, education, and housing. Long-term humanitarian engagement can build goodwill and improve people-to-people connections.

By focusing on these areas, Syria could emerge as a beacon of hope and collaboration in the GCC region, transcending its recent history of conflict and strife. The vision of a hopeful future for Syria within the GCC context depends significantly on cooperative regional efforts and sustained peace-building initiatives.

Continental Development Agency for the Youth- CDA

is an Agency of the Marine Foundation

 introduction to CDA

CDA will lead Syria to Vocational Training for local Artisal & Industrial Developments

The Continental Development Agency for the Youth (CDA) is an initiative designed to empower the youth of Syria, Africa and beyond through vocational training, focusing on local artisanal and industrial developments. This agency is spearheaded by the Marine Foundation, which believes in the potential of young people to become significant contributors to their societies, communities, and regions, thereby boosting the continental economy of Africa.

The CDA aims to provide a vocational ground for the education of young individuals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various trades and industries. This approach is expected to not only foster personal development but also stimulate economic growth and job creation within the continent.

Funding for the CDA will come directly from the Marine Foundation Trust in Japan, ensuring that the necessary resources are available to support these vocational training programs. This financial backing is crucial, as it allows for the implementation of structured and effective training courses that can make a tangible difference in the lives of the participants and their communities.

Led by Lara Haj in Syria, the initiative is set to benefit youth initiatives led by courageous young leaders, such as Mbaarak in Kenya, Belinda Boha in Sierra Leone, and DJDD in the Democratic Republic of Congo, led by Gulain M. Kafuana. These groups have been pioneering efforts to uplift their communities for years, often with little or no funds. Their success in making a positive impact despite financial constraints demonstrates the potential for even greater achievements with the support of the Marine Foundation and the CDA.

In summary, the creation of the Continental Development Agency for the Youth represents a significant step towards harnessing the potential of Africa’s youth. By providing vocational training and financial support, the CDA aims to empower young people to become instrumental in the development of their communities and the broader African economy, fulfilling the Marine Foundation’s vision of a continent where youth are active contributors to societal growth and prosperity.

Marine Foundation Sri Lanka

Marine Foundation Sri Lanka

Marine Foundation in Sri Lanka

In the eyes of the Marine Foundation, Sri Lanka is a country rich in potential and natural beauty, yet facing significant challenges that require immediate attention and development. The Foundation sees Sri Lanka as a nation with a diverse and vibrant culture, a strong historical heritage, and a strategic geographical location that can serve as a hub for regional development.

However, despite its many strengths, Sri Lanka faces several pressing issues that the Marine Foundation aims to address. These include:

Infrastructure Development: The Marine Foundation recognizes the need for substantial investment in infrastructure to improve transportation networks, access to clean water, and energy systems across Sri Lanka.

Economic Empowerment: The Foundation aims to support economic development in Sri Lanka by promoting entrepreneurship, job creation, and sustainable business practices. This includes initiatives to enhance agricultural productivity, promote tourism, and develop the country’s maritime resources.

Healthcare and Education: The Foundation prioritizes initiatives that improve healthcare and education in Sri Lanka. This includes supporting healthcare facilities, training healthcare workers, and improving access to quality education for all.

Environmental Conservation: Sri Lanka’s rich biodiversity and stunning natural landscapes are a key focus for the Marine Foundation. The organization is committed to supporting environmental conservation efforts, including initiatives to protect marine ecosystems, preserve wildlife habitats, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Community Development: The Marine Foundation recognizes the importance of community development in Sri Lanka. This includes supporting community-led initiatives, improving access to social services, and empowering marginalized groups.

The Marine Foundation sees Sri Lanka as a country with immense potential for growth and development. By addressing these key challenges and investing in the country’s future, the Foundation aims to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of the people of Sri Lanka.

Mr. Delshan: A Maestro of Tea, Embodying Excellence and Tradition

Mr. Delshan’s reputation as a renowned tea importer in Japan precedes him, and my longstanding acquaintance with him has only deepened my admiration for his work. His tea brand, distinguished by the mark of the emperor, signifies the pinnacle of excellence and quality in Japan’s tea industry. This prestigious designation is a testament to Mr. Delshan’s commitment to sourcing and offering only the finest teas, ensuring that his brand stands among the elite in Japan.

I have had the privilege of witnessing Mr. Delshan’s dedication to his craft firsthand, observing his meticulous attention to detail and unwavering pursuit of perfection. His brand’s association with the mark of the emperor not only reflects the superior quality of his teas but also underscores his status as a leader in the industry. Through his commitment to excellence, Mr. Delshan has earned the respect and admiration of tea enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike, solidifying his position as a prominent figure in Japan’s tea trade.

Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Delshan’s personal integrity and passion for tea culture have further endeared him to those who know him. His brand’s reputation for excellence is not just a reflection of his business acumen but also of his deep-rooted appreciation for the art of tea. As a result, Mr. Delshan’s teas are not just beverages but embodiments of a rich cultural tradition, making them highly sought-after among tea enthusiasts both in Japan and around the world.

Mr. Delshan in Japan with other Directors of Sri Lanka 

Continental Development Agency for the Youth- CDA

is an Agency of the Marine Foundation

 introduction to CDA

CDA will lead Sri Lanka to Vocational Training for local Artisal & Industrial Developments

The Continental Development Agency for the Youth (CDA) is an initiative designed to empower the youth of Africa and beyond through vocational training, focusing on local artisanal and industrial developments. This agency is spearheaded by the Marine Foundation, which believes in the potential of young people to become significant contributors to their societies, communities, and regions, thereby boosting the continental economy of Africa.

The CDA aims to provide a vocational ground for the education of young individuals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various trades and industries. This approach is expected to not only foster personal development but also stimulate economic growth and job creation within the continent.

Funding for the CDA will come directly from the Marine Foundation Trust in Japan, ensuring that the necessary resources are available to support these vocational training programs. This financial backing is crucial, as it allows for the implementation of structured and effective training courses that can make a tangible difference in the lives of the participants and their communities.

The initiative is set to benefit youth initiatives led by courageous young leaders, such as Mbaarak in Kenya, Belinda Boha in Sierra Leone, and DJDD in the Democratic Republic of Congo, led by Gulain M. Kafuana. These groups have been pioneering efforts to uplift their communities for years, often with little or no funds. Their success in making a positive impact despite financial constraints demonstrates the potential for even greater achievements with the support of the Marine Foundation and the CDA.

In summary, the creation of the Continental Development Agency for the Youth represents a significant step towards harnessing the potential of Africa’s youth. By providing vocational training and financial support, the CDA aims to empower young people to become instrumental in the development of their communities and the broader African economy, fulfilling the Marine Foundation’s vision of a continent where youth are active contributors to societal growth and prosperity.


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Go to the Agencies' page here.

Sea Campus Universal

Sea Campus Universal

Children of Africa, South America And Beyond

SCU: National Kingdom Schools

Sea Campus Universal Schools for Fast Learning & children Full Accommodation system

The introduction to the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept can be described as follows:


The Marine Foundation’s inaugural project, with full organizational mobility, is the establishment of “Kingdom Schools” or “Sea Campus Universal” (SCU). This initiative marks a significant step in the Foundation’s efforts to provide comprehensive education and support to children in need.

The name “Sea Campus Universal” reflects the vastness and depth of the educational experience it aims to provide. Much like the sea, which is expansive and profound, the campus is designed to offer a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences that go beyond traditional education. The “sea” metaphor also suggests a sense of openness, fluidity, and interconnectedness, which are key characteristics of the campus’s approach to learning and community building.

The term “Campus” in “Sea Campus Universal” emphasizes the residential aspect of the educational environment. It signifies that the children will live on-site in a structured community setting. The housing arrangement, with 10 children and four couples in each unit, is designed to create a family-like atmosphere, providing stability, care, and support for the children on a permanent basis. This living arrangement fosters a sense of belonging and security, which is crucial for the holistic development of the students.

The term “Universal” in “Sea Campus Universal” reflects the comprehensive and inclusive nature of the educational approach. The campus aims to provide a well-rounded education that goes beyond conventional learning methods. By incorporating faster digital learning systems in the morning and dedicating the afternoon to sports, arts, music, and dance, the campus ensures that children receive a holistic education that caters to their intellectual, physical, and creative development. This universal approach to education aims to prepare students for a diverse and ever-changing world, equipping them with a broad range of skills and knowledge.

The SCU is envisioned as a vast educational complex, akin to a village for children, capable of accommodating 15,000 students per campus. Each campus is designed with small housing units where 10 children live together, supervised by four volunteer couples from the Parent Volunteer Association. At the heart of the campus are various facilities dedicated to education, sports, arts, and music, with the volunteer network originating from the “Voyage Academy.”

Educational spaces within the SCU are designed as theaters with four large screens facing the cardinal directions. Each class hosts 400 students, divided into four groups, each group focusing on one of the giant screens. “Animators” assist the children, providing coaching and maintaining order. Lessons are delivered simultaneously on all screens for 30 minutes, followed by a 20-minute break, with the academic session concluding at 1 pm. Post-academic sessions are reserved for activities in arts, sports, music, and dance.

The SCU employs a centralized educational system where all content is stored and managed on a giant server. This system ensures that updates and translations are done instantaneously, allowing for seamless delivery across all schools. Children can review their lessons and homework directly on screens in their housing units, with support from the volunteer parents. Each class receives its homework electronically, ensuring a streamlined and efficient learning process.

Beyond its educational role, the SCU serves as a community hub, hosting local events and providing entertainment for the local population. The campus is designed to create job opportunities and foster volunteerism, which in turn stimulates hospitality and service industries in the region. Each campus is equipped with essential facilities such as clinics, transportation, and security to ensure a safe and supportive environment.

The educational model of the SCU is designed to be highly efficient, enabling children to learn at a rate four to five times faster than in conventional schools in developed regions like Europe, America, or Japan. This accelerated learning model, combined with the campus’s role as a community center, has the potential to drive economic and social development in the region without compromising local cultural heritage.

As an emergency and pilot educational initiative, the Marine Foundation has assembled a team of 40 architects and engineers to develop the SCU concept. Liberia has been chosen as the first country for implementation due to its at-risk child population. The plan is to establish 10 SCU campuses, each accommodating 15,000 children, with a system designed to self-expand and self-fund over time.

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept is indeed unique and ambitious, aiming to redefine the educational landscape with its comprehensive and innovative approach. It is designed to be a one-of-a-kind educational environment that combines advanced digital learning with extensive opportunities for physical, artistic, and cultural development. The SCU’s holistic approach, which emphasizes both academic excellence and personal growth, sets it apart as a majestic and pioneering educational model.

Republic of Liberia – H.E. Ambassador Agnes Fortune Cannon

What Have We Already Done in Preparation?

Here’s a broad planning outline for the Marine Foundation’s SCU – Village Campus Project:

Project Vision and Objectives:

Defined the core mission, goals, and outcomes expected from the campus. Established key performance indicators for success.

Feasibility Study and Site Selection:

Conducted a feasibility study to assess the viability of the project. Identified and evaluated potential sites based on accessibility, safety, environmental factors, and local community support.

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships:

Engaged with government agencies, local communities, and non-profit organizations for support and collaboration. Secured partnerships with educational, medical, and vocational training institutions.

Funding and Resource Mobilization:

Developed a comprehensive budget covering construction, operational, and maintenance costs. Identified and approached potential donors, sponsors, and grant-making organizations. Launched fundraising campaigns and explored public-private partnership models.

Design and Planning:

Collaborated with architects, urban planners, and child welfare experts to design the campus layout and facilities. Ensured the design incorporates sustainability, security, and child-friendly elements.

Construction and Development:

Procured construction services and materials, ensuring adherence to quality and safety standards. Developed the infrastructure, including housing units, educational facilities, medical centers, and recreational areas.

Program Development and Staffing:

Developed educational, health, vocational, and psychosocial support programs tailored to the needs of abandoned children. Recruited and prepared training for staff, including caretakers, educators, medical professionals, and administrative personnel.

Community Integration and Support:

Fostered strong ties with the local community to ensure cultural sensitivity and support. Implemented community outreach systems & programs to promote mutual understanding and cooperation.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement:

Established a monitoring and evaluation system to track progress and outcomes. Used feedback and data to refine and improve programs and operations over time.

Scaling and Replication:

Once the campus is successfully established, we explore opportunities to scale the model to other regions and nations. We will share best practices and learnings with other organizations and stakeholders to replicate the model globally.

It’s important to note that this is a high-level plan and each phase requires detailed planning and execution. The Marine Foundation’s expertise in holistic development and its network of partners and collaborators are instrumental in making this ambitious project a reality.

Classroom Organization Systems: 15000 Children

Above is an image of the interior of a large classroom in Africa designed for the Sea Campus Universal (SCU), accommodating 400 children. The classroom features dividers separating groups of children facing the North, West, and South sides, each with a large screen for projecting digital educational content. African children are engaged in learning, with animators present to guide and assist them. The classroom is designed to provide a focused and conducive learning environment.

Marine Foundation’s SCU – Classroom Organization:

The concept of the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) with large digital classes is an innovative approach to education. For the education of 15,000 children aged 7 to 18, here’s a breakdown of how it could be structured:

Class Size and Division:

Each class accommodates 400 children, divided into four groups (East, West, North, and South) with 100 children each. Digital content is projected on four screens, one for each group, with animators guiding and assisting the children.

Number of Classes Needed:

To calculate the number of classes needed, divide the total number of children by the number of children per class: 15,000 children ÷ 400 children. We conceived a need for 38 classes to accommodate all 15,000 children.

Age Group Consideration:

The age range of 7 to 18 years is quite broad, so it’s important to consider the different educational needs and levels. We divide the children into different age groups or grades and tailor the digital content accordingly. For example, children into six age groups (7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18), and we need approximately 6 or 7 SCU classes per age group to accommodate all the children.

Scheduling and Rotation:

To ensure all children receive adequate education, we implement a rotating schedule where different age groups use the SCU classes at different times of the day or week.

This approach would allow for more efficient use of the facilities and ensure that each child receives personalized attention and education suited to their age and learning level.

SCU requires careful planning and organization to ensure that all 15,000 children receive a quality education tailored to their age and needs.

Versatile Uses of SCU Classrooms for Community Engagement and Development

The circular classrooms designed for the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) can serve as versatile spaces that can be utilized for various events and activities for the community. Here are some potential uses:

Community Meetings: The circular layout and large screens can facilitate community meetings, town halls, and discussions, providing a space for residents to come together and engage in dialogue.

Educational Workshops: The classrooms can be used for educational workshops and seminars on various topics, from health and wellness to environmental conservation, leveraging the digital screens for presentations and interactive learning.

Cultural Events: The space can host cultural events such as art exhibitions, music concerts, dance performances, and film screenings, transforming the classroom into a cultural hub that celebrates local heritage and talent.

Training and Development: The classrooms can be used for professional development sessions, vocational training, and skill-building workshops, contributing to the economic empowerment of the community.

Social Gatherings: The space can accommodate social events like community dinners, celebrations, and festivals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging among residents.

Emergency Response: In times of crisis or disaster, the classrooms can be repurposed as emergency response centers, providing a venue for coordination, relief distribution, and information dissemination.

Health and Wellness Programs: The classrooms can host health and wellness programs, including fitness classes, meditation sessions, and health screenings, promoting the well-being of the community.

The design of the SCU classrooms allows for flexibility and adaptability, making them valuable assets for the community beyond their primary educational function.

Sports and Arts Education for Holistic Development

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) offers a comprehensive education curriculum that includes a mandatory sports program designed to accommodate 15,000 children in rotation. The sports center is a multi-level complex catering to both collective and individual sports, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to engage in physical activities that suit their interests and abilities. The center includes facilities for soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, gymnastics, martial arts, boxing, swimming, and athletics. Equipped with locker rooms, equipment storage, and medical facilities, the center provides ample space for movement and activities, promoting physical health, teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship as integral parts of the SCU’s holistic education approach.
Sports and Arts into Afternoon Education for Holistic Development

The concept of dedicating the afternoon to sports and arts as an integral part of education is a novel approach that goes beyond traditional education systems. This approach recognizes the importance of holistic development, where physical, creative, and emotional growth is considered just as important as academic achievement. Here’s a development of this concept:

Integrating Sports and Arts into Afternoon Education for Holistic Development


In conventional education systems, the focus is predominantly on academic subjects, with limited time and resources allocated to physical education and the arts. However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of a well-rounded education that nurtures not just the mind but also the body and spirit. The concept of dedicating the afternoon to sports and arts is a revolutionary approach that aims to create a balanced and enriched learning environment for students.


Physical Development: Engaging in sports and physical activities helps students develop coordination, strength, and overall fitness. It also instills values such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

Creative Expression:

Arts education, including music, dance, visual arts, and theater, allows students to explore their creativity, express their emotions, and develop an appreciation for aesthetics.
Emotional Well-being: Both sports and arts provide outlets for stress relief and emotional expression, contributing to better mental health and resilience.

Cognitive Skills:

Participation in sports and arts has been linked to improved cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, spatial awareness, and critical thinking.

Social Skills:

These activities provide opportunities for social interaction, helping students develop communication skills, empathy, and cultural awareness.


Diverse Offerings:

The curriculum should include a wide range of sports and artistic disciplines to cater to different interests and talents.

Qualified Instructors:

Hiring specialized coaches and instructors ensures that students receive quality training and guidance.

Facilities and Equipment:

Adequate infrastructure, such as sports fields, art studios, and music rooms, should be provided to support the activities.

Integration with Academics:

The arts and sports should be integrated with academic subjects, allowing for interdisciplinary learning experiences.

Showcases and Competitions:

Regular events, such as exhibitions, performances, and tournaments, can motivate students and provide platforms for showcasing their talents.


The integration of sports and arts into the afternoon education schedule represents a paradigm shift towards a more holistic and inclusive approach to learning. By recognizing the value of physical, creative, and emotional development, this system has the potential to nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also physically fit, artistically expressive, and emotionally balanced.

Versatile and Transformable SCU Sporting Structure: A Hub for International Events and Youth Development
The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) boasts a main sporting structure that is both modern and adaptable, designed to host a wide range of events, from international sports competitions to concerts, exhibitions, and conferences. This versatile arena is equipped with a retractable roof and flexible seating arrangements, allowing it to transform to meet the specific needs of each event. State-of-the-art lighting and sound systems enhance the experience, while sustainable design elements ensure environmental responsibility. The SCU’s sporting structure is not only a hub for community and cultural activities but also positions countries as ready recipients for major events like the Olympics, especially when the focus is on nurturing and supporting the nation’s children. This innovative approach emphasizes the importance of youth development and global engagement, making the SCU a pioneering model in educational and recreational infrastructure.

Educational Staff & Educational Content & Curriculum

Innovative Educational Model of SCU: Front-End Teaching Supported by Back-End Content Development

The educational model of the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) is unique in its approach to teaching and content delivery. While there is one teacher physically present in the classroom for every 400 students, the educational experience is supported by a vast network of professionals working behind the scenes. Here’s a development of this concept:

Front-End Teaching Supported by Back-End Content Development


The SCU adopts a groundbreaking educational framework that redefines the traditional teacher-student dynamic. While the classroom teacher plays a crucial role in facilitating learning and maintaining order, the richness and depth of the educational content are attributed to a comprehensive back-end support system.

Back-End Support System:

Content Designers:

These professionals are responsible for creating the curriculum and educational materials that are aligned with the learning objectives of the SCU. They ensure that the content is engaging, relevant, and up-to-date.

Content Makers:

They bring the curriculum to life through various multimedia formats, including videos, animations, and interactive modules, making learning more dynamic and accessible.


Storytelling is a powerful tool in education, and storytellers are tasked with weaving narratives that captivate and educate, making complex concepts more understandable and memorable.


Technical experts ensure that the digital infrastructure supporting the SCU’s educational content is robust, scalable, and secure. They are responsible for the seamless delivery of content across multiple campuses.

Centralized Development Center:

The heart of the SCU’s educational system is a large development center that serves as the content creation hub. This center is staffed by a diverse team of educators, creators, and technologists who work collaboratively to produce high-quality educational materials. This centralized approach allows for consistency in educational standards and facilitates the rapid updating and distribution of content across all SCU campuses.

Implications for SCU Campuses:

Each individual SCU campus benefits from the centralized content development system, ensuring that students receive the same high-quality education regardless of their location. The model allows for economies of scale, as the content created by the development center can be used across hundreds of campuses, making it a cost-effective solution for national education systems.


The SCU’s innovative educational model, with its front-end teaching supported by a comprehensive back-end content development system, represents a new paradigm in education. It leverages technology and collaboration to provide a rich and uniform learning experience to thousands of students across multiple campuses, setting a new standard for educational excellence and scalability.

Implementation: Animators as Associate Teachers

In the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept, the term “associate teachers” refers to individuals known as “animators.” These animators play a crucial role in the classroom, not as traditional educators, but as facilitators who ensure a safe and orderly learning environment. Here’s a description of their role:

The Role of Animators as Associate Teachers in SCU Classrooms


The SCU educational model introduces the concept of animators, who are associate teachers with diverse backgrounds. Their primary responsibility is to maintain order and security within the classroom, ensuring that the learning process is smooth and uninterrupted.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Classroom Management:

Animators are responsible for organizing the classroom, managing student behavior, and ensuring that students are focused and engaged during lessons.

Safety and Security:

They play a crucial role in maintaining a safe learning environment, addressing any issues that may arise and ensuring that emergency procedures are followed when necessary.

Supporting Learning:

While they may not deliver educational content, animators assist in facilitating the learning process by helping students with technical issues related to digital learning tools and ensuring that the classroom resources are used effectively.

Encouraging Participation:

Animators encourage students to participate in activities and discussions, fostering a collaborative and inclusive classroom atmosphere.

Staffing and Deployment:

Depending on the size of the SCU campus and the number of classrooms, there could be 10 to 30 local animators assigned to the 38 classrooms of 400 students each. This ensures that there is adequate coverage and support for all students across the campus.

Qualifications and Background:

Animators come from various backgrounds, bringing a diverse set of skills and experiences to the role. While they may not have formal teaching qualifications, they are trained in classroom management, student engagement, and safety protocols.


The role of animators as associate teachers in SCU classrooms is pivotal to the success of the educational model. They provide the necessary support to ensure that the learning environment is conducive to student success, making them an integral part of the SCU team. Their presence allows the primary teacher to focus on delivering high-quality digital content, knowing that the classroom is in capable hands.

Empowering Educators: Training and Opportunities for SCU Animators

The training of animators for the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) is a crucial aspect of the SCU educational model, ensuring that these essential personnel are well-prepared for their roles in the classrooms. The training sessions are characterized by a focus on collaboration and active participation, with animators from diverse backgrounds coming together to learn and develop the skills necessary for their responsibilities.

The position of an animator within the SCU is not only a prestigious role but also one that attracts individuals from all regions of Africa and the world. This creates a unique opportunity for cultural exchange and learning, enriching the educational experience for both the animators and the students. Furthermore, the presence of SCU campuses and the employment of animators contribute to the local economy, creating job opportunities and fostering economic growth in the areas where they are established.

Being qualified as an animator opens doors to further professional development within the Marine Foundation’s environment. Animators who demonstrate dedication and proficiency in their roles have the chance to enroll in additional vocational training programs offered by the Foundation. These programs are designed to enhance their skills and knowledge, potentially leading to career advancement and greater contributions to the SCU community.

In summary, the training and development of animators for the SCU are integral to the success of the educational model, with far-reaching implications for individual growth, community development, and economic prosperity in the regions where SCU campuses are located.

General Staffing for an Entire SCU Complex

Innovative Educational Model of SCU: Front-End Teaching Supported by Back-End Content Development

1. Educational Staff

Teachers and Educators: considering both general education and specialized subjects:
For 15,000 children with a ratio of 400 students per teacher, you would need 37.5 teachers. Since we can’t have a fraction of a teacher, we would round up to 38 teachers to accommodate all the students.

3. Animators

For 38 classrooms, each requiring 20 animators, you would need a total of 760 animators.

3. Caretaker Staff for Housing

Each housing unit accommodates 10 children with 4 caretaker couples per 40 children (assuming shared responsibility among the caretakers for these children). With 15,000 children: 15,000 children / 10 children per unit = 1,500 units
For 1,500 units, assuming 2 caretakers per unit = 3,000 caretakers

4. Medical Staff:

Assuming a small clinic that can handle basic health care needs:
General Practitioners: 10 / Nurses: 40 / Other medical staff (lab technicians, pharmacists, etc.): 20

5. Sports and Recreation Staff

Assuming various coaches for collective and individual sports, maintenance staff for facilities: Coaches and instructors: 50 + Maintenance and support staff.

6. Arts Center Staff

Assuming instructors for various arts programs and support staff: Instructors: 20 Support staff: 1

7. Administrative and Support Staff

Including campus management, finance, human resources, maintenance, security, and kitchen staff: Administration: 30 / Maintenance and cleaning: 10 / Security personnel: 50

8.Kitchen and catering staff:

150 (assuming they serve three meals a day to the campus population)

Based on the provided details, the estimated total staff for the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) would be approximately 4,308 individuals. This includes teachers, animators, caretakers, medical staff, sports and recreation staff, arts center staff, administrative and support staff, and kitchen and catering staff.

This is a rough estimate and the actual number might vary based on the specific programs offered, the operational efficiency of the campus, and the level of technological integration to support staff functions. Additional roles might be necessary for specialized programs or services not accounted for in this initial estimate.

Implementation: Animators as Associate Teachers

In the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept, the term “associate teachers” refers to individuals known as “animators.” These animators play a crucial role in the classroom, not as traditional educators, but as facilitators who ensure a safe and orderly learning environment. Here’s a description of their role:

The Role of Animators as Associate Teachers in SCU Classrooms


The SCU educational model introduces the concept of animators, who are associate teachers with diverse backgrounds. Their primary responsibility is to maintain order and security within the classroom, ensuring that the learning process is smooth and uninterrupted.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Classroom Management:

Animators are responsible for organizing the classroom, managing student behavior, and ensuring that students are focused and engaged during lessons.

Safety and Security:

They play a crucial role in maintaining a safe learning environment, addressing any issues that may arise and ensuring that emergency procedures are followed when necessary.

Supporting Learning:

While they may not deliver educational content, animators assist in facilitating the learning process by helping students with technical issues related to digital learning tools and ensuring that the classroom resources are used effectively.

Encouraging Participation:

Animators encourage students to participate in activities and discussions, fostering a collaborative and inclusive classroom atmosphere.

Staffing and Deployment:

Depending on the size of the SCU campus and the number of classrooms, there could be 10 to 30 local animators assigned to the 38 classrooms of 400 students each. This ensures that there is adequate coverage and support for all students across the campus.

Qualifications and Background:

Animators come from various backgrounds, bringing a diverse set of skills and experiences to the role. While they may not have formal teaching qualifications, they are trained in classroom management, student engagement, and safety protocols.


The role of animators as associate teachers in SCU classrooms is pivotal to the success of the educational model. They provide the necessary support to ensure that the learning environment is conducive to student success, making them an integral part of the SCU team. Their presence allows the primary teacher to focus on delivering high-quality digital content, knowing that the classroom is in capable hands.

Voyage Academy: Nurturing Future Generations through Surrogate Parenting at SCU

The four couples residing in each house with 10 children are retired professionals from around the world who come together under the banner of the Voyage Academy, an agency of the Marine Foundation. Members of the Voyage Academy (VA) can volunteer for up to two years to become the surrogate parents, forming four couples for one unit of ten children. They are responsible for the children within the housing facility and, like real parents, take the children to school in the morning and pick them up at the end of the day. There are many details to their roles explained in the official presentation of the SCU concept.

Digital Infrascture & Energy Systems

SCU’s Family Housing: Nurturing Spaces for Children’s Growth and Learning

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) offers beautiful family housing for children, providing a nurturing and warm environment for their growth and development. Each two-story unit accommodates 10 children and 4 couples, who act as surrogate parents, ensuring a supportive and caring atmosphere.

The ground floor of each unit is a spacious and welcoming living space where children are engaged in various activities such as reading and playing. The surrogate parents oversee and interact with the children, fostering a sense of family and community. The upper floor is dedicated to bedrooms and study areas, allowing children to rest and focus on their studies in a quiet and comfortable setting.

The exterior of the house units is designed to be cozy and inviting, blending modern and traditional elements. The front porch, adorned with potted plants and comfortable seating, welcomes visitors and residents, creating a sense of home. The surrounding landscape is filled with lush greenery, contributing to the tranquility and harmony of the environment.

The family housing at SCU is thoughtfully designed to provide a homely atmosphere that supports the well-being and educational needs of the children, while also fostering strong bonds between the children and their surrogate families.

Sustainable Innovation: The Marine Foundation’s Vision for the Sea Campus Universal

The Marine Foundation’s commitment to providing an infinite amount of green energy through hydrogen technology is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to revolutionize the way energy is generated and utilized, particularly in educational settings like the Sea Campus Universal (SCU). Here’s a description of the various benefits and advancements this initiative could bring:

Green Hydrogen Energy: By harnessing the power of green hydrogen, the Marine Foundation intends to supply SCU campuses with a sustainable and clean source of energy. This not only reduces the carbon footprint but also ensures a reliable supply of electricity for all campus needs, from lighting and heating to powering educational equipment.

Fast Internet Connectivity: The provision of fast internet is crucial for the digital learning environment of SCU. It enables seamless access to online resources, facilitates e-learning, and connects the SCU community with the broader global community, enhancing the educational experience for both students and teachers.

Fresh Water Supply: Access to fresh water is essential for the well-being of the SCU community. The Foundation’s initiatives in water purification and conservation ensure that all students and staff have access to clean and safe drinking water, as well as water for sanitation and hygiene.

Vehicle Transportation for Children: Safe and efficient transportation is provided for students, ensuring that they can travel to and from the campus with ease. This not only enhances their safety but also promotes regular attendance and punctuality, which are key to academic success.

Additional Advancements:

Smart Campus Infrastructure: The integration of smart technology into the SCU campus infrastructure allows for efficient management of resources, enhanced security, and a comfortable living and learning environment.

Healthcare Facilities: On-site medical clinics staffed with qualified healthcare professionals ensure that students have immediate access to medical care when needed.

Recreational Facilities: The inclusion of sports fields, playgrounds, and arts centers supports the physical and creative development of students, providing them with opportunities to explore their interests and talents.

Environmental Sustainability: The SCU campuses are designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating green spaces, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials to minimize environmental impact.

The Marine Foundation’s vision for SCU encompasses a holistic approach to education, where the provision of green hydrogen energy, fast internet, fresh water, and transportation are just the beginning. The aim is to create a self-sustaining, innovative, and nurturing environment that supports the growth and development of every child, preparing them for a bright and sustainable future.

A Global Sanctuary: Sea Campus Universal’s Vision for Perfect Youth Environments

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) embodies a vision of a heavenly environment for children, not just in Africa or South America, but for the world. It is a place where any child can live their youth in a perfect setting. The SCU in Africa showcases a harmonious and picturesque community, with two-story family housing units that blend modern and traditional design elements. The cozy, inviting exteriors of each house, adorned with potted plants and comfortable seating, welcome children and their surrogate families.

The interconnected walkways and lush greenery that surround the neighborhood create a tranquil and harmonious atmosphere. African children and their surrogate families are seen interacting and enjoying the outdoor spaces, contributing to the vibrant and nurturing environment of the SCU community. This idyllic setting serves as a model for how children can be raised in a supportive, sustainable, and loving environment, setting a new standard for youth living environments worldwide.

Empowering Rural Communities: A Global Impact

Empowering Rural Communities: The Global Impact of SCU’s Distant Educational System

Rural communities, both in Africa and beyond, are experiencing transformative benefits from the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) distant educational system. In vibrant rural African settings, children and adults are gathered around digital devices, engaging with the SCU’s online platform. Surrounded by natural landscapes and traditional African houses, the seamless integration of technology into these environments ensures access to quality education despite geographical constraints. Similarly, in serene rural settings worldwide, communities are utilizing digital devices to connect with the SCU’s educational resources. Traditional houses and farmland form the backdrop of this new learning paradigm, where technology bridges the gap between remote locations and educational opportunities. In both contexts, the atmosphere is one of collaboration and empowerment, as the SCU distant educational system opens new doors for learning and development, heralding a new era of accessibility and progress in education.

Transforming Rural Education: The Comprehensive Benefits of the SCU Concept

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept brings a multitude of benefits to rural communities, revolutionizing the way education is accessed and delivered. With its centralized backend system, the SCU concept ensures that every school complex, regardless of size or location, has access to high-quality educational content and resources. This approach addresses the common challenge of teacher scarcity in rural areas and guarantees a consistent quality of education across all levels.

Key Benefits to Rural Communities:

Uniform Education Standards:

The SCU’s centralized system maintains a uniform standard of education, ensuring that all students, whether in urban or rural settings, receive the same level of education.


The system reaches every school complex in the nation, making quality education accessible to even the smallest and most remote rural communities.

Teacher Training and Development:

The SCU provides continuous training and development for teachers, equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to deliver the curriculum effectively.

Language Adaptability:

The SCU system can accommodate various languages used in different regions, ensuring that language barriers do not impede access to education.

Cost Efficiency:

By eliminating the need for printed materials, which can become outdated, the SCU system is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Ethical and Moral Education:

The SCU ensures that children receive education in moral ethics and creation knowledge without imposing any political or religious views, allowing communities to maintain their cultural practices.

Vocational Training:

In addition to academic education, the SCU offers vocational training in fields vital to community livelihoods, such as agriculture, technology, and fisheries, empowering rural communities with practical skills for sustainable development.

The SCU concept provides comprehensive benefits to rural communities by ensuring equitable access to quality education, supporting teacher development, and offering vocational training, all while respecting cultural diversity and promoting sustainable practices.

Empowering Rural Regions: The Unifying Impact of the Sea Campus Universal (SCU)

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) is revolutionizing education and connectivity across rural regions, bringing together communities from diverse landscapes into a unified network of learning and growth. The bird’s-eye view of these regions reveals a tapestry of rural communities, each connected to the SCU through digital devices and satellite communication. Network lines, symbolizing this connection, converge towards a central point representing the SCU’s powerful backend system.

In both general and specifically African rural settings, the SCU’s presence is marked by an atmosphere of unity and connectivity. Traditional houses and farmland are nestled within natural landscapes, creating a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. The SCU extends educational opportunities and resources to every corner of these regions, ensuring that no community is left behind in the pursuit of knowledge and development. This image of interconnectedness and empowerment is a testament to the SCU’s commitment to bridging gaps and building a brighter future for rural communities worldwide.

Public Relations and Security

Here is an image depicting the Sea Campus Universal (SCU) as a transformative educational system that elevates a nation’s economic standards. The scene shows a modern and vibrant educational campus with diverse facilities, including classrooms, sports fields, and housing units. The campus is bustling with students, teachers, and leaders, all engaged in activities that promote learning and development. The SCU is presented as a beacon of hope and progress, with a flag representing its independence and immunity from external influences. The surrounding landscape symbolizes the economic growth and prosperity that the SCU brings to the nation, with investors and tourists being attracted to the region. The image conveys a sense of security and protection, particularly for women and children, highlighting the SCU’s commitment to ethical and sustainable development.
Empowering Nations: The Transformative Impact of the Sea Campus Universal (SCU)

The Sea Campus Universal (SCU) concept is a transformative force aimed at elevating a nation’s economic standards through education. It serves as a powerful tool for leaders to advocate for the well-being of their people and the future of their children. The SCU system is a guarantee of success for those committed to amplifying the voice of children and ensuring the economic development of their country.

The SCU system holds immense value for Presidents, First Ladies, and governments seeking to attract investors and boost tourism. Its standards are higher and more stringent than those of any existing government, providing a credible pathway for nations to escape the grip of financial colonization and achieve true independence through sustainable development.

Security and protection, especially for women and children, are paramount within the SCU regulations. As a development of the Marine Foundation, the SCU receives total immunity from government interference, ensuring its protection on a global scale. This independence from corruption and corrupt behavior makes the SCU an attractive proposition for leaders worldwide.

By promoting the SCU system, leaders can ensure that it becomes an asset wholly owned by the nation it serves, maintaining its independence and integrity for the betterment of society. In summary, the SCU stands as a beacon of hope and progress, offering a new paradigm for national development through education.

Here is an image of the envisioned village campus in Africa, with the Sea Campus Universal (SCU). The scene shows a sprawling and vibrant educational village set in a picturesque African landscape. The SCU is at the heart of the campus, surrounded by various facilities such as housing units, sports fields, arts centers, and medical clinics. The architecture blends modern and traditional African styles, creating a unique and welcoming environment. Students and staff are seen moving between the different areas of the campus, engaged in learning and community activities. The campus is designed to be sustainable and eco-friendly, with green spaces and renewable energy sources integrated into the infrastructure. The overall atmosphere is one of innovation, empowerment, and cultural richness, reflecting the SCU’s commitment to providing a holistic and inclusive education in Africa.

Impact of the Health Distribution Agency

Impact of the Health Distribution Agency

Health Distribution & Development Agency

Marine Foundation’s Worldwide Health Distribution Program for Developing Regions

The Health Development Agency (HDA) of the Marine Foundation represents one of the most formidable and impactful concepts ever created for the general health of humanity as a whole. This innovative initiative is designed to address the multifaceted health challenges faced by communities worldwide, particularly in underserved and developing regions.

At its core, HDA embodies a comprehensive approach to healthcare that transcends traditional boundaries. By focusing on the distribution of medical products, including essential equipment, medications, and vehicles, HDA ensures that vital health resources reach those in dire need. This distribution network is not merely about delivering supplies; it’s about creating a lifeline for communities cut off from the global healthcare system.

The deployment of mobile health clinics is a testament to HDA’s commitment to accessibility. These clinics on wheels bring primary care, screenings, and health education directly to remote areas, breaking down barriers to healthcare access. Similarly, the provision of ambulances and emergency response vehicles strengthens emergency medical services, saving lives in critical situations.

HDA’s initiatives in vaccine distribution, particularly through cold chain vehicles, are crucial in the fight against infectious diseases. By ensuring the safe transport of temperature-sensitive vaccines, HDA plays a pivotal role in global immunization efforts, protecting populations from devastating outbreaks.

The emphasis on health education and outreach through initiatives like health education caravans is another key aspect of HDA’s strategy. By empowering communities with knowledge about preventive health measures and healthy living, HDA fosters a culture of health awareness and self-care.

Moreover, HDA’s focus on maternal and child health services, especially through mobile maternity units, addresses the critical need for accessible prenatal and postnatal care. This initiative significantly contributes to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates in isolated regions.

In disaster-stricken areas, HDA’s provision of medical vehicles for disaster response demonstrates a commitment to rapid and effective medical assistance. This swift action can make the difference between life and death in the aftermath of natural disasters or humanitarian crises.

The Health Development Agency of the Marine Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and innovation in global health. Its multifaceted approach, focusing on distribution, accessibility, education, and emergency response, has the potential to transform healthcare delivery and improve the well-being of humanity as a whole.


HDA – Health Distribution & Development Agency

Distribution & Development Strategies

Inviting the Medical & Health Communities and the Ministries of Health all throughout Africa

The Health Development and Distribution Agency (HDA), as part of the Marine Foundation, could benefit Africa, South America, and other developing nations across the globe in several ways:

Access to Health Supplies: HDA could facilitate the distribution of essential health products, such as medications, medical equipment, and vaccines, to regions that are hard to reach or underserved by traditional supply chains.

Network Establishment: By creating a network for distributing health support products, HDA could help ensure that even remote areas receive the necessary health supplies, improving overall healthcare access.

Cost Reduction: By leveraging the Marine Foundation’s platform and network, HDA could potentially negotiate better prices for health products, making them more affordable for developing countries.

Enhanced Public Health: Improved access to health supplies could lead to better disease prevention and control, reducing the burden of infectious diseases and improving public health outcomes.

Economic Development: By supporting healthier populations, HDA’s efforts could contribute to economic development, as healthier individuals are more productive and can contribute more effectively to their communities and economies.

Capacity Building: HDA could also play a role in training local healthcare workers and building healthcare infrastructure, further strengthening the healthcare systems in developing nations.

Emergency Response: In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or epidemics, HDA could provide rapid distribution of medical supplies and support, helping to mitigate the impact of such events.

Sponsorship and Donations: Through the Marine Foundation’s platform, sponsors can donate to specific regions, ensuring that their contributions are effectively utilized in healthcare projects that align with their interests.

Overall, HDA could be a vital tool in addressing healthcare disparities and improving the health and well-being of populations in developing nations.

HDA Partnership with the Ministries of Health

In the spirit of collaboration and a shared vision for a healthier future, we extend a heartfelt invitation to the Medical & Health Communities and the Honorable Ministries of Health across Africa to join us in a continental initiative dedicated to advancing healthcare and wellbeing for all. Our collective expertise, insights, and stewardship are vital in shaping health strategies, enhancing disease prevention, and ensuring accessible and equitable healthcare delivery. We stand at the cusp of transformative progress, and your participation is crucial in driving this change. Please join our HDA Forum for Health Distribution & Development as we convene to discuss, deliberate, and design the path forward in our fight against the health challenges of our time. Together, we can forge a legacy of health and vitality for present and future generations.

HDA is and Agency of the Marine Foundation:

Agencies of the Marine Foundation

Distribution & Development

Distribution of Equipment and Medical Products

The distribution of equipment and medical products is a critical aspect of healthcare, particularly in developing countries where access to these resources can be limited. Here are some key points to consider:

Refurbished and Used Equipment: Many developing countries cannot afford new medical equipment. In such cases, refurbished or used equipment can be a cost-effective solution. Organizations and hospitals in developed countries often donate used equipment, which is then refurbished to ensure it meets safety and operational standards. This approach not only reduces costs but also promotes sustainability by reusing resources.

Donation and Redistribution Programs: Non-profit organizations, international aid agencies, and government programs play a crucial role in collecting, refurbishing, and distributing used medical equipment to developing countries. These programs need to have strict quality control measures in place to ensure that the equipment is safe and functional.

Training and Maintenance: Distributing equipment is just one part of the equation. It’s also essential to provide training to local healthcare workers on how to use and maintain the equipment. Ongoing support and maintenance are crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the equipment.

Distribution of Medical Products: Developing countries often struggle to afford essential medical products such as medications, vaccines, and consumables. International aid, bulk purchasing, and generic drug production are some strategies used to make these products more affordable.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Public-private partnerships and collaborations between governments, NGOs, and the private sector can facilitate the distribution of medical products. These partnerships can leverage the strengths of each sector to improve supply chain efficiency and reduce costs.

Local Production: Encouraging and supporting local production of medical products can reduce dependency on imports, lower costs, and promote self-sufficiency. This requires investment in infrastructure, technology transfer, and capacity building.

Regulatory Frameworks: Developing countries need robust regulatory frameworks to ensure the quality and safety of medical products and equipment. This includes regulations for importing, distributing, and using medical products.

Access to Financing: Access to financing is critical for healthcare providers in developing countries to acquire necessary equipment and products. Microfinancing, grants, and low-interest loans can help bridge this gap.

Equitable Distribution: Ensuring equitable distribution of medical products and equipment is vital. This means prioritizing distribution based on healthcare needs and ensuring that rural and underserved areas are not neglected.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuous monitoring and evaluation are necessary to assess the impact of distribution programs, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that resources are used effectively.

In summary, the distribution of equipment and medical products in developing countries requires a multifaceted approach that includes leveraging used equipment, fostering partnerships, promoting local production, and ensuring equitable access. Collaboration between governments, NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations is crucial to address these challenges effectively.

Development of Medical Facilities & Institutions

The Health Development Agency (HDA), through its role in the distribution of health resources, can significantly contribute to the development of medical facilities and institutions in Africa, South America, and other developing regions. Here’s how this process could unfold:

Assessment of Needs: HDA can begin by conducting thorough assessments to identify the specific healthcare needs and gaps in medical facilities and institutions across targeted regions. This would involve evaluating the availability of medical equipment, the accessibility of medical products, and the capacity of existing healthcare infrastructure.

Distribution of Medical Supplies: As an instrument of health distribution, HDA can ensure that medical facilities and institutions receive the necessary medical supplies, equipment, and products. This would include essential medications, diagnostic tools, surgical equipment, and other medical consumables. By providing these resources, HDA can enhance the operational capabilities of medical facilities and enable them to offer a broader range of services.

Supporting Infrastructure Development: Beyond the distribution of supplies, HDA can also play a role in the physical development of medical facilities. This could involve funding or facilitating the construction and renovation of hospitals, clinics, and laboratories. By improving infrastructure, HDA can help create more conducive environments for healthcare delivery.

Capacity Building and Training: Equipping medical institutions with supplies and infrastructure is only part of the solution. HDA can also focus on capacity building by providing training programs for healthcare professionals. This would include training in the use of new equipment, best practices in patient care, and management skills for healthcare administrators. Enhancing the skills of healthcare workers is crucial for improving the quality of medical services.

Strengthening Healthcare Systems: HDA’s efforts can extend to strengthening the overall healthcare systems in developing regions. This can involve supporting the development of healthcare policies, improving supply chain management, and establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. A robust healthcare system is essential for the sustainability of medical facilities and institutions.

Collaboration and Partnerships: To achieve its objectives, HDA can collaborate with governments, non-governmental organizations, international agencies, and the private sector. Partnerships can provide additional resources, expertise, and support for the development of medical facilities and institutions.

Innovation and Technology: HDA can also promote the adoption of innovative technologies and practices in medical institutions. This could include telemedicine, digital health records, and advanced diagnostic tools. Leveraging technology can improve efficiency, accessibility, and quality of healthcare services.

Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities is crucial for the success of any health development initiative. HDA can involve community members in the planning and implementation of projects to ensure that the development of medical facilities aligns with the needs and preferences of the local population.

Through these strategies, HDA can become a powerful instrument in the development of medical facilities and institutions in developing regions, ultimately contributing to improved healthcare access and outcomes for the populations of Africa, South America, and beyond.

Medical Equipment of Japan’s Institutions

Marine Foundation’s Health Distribution Agency Program worldwide

Donating medical equipment to developing nations, particularly regions in Africa, can significantly improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. Here’s a list of essential medical equipment that is often needed, along with their descriptions and why they are crucial for these regions:

Ultrasound Machines: These are non-invasive diagnostic tools used for visualizing internal organs. They are essential for prenatal care, diagnosing abdominal issues, and guiding certain medical procedures. In regions with high maternal and infant mortality rates, ultrasound machines can be lifesaving.

X-ray Machines: Used for imaging bones and detecting fractures, infections, and certain diseases. X-ray machines are crucial for diagnosing a wide range of conditions, especially in areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis or other respiratory illnesses.

Autoclaves: Sterilization equipment that uses steam under pressure to kill bacteria, viruses, and spores on surgical instruments and other medical devices. Proper sterilization is essential to prevent infections and ensure safe medical procedures.

Incubators: Used to provide a controlled and protective environment for premature or ill newborns. Incubators are critical in neonatal care units to regulate temperature, humidity, and oxygen levels, significantly reducing infant mortality.

Blood Pressure Monitors: Essential for diagnosing and managing hypertension, which is a common risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Simple, portable blood pressure monitors can be used in clinics and community health settings.

Microscopes: Key for diagnosing infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. They are used to examine blood, urine, and other bodily fluids for pathogens.

Surgical Instruments: Basic surgical tools like scalpels, forceps, and scissors are needed for various medical procedures. Access to sterile and quality surgical instruments is vital for performing safe surgeries.

Anesthesia Machines: Essential for providing pain relief and sedation during surgical procedures. In regions with a high burden of surgical disease, anesthesia machines are critical for conducting life-saving operations.

EKG/ECG Machines: Used to monitor and record the electrical activity of the heart. They are important for diagnosing and managing heart conditions, which are increasingly prevalent in developing countries.

Refrigerators for Vaccines: Specialized refrigerators with stable temperature control are needed to store vaccines safely. In regions with high rates of infectious diseases, maintaining the cold chain for vaccines is crucial for effective immunization programs.

Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids: Essential for individuals with disabilities or injuries, providing them with independence and improved quality of life.

Basic Laboratory Equipment: Items like centrifuges, pipettes, and reagents are needed for routine diagnostic tests and blood work.

When donating medical equipment, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the region, the local infrastructure (including electricity and water supply), and the capacity for maintenance and repair. Training local healthcare workers on how to use and maintain the equipment is also crucial for ensuring its longevity and effectiveness.

HDA’s Health & Medical Events

Various Events of Awareness or Initiatives that the Health Development Agency (HDA):

Here are some announcements for various events of awareness or initiatives that the Health Development Agency (HDA) will organize in different regions where it operates:


Launching the Malaria Eradication Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa: Join us for a series of workshops and free testing clinics to combat this deadly disease.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Week: Participate in our educational seminars, free testing, and counseling sessions across various African countries.

Nutritional Awareness and Supplement Distribution in the Horn of Africa: Join us to combat malnutrition with educational sessions and free supplements for vulnerable populations.

Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination Drive in West Africa: Get screened and vaccinated against HPV at our mobile health clinics.

South America:

Dengue Fever Prevention Drive in Brazil: Learn about mosquito control and receive free mosquito nets at our community event.

Waterborne Diseases Awareness in the Amazon Basin: Join our clean water initiative and educational programs to prevent diseases like cholera and typhoid.

Mental Health First Aid Training in Urban Centers: Participate in our workshops to learn how to provide support and resources for mental health crises.

Chagas Disease Awareness Campaign in the Andean Region: Attend our educational sessions and receive free screenings for this neglected tropical disease.


Maternal and Child Health Symposium in Rural India: Attend our workshops on prenatal care, nutrition, and immunization for mothers and children.

Diabetes Awareness and Screening Camps in Southeast Asia: Get free glucose testing and learn about diabetes management in our mobile clinics.

Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Awareness in East Asia: Join our workshops on reducing exposure to air pollution and managing respiratory conditions.

Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Southeast Asia: Participate in our training programs to enhance community resilience against natural disasters.

Middle East:

Mental Health Awareness Week in the Middle East: Participate in our workshops and support groups to destigmatize mental health issues and provide resources for coping.

Heatstroke Prevention Campaign in Desert Regions: Join our educational sessions on staying hydrated and recognizing the signs of heatstroke.

Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Detection Campaign: Attend our workshops and receive free mammograms at our health centers.

Water Conservation and Hygiene Education in Arid Regions: Join our programs to learn about water-saving techniques and hygiene practices to prevent waterborne diseases.

Eastern Europe:

Tuberculosis Awareness and Vaccination Drive in Eastern Europe: Get free TB screenings and vaccinations at our health clinics.

Nutrition and Healthy Living Workshops in Rural Communities: Learn about balanced diets, physical activity, and lifestyle choices for better health.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Workshops: Participate in our educational sessions on the risks of substance abuse and available support resources.

Hepatitis Awareness and Vaccination Drive: Get screened and vaccinated against hepatitis at our health clinics.

Central America and the Caribbean:

Zika Virus Prevention Campaign in Central America: Attend our educational sessions on mosquito control and safe pregnancy practices.

Disaster Preparedness Workshops in the Caribbean: Join us to learn about emergency preparedness and response for natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes.

Vector Control and Education for Preventing Dengue and Zika: Join our community clean-up initiatives and learn about mosquito control measures.

Earthquake Preparedness and Response Training: Participate in our workshops to learn lifesaving skills and emergency response techniques for earthquake-prone areas.

Global Initiatives:

World Immunization Week: Join HDA in our global campaign to promote vaccinations for preventable diseases in underserved communities.

International Day for Universal Health Coverage: Participate in our webinars and panel discussions on achieving health equity and access for all.

World Health Day: Join HDA in a global campaign to promote healthy lifestyles and preventive healthcare in communities worldwide.

International Conference on Rural Health: Participate in our virtual conference to discuss challenges and solutions for improving healthcare in rural and remote areas.

Events and Initiatives Related to the Distribution of Medical Products & Tools

Here are announcements for events and initiatives related to the distribution of medical products, including vehicles, that the Health Development Agency (HDA) could organize:

Mobile Health Clinics Initiative:

Launching Mobile Health Clinics in Remote Areas: Join us as we deploy fully equipped medical vehicles to provide healthcare services in underserved regions. These clinics on wheels will offer primary care, screenings, and health education.

Emergency Medical Services Strengthening:

Enhancing Emergency Medical Services: Participate in our program to donate and distribute ambulances and emergency response vehicles to improve emergency medical services in areas lacking adequate infrastructure.

Medical Supply Chain Improvement:

Strengthening Medical Supply Chains: Join our initiative to establish a network of medical supply vehicles that ensure the timely delivery of essential medical products to healthcare facilities in hard-to-reach areas.

Vaccine Distribution Drive:

Cold Chain Vehicle Donation for Vaccine Distribution: Support our campaign to donate vehicles with cold chain capabilities to transport vaccines safely to remote communities, ensuring the integrity of temperature-sensitive immunizations.

Health Education and Outreach:

Health Education Caravans: Participate in our health education caravans, where vehicles equipped with educational materials and multimedia tools travel to communities to raise awareness about preventive health measures and healthy living.

Disaster Response and Relief:

Medical Vehicles for Disaster Response: Join our efforts to provide specially equipped medical vehicles for rapid deployment in disaster-stricken areas, offering immediate medical assistance and relief supplies.

Maternal and Child Health Services:

Mobile Maternity Units: Support our initiative to deploy mobile maternity units, providing prenatal and postnatal care, as well as safe delivery services, to expectant mothers in isolated regions.

Medical Waste Management:

Medical Waste Disposal Vehicles: Participate in our program to distribute vehicles designed for the safe collection and disposal of medical waste, ensuring environmental safety and reducing health risks.

Blood Donation and Transport:

Blood Donation Mobile Units: Join our campaign to operate mobile blood donation units that travel to various locations to collect blood donations and transport them safely to blood banks and hospitals.

Telemedicine and Digital Health:

Telemedicine Equipped Vehicles: Support our initiative to equip vehicles with telemedicine technology, enabling remote consultations and diagnostics in areas with limited access to healthcare professionals.

These initiatives highlight how the distribution of medical products, including vehicles, can significantly enhance healthcare delivery and accessibility in various regions, especially in developing countries and remote areas.

Source of Funds: Tokyo, Japan


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Go to the Agencies' page here.

Sierra Leone and CDA

Sierra Leone and CDA


President of the Marine Foundation Sierra Leone: Mr. Eric Abu Essay

Dr. Eric Abu Cesay is a figure whose acquaintance I’ve cherished for years. His presence marked a pivotal moment at the inception of the Marine Foundation Africa during a grand reception in Abidjan. His dedication to driving from Sierra Leone for the event left an indelible impression on me. Despite the whirlwind of activities, the brief moments I shared with him were profound, his humility and kindness radiating like a beacon, evoking the warmth and bond of true brotherhood. His immense heart and benevolent spirit have since been a source of countless blessings for the Marine Foundation.

Dr. Cesay’s contributions have been transformative, notably the legal donation of strategic land parcels and the introduction of eminent personalities from his homeland to our organization. His visionary leadership in Sierra Leone has culminated in establishing the Continental Development Agency (CDA), a beacon for the youth of Africa, poised to catalyze the continent’s development. This pioneering center, set to rise near Freetown, promises to be a model for youth empowerment across Africa, with the first facility expected to be operational in a mere seven months.

Parallel to Dr. Cesay’s endeavors, we are privileged to collaborate with Mrs. Belinda Botha and her inspiring Propel Organization. Their commitment to sanitation development services in Freetown aligns seamlessly with the CDA’s mission, encompassing vocational training to nurture the essentials of national well-being, including health, economy, comfort, communication systems, and technologies. The story of Belinda’s success, particularly her leading role in Africa’s most effective beach-cleaning initiatives, is a testament to her dedication and impact.

The narratives of Dr. Eric Abu Cesay and Belinda Botha are vast, extending beyond the confines of this blog. With its rich potential, Sierra Leone is on a trajectory parallel to Liberia’s, destined for greatness. My exceptional PR Director, Omar Aly Essa, is crucial in this journey. Fluent in both French and English, Omar has discreetly forged invaluable connections with First Ladies and national leaders in Sierra Leone and beyond. His talent for reaching the pinnacle of relationships promises to be a game-changer for our African endeavors.

In conclusion, the contributions of Dr. Cesay, Mrs. Botha, and Omar Aly Essa are monumental. Each plays a unique role in shaping a brighter future for Africa. Their dedication, leadership, and vision inspire and lay the foundation for transformative change across the continent.

Africa will save the world

The Marine Foundation posits that Africa holds the key to a sustainable and harmonious future for the world, primarily due to its rich natural resources, cultural diversity, and burgeoning youthful population. Here’s how Africa could potentially save the world:

Rich Natural Resources: Africa is endowed with abundant natural resources, including minerals, oil, gas, and renewable energy sources like solar and wind. By harnessing these resources responsibly and sustainably, Africa can lead the way in green energy production, reducing global reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.

Cultural Diversity: Africa’s rich cultural heritage and diversity can contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic global society. By sharing its vibrant traditions, music, art, and philosophies, Africa can foster global unity and understanding, promoting peace and cooperation.

Youthful Population: With the world’s youngest population, Africa has the potential to drive innovation and change. By investing in education, technology, and entrepreneurship, Africa’s youth can develop solutions to global challenges, such as food security, healthcare, and sustainable development.

Agricultural Potential: Africa has vast arable land and the potential to become the world’s breadbasket. By adopting sustainable farming practices and innovative agricultural technologies, Africa can ensure food security for the world while protecting the environment.

Conservation Efforts: Africa is home to diverse ecosystems and wildlife. By leading conservation efforts, Africa can preserve the planet’s biodiversity, which is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and combating climate change.

Collaborative Leadership: The Marine Foundation envisions Africa adopting a collaborative leadership model, emphasizing unity, shared prosperity, and ethical governance. This approach can serve as a blueprint for global leadership, promoting peace, and stability.

Innovation and Technology: Africa’s emerging tech scene, with initiatives like the Marine Foundation’s green hydrogen technology, can offer sustainable solutions to global energy needs, reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean energy.

By leveraging its natural and human resources, cultural richness, and innovative spirit, Africa has the potential to lead the world towards a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future. The Marine Foundation believes in empowering Africa to realize this potential, ultimately contributing to global salvation.


You can contact the MARINE FOUNDATION’s Chairman at +81-90-4944-559 (Tokyo-Japan)

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF.ORG): A Visionary International Organization Promoting Global Cultural Unity, Diplomatic Cooperation and and Sustainable Development.

Marine Foundation's Operational Strategic Capability

MARINE-FOUNDATION (MARINEF) is an organization founded by Tomeo Motto RDG, characterized by its visionary outlook, sovereign-level status, and diplomatic privileges achieved through international agreements with African nations. The administrative headquarters of MARINE-FOUNDATION are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Fundamentally, MARINEF is dedicated to fostering global cultural unity, exemplified by the establishment of the United Five Oceans (U5O). This pioneering initiative underscores a fundamental truth: our planet's oceans and seas encircle all continents, symbolizing our interconnectedness. In this context, MARINEF emerges as a beacon of unity, tirelessly advocating for the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures worldwide. Its status parallels that of the United Nations (UN), yet it extends further, wielding international authority within a geo-political context under the strategic leadership of eminent figures such as the founders of the "Development World Bank" (DWB). These global leaders aspire to collaborate seamlessly with MARINEF-U5O, engaging in a multitude of humanitarian, diplomatic, and developmental endeavors while preserving the full sovereignty of regions. This distinctive fusion of diplomatic stature and financial autonomy, under the aegis of the Marine-Foundation Trust, empowers MARINEF-U5O to execute its missions with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, potentially surpassing conventional organizational structures.

MARINE-FOUNDATION is presently committed to serving the global population at large, transcending geopolitical boundaries, and championing the cause of peace based on the guiding principles of common sense and morality. Its system is designed to promote economic development, facilitate infrastructure improvements, and stimulate social investments to attain enduring peace among diverse cultures.
MARINEF-U5O ensures that diplomatic interactions among nations revolve around economic benefits, enabling nations to retain control over their sovereignty and culture while avoiding religious, cultural, or political conflicts. The support of influential African nations bolsters the robust diplomatic presence of MARINEF-U5O. MARINEF-U5O (Marine Foundation) serves as a Universal Cultural Platform of Peace, dedicated to fostering the coexistence and prosperity of all.

Legally registered across Asia, Africa, and Europe, with plans for expansion into the UAE and GCC regions, the Marine Foundation is strategically positioned to facilitate its global operations. As an international entity dedicated to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities worldwide, the Marine Foundation collaborates with a diverse array of professional and academic organizations to provide top-tier services.

Many of its partners in socio-economic development and investment have earned recognition from Interbrand as either a Best Global Brand (BGB) or Best Domestic Brand (BDB). These partners include prominent business leaders from five continents, featuring notable figures from the Arabian Gulf and India.

Through these collaborations, the Marine Foundation has established one of the most effective and efficient platforms for sustainable investment and operational systems, supported by a robust network that enables rapid global responses. In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, the Marine Foundation has also developed a unique public relations mechanism capable of mobilizing public and private funding for strategic interventions across various priority socio-economic sectors. Our approach prioritizes human-centric development, empowering individuals to contribute and participate in their country's progress, thus strengthening the global market within international societies.

The Marine Foundation places a strong emphasis on promoting and developing human capital. We believe in the potential of every global citizen to realize their dreams. Our vision of humanity encompasses decency and solidarity, which are essential for building stable economies. By fostering inclusive and well-balanced systems, we can effectively address various ecological challenges. Together, we are stronger and safer.

Educational Structures & Institutions

WFYA - World Football Youth Association & MIFA - Marine International Football Academy

Connecting Young Talents Globally & Sports Equipment Distribution System. Official page

The Voyage Academy - VA

Academic Heritage Traveling Club for Tourism Development. Official page

World Naval Federation - WNF

Naval Exercises for Humanitarian Services & Disciplinary Training. Official page

Ocean Universal Academy

Marine Foundation Children's Full Marine Education & Environmental School - Official Page

National Kingdom Schools - SCU

Sea Campus Universal. Fast Leaning & Children Full Accommodation Systems in the form of children educational villages. Official Pages

Global University - GU

University of Technology & Development and the Faculties of Vocational Technical School. Official Page


Clubs & Assemblies

Brand Owners Association - IBC

Marine Foundation supervisory members Part Owners of the Brand. Official Leadership page  -  Official Entrance Page

First Ladies Club - FLC

Women's Voice for Education & Women Empowerment. Presidential Spouses, Royal Families & Dignitary Ladies. Official Page

United Five Oceans - U5O

The Continental Confederation of all Nations of the Marine Foundation. Official Page

Club of Africa - COA

African Discovery Renaissance & Reunion Heritage of the Motherland. Official Page

Wealth Legendary Agency - WLA

Billionaire Legacy Academia Council for Infrastructural Restoration. Official Page

AIIDA - Arabian Islamic Initiatives for the Development of Africa

Arabian Islamic Cultural Regions of Support for Africa's Economic Growth with Infrastructural Projects and Finance. Official Page

Montebise & The Club of Kingdom Nations

The Gathering of True Monarchs for Peace and Restoration. The Peace Assembly of Kingdom Nations. Official Page

The Federation of First Sovereign Nations & Indigenous Tribes

Based on the Development World Bank of Founder Mr. Bian S. Mason. Official Website

The Council of Celebrities - COC

Education & Celebration in the Context of Celebrities' participation through the System of the Marine Foundation. Official Page


Transfer of Technologies & Medical

Health Distribution Agency - HDA

Marine Foundation's health distribution program worldwide up to the 241 nations/regions of the world. Official Page

Maritime Development Agency - MDA

Connecting Marine Technology to the World. Official Page

Children Hospital & Resort - MCHR

International Children Hospital and Resort based on the Concept of Dr. Professor Undra Semjidsuren. Official Page

Japan Africa Partnership Initiatives Agency - JAPIA

"Japan-Africa" "Public-Private" Partnership Special Initiatives For Economic & Educational Developments. Official Page

Slow Moving Water Technology - WATEROTOR

Bringing Electricity to the Entire World, Mr. Ferguson is the Founder and Proud Owner of the Marvelous Organization, which has recently become a Marine Foundation via its Co-Chairman Mr. Brian S. Mason, Founder of the First Development World Bank. Official Page


Mass Online & Offline Membership Platforms

Global Citizens Live Association - GCLA

Marine Foundation initiates the Global Citizen Live Association – GCLA – to assemble a movement for those who adhere to the practice of total respect for human life, one another, and the earth's environment. Official Page


Geographical Education & Corporate Membership. International Chamber of Commerce Online. Official Page

Marine International Communication Centers - MICC

The Global Communication Center serves as Physical Places of Social and Educational Gatherings of the GCLA membership. Official Page

International Women Club - IWC

The International Women Club is a worldwide "Women Oriented" platform with a mission to become an audience of support for the Marine Foundation concerning women empowerment and the Protection of Children worldwide. Official Page


Mass Multimedia & Diplomacy

Marine Correspondent & Media Club - MCMC

The Exact Replica of the Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan. This is the media base of the Marine Foundation throughout the world. Official page

Marine Embassy Resorts - MER

Starting with Africa, the development and settlement of the most Charismatic and Unique Diplomatic  Hotel Chain Ever Conceived, Under the Ruling of the United Five Ocean. MER is the Home of MCMC and the Headquarters of the World Naval Federation. Official Page


Financial Platforms

First Development World Bank - DWB

Conceived, Founded, Created, and Owned by Brian S. Mason, the DWB is also set to reunite all the Natives' First Sovereign Nations of the World. It is a Total Reform of "Wealth Distribution" Through the Full Fledged Development Platform of the Marine Foundation, which in the Great Part, will use the DWB's financial wisdom to the creation of the most ambitious projects on the planet. Official Page


Entertainment & Tourism

World Peace Orchestra - WPO

If you want to feel the love, listen to the music while looking at someone's eyes, but if you're going to see what it sounds like in action, engage your world to celebrate at all times. Classic Division, Jazz Division, and Modern Division. Official Page

Maritime Tourism Agency - MTA

What's Good for One is Good for A Million. Official Page

Sea of Dreams - SOD

The Initiation of Women of the Marine Foundation for all Children at Large. First Chapter at Aruba Caribbean Island. Official Page

Freddy's Magical Toy & Design Factory

Creation of ART objects and Brand Material by African Artist Freddy Mongo Wenako. Also, the cooperation with Jospin - Renown African Artist. Official Page


Corporate Responsibility & Governance, and Sponsors Groups

The Green Certificate

Corporate Certification in Leadership, Integrity, and Inspiration. The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Worldwide. Official Page

Sponsors Sisters Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. Official Page

Sponsors Partners Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

Sponsors Affiliates Association

The Restructuring of Corporate Governance Throughout Business Industries and Organizational Management throughout the world. Official Page

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